Whats up with cagers from Texas?

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A Bulls work is never done!
Jan 18, 2008
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Newer Mexico
WTF. Help me understand why they won't move out of the left lane. They seem to be on cruise control at the given speed limt, next to another car or truck,but think the own the left lane, while backing up traffic? We call them "rolling road blocks". <_< Is it state law to run in the left lane in Texas? They piss me off and make it very dangerous as other cars cut in front of them trying to make a point, but it doesn't seem to effect them. :assassin:

I notice many other states I have driven the people actually obey the speed limit, and their law enforcement is serious about enforcing it. Even in Cali many obey the speed limit, but it seems like SoCal has a speed warp, if you aren't doing 10-15mph over the speed limit, you're going to get run over. Just sayin'

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WTF. Help me understand why they won't move out of the left lane. They seem to be on cruise control ...
Most people on the U.S. highways, today, don't have clue about driving skills (poor-to-non-existant training & skills testing) so they opt-out of driving the vehicle and let the electronic cruise control module do it for them.

Until there are 'keep right except to pass' laws & enforcement (discussed in another, recent, thread) we'll all probably have to suffer with drivers who prefer not to drive?

WTF. Help me understand why they won't move out of the left lane. They seem to be on cruise control ...
Most people on the U.S. highways, today, don't have clue about driving skills (poor-to-non-existant training & skills testing) so they opt-out of driving the vehicle and let the electronic cruise control module do it for them.

Until there are 'keep right except to pass' laws & enforcement (discussed in another, recent, thread) we'll all probably have to suffer with drivers who prefer not to drive?
That is exactly it. Law enforcement in Texas is only concerned with speed enforcement on the freeways. In Austin, motor cops have been ordered out of school zones to write speeding tickets on freeways. Tailgating, failure to signal a lane change, passing on the right or impeding traffic are just novel enforcement concepts here. I guess it is just easier to get a conviction on since they have "indisputable proof". I'd love a program designed to eliminate 25% of the drivers on the road as a result of license revocation. I'll bet manners and driving ability would improve overnight.

Yeah, I love to lead a parade. Get out in fast lane with the big dodge duallie and 10 foot camper towing a loaded 16 foot enclosed trailer. Set the cruise for 52 and watch them stack up behind. Ahh, that's the best! Just sayin' I mean, really, why be in a hurry all the time, here let me help you slow down.. :rofl:

I don't think Texans are any more or less lousy than drivers from other states, there are just more Texans so you are more likely to see a car with Texas plates. Texas has 24 million residents, 2nd only to California. Many, if not most, Texans are from somewhere else, so they didn't learn their driving habits here.

You can tell the folks that learned how to drive in Houston because they are on the sidewalks :)

- JimY

In Georgia there are signs that say "slower traffic keep right". Not sure if it's a law or not. BUT...we still get the A-hole that drives in the left lane at or below speed limit with his/her left blinker and bright lights on while argueing with their SO on the cell phone. You just want to ram them into the divider wall to end their misery...J/K :clapping: :yahoo:

A friend of mine, a native Texan, figures that most of the folks here learned to drive in the local Wal-Mart parking lot, taught by their Uncle Jeb or such. Then factor in the thousands of miles of two lane roads in East and West Texas where there is no "keep right" and these folks just don't have a clue that they are doing anything wrong. It's too bad. Seems to make sense. Hyw 59 up thru Cleveland has "keep right"signs and so does I-10 west of San Antonio

Here in Nawlins', you're in peril using turn signals sometimes...just warns the other driver where you want to go and gives them just the ammunition to effectively cut you off from getting there

I understand and agree with the complaint. But let me say that I travel to TX frequently, and many times I'm on their 2 lane state roads. Only in Texas, I believe in my experience, can I come up on a commercial vehicle going the speed limit or slower, and they will pull right into the emergency lane to let me go by. Now that's impressively cool.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

It's an oft-ignored law in TX to drive on the right except when passing and I've never heard of it being enforced.

I have noticed that a higher percentage of Texas highway drivers are better about moving on over into the right lane when you come up on them than in other areas of the country. Sometimes you may have to flash your lights. The jerks that won't budge for nothin' and stay right beside another vehicle tend to be the exception to the rule.

Texas also has a much higher % of drivers who will move over onto the improved shoulder of a two-lane rural road to let you pass. Most don't even wait until you blink your brights at them. I've hardly ever encountered that in another part of the country.

