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:rofl: Radman, you are a baaaad influence on me.

IM(not so)HO it sounds like someone is trying to paint himself into a corner.

jjsC6, did you bother to find your original post and read the pertinent previous posts regarding "oil:the tick" before getting upset about your post being moved to that heading?


"And about the "customer" comment. Perhaps you'd like to explain to me how it is that we are not the customers."


It seems to me that by a broad definition, we are customers, but only in the sense that my company uses the term "customer" to refer to anyone we do business with--internal or external. To me its more a 21st century semantic buzz-word game. My Webster's defines: Customer n. a person who buys, esp. one who buys regularly. By this definition, I would think that those of us who utilize this forum are more likely guests, consumers or users.


Have you forgotten Slappy's guide to all of us while responding to you on Aug. 1st?

"As an FYI to all users.

"If you suspect a post may have been moved, or deleted, and can't find it>

"Go to My Assistant at the top right, and then click on "My last 10 posts." If it's been more than 10 posts, you can go to your profile page (by clicking on your name in just about any thead) and find all posts by user or find all threads started by user. This way you can see for yourself where something may have gone without going all paranoid conspiracy theorist right off the bat."

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Wow, talk about an arrogant and condacending reply. This takes the cake. Treat me like an idiot on a public forum and I have a nasty habit of striking back. Totally uncalled for reply, and unfortunately somewhat typical of this forum.
And about the "customer" comment. Perhaps you'd like to explain to me how it is that we are not the customers. The fact that we don't spend money is not a reason. Whoever created this forum created if for a reason. Without us, there is no forum, and he is therefore a failure. Look at companies like GM and Ford who seem to have a real problem listening to what is important to their customers.

As to your comments about me needing to learn to use the forum. I had no idea that I needed to "learn" that a question about oil had some place to go other than the "technical" section. Why would I even suspect that to begin with?

I will repeat what I have said in other posts. I don't expect this forum to change for me if my views are not the norm. But I do expect to be treated with some degree of respect - especially given that none of my comments (up until now) have been aimed at anyone nor have they meant to be any kind of insult to anyone.
Condacending, yes. Arrogant, no. Treat you like an idiot? Show me you deserve better.

I try to help you use the board better. You ignore me. It's not the first time, as madmike2 points out.

You're not a customer because you are not involved in a commercial transaction. The forum's only customers are the sponsors who give us money for advertising rights.

I'm the one who created the forum. The reason was to make information available to people, which is what I'm doing here. Without you, I'm sure there'd still be plenty of others to keep the forum afloat.

Press your luck and we'll find out for sure.

And just in case you can't read between the lines... I'm the NICE moderator. I'm the one who offers help to people and usually stays on the nice side. I tried that with your thick skull with no results, so I'm now trying something a little more basic. If this doesn't work, then you're not worth the effort and we're better off without you. Get a clue, and don't bring that attitude around here any more.

Oil Schmoil...What octane tire do you use? I tie down my bike using the mirrors. Anyone else. I tried 200 grit sandpaper to remove water spots. Worked good. My reverse gear doesn't work...why?

Yeah...I'm a dick.

Wow, talk about an arrogant and condacending reply. This takes the cake. Treat me like an idiot on a public forum and I have a nasty habit of striking back. Totally uncalled for reply, and unfortunately somewhat typical of this forum.
studying on how to win friends and get plonked, eh? Might I suggest you try that on the other us fjr forum and toss in a link