Having driven in cities like Boston, Pittsburgh, Miami, DC, New York, LA, SF, San Diego and in most states, I'll take Texas drivers any day. The girls are prettier here too. :yahoo:

I'll take Texas drivers any day. The girls are prettier here too. :yahoo:
You're right about that last part.... :)

Here in Nawlins', you're in peril using turn signals sometimes...just warns the other driver where you want to go and gives them just the ammunition to effectively cut you off from getting there
On one of my early m/c trips to New Orleans I was amazed at some of the traffic maneuvers I witnessed -- I asked a local, "What's the deal?" He said, "Anything goes as long as you don't run over grandma..." :unsure:

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WTF. Help me understand why they won't move out of the left lane. They seem to be on cruise control at the given speed limt, next to another car or truck,but think the own the left lane, while backing up traffic? We call them "rolling road blocks". <_< Is it state law to run in the left lane in Texas? They piss me off and make it very dangerous as other cars cut in front of them trying to make a point, but it doesn't seem to effect them. :assassin:
Naw, they're "left lane pace cars"! We have them in NC too.........but then we also have NASCAR.

A couple of years ago I took a mc course taught by the NC Highway Patrol and during the course asked the assembled officers how many of them had ever issued a citation for this offense? (After all it is a regulatory sign and therefore must be obeyed) The answer was not a single one of them had ever issued a citation for this offense. Looks like to me that we have an unenforcable law, though it's well intentioned and would relieve some of the congestion if enforced.

In my opinion we not only have a very poor excuse for drivers education, we assume that after you get your license you no longer need any additional driving education, unless you get a speeding ticket. It's no wonder we kill 40,000+ a year on the highways.

Yeah, I love to lead a parade. Get out in fast lane with the big dodge duallie and 10 foot camper towing a loaded 16 foot enclosed trailer. Set the cruise for 52 and watch them stack up behind. Ahh, that's the best! Just sayin' I mean, really, why be in a hurry all the time, here let me help you slow down.. :rofl:

DC, to make the parade work effectively, you need a buddy to take the right lane at the same speed, and keep you company.

In Georgia there are signs that say "slower traffic keep right".
same in TX. they just find that enforcing speed with a radar gun is easier to prosecute, so they can cycle more cases per hour through for more cash per manhour invested than any sort of citation that takes reason and logic to describe and prosecute.

Only in Texas, I believe in my experience, can I come up on a commercial vehicle going the speed limit or slower, and they will pull right into the emergency lane to let me go by. Now that's impressively cool.
that's actually in the statutes. go to the TX DOT site and search for "developed shoulder" and it clearly describes moving onto a developed shoulder to let other traffic past. it also discusses using the developed shoulder to go around a car that is blocking a single lane while waiting to make a left turn. both are not just courtesies; they're the law.

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WTF. Help me understand why they won't move out of the left lane. They seem to be on cruise control at the given speed limt, next to another car or truck,but think the own the left lane, while backing up traffic? We call them "rolling road blocks". <_< Is it state law to run in the left lane in Texas? They piss me off and make it very dangerous as other cars cut in front of them trying to make a point, but it doesn't seem to effect them. :assassin:
They only drive that way to piss off people from New Mexico. When you are in a state where there are actual people and traffic it happens.

You have two choices, either signal to move right and pass them, or

Get up under 'em, take the wind off their rear, and put their ass into the wall.

Your choice.

When in Texas drive like Texans. When in New Mexico, drive like a drunk.

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WTF. Help me understand why they won't move out of the left lane. They seem to be on cruise control at the given speed limt, next to another car or truck,but think the own the left lane, while backing up traffic? We call them "rolling road blocks". <_< Is it state law to run in the left lane in Texas? They piss me off and make it very dangerous as other cars cut in front of them trying to make a point, but it doesn't seem to effect them. :assassin:
NMRR ,,,, you miss spelled the state ,,,it's OHIO .... and you are right they have NO F%^&$# clue how to get the hell out of the left lane... :angry2:

A couple years ago I was cruising thru NM ,,, God I loved it ,,, EVERYBODY would get out of the left lane ,, even if they saw you

coming from a mile away ,, yes it is the land of enchantment,,, :clapping:

I have found over my 8+ years here in this ummm...state, is that the attitude here is "if you don't like what i'm doing, go the hell around." No one moves over for anyone, especially in the metros where there are multiple lanes to choose from. They don't care about what is polite and they don't pay attention to what is going on around them. It's been very hard to get used to and has caused some high blood pressure many many times for me. We have a lot of road rage in DFW and I blame a significant portion of it on this issue. People just don't care about their fellow human beings anymore when they get behind the wheel and it's pretty fricken sad. It's all a race to everyone and ego gets in the way way too often.

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Texas also has a much higher % of drivers who will move over onto the improved shoulder of a two-lane rural road to let you pass. Most don't even wait until you blink your brights at them. I've hardly ever encountered that in another part of the country.
The girls are prettier here too. :yahoo:
Absolutely on both counts. Higher %, as in I have never seen it elsewhere.

Anf fjrchik, in our home state, the left lane drivers have an attitude about their right to be there, because, by gosh, they're driving the speed limit! If they are doing that, everyone should be doing that! Good place to be from...

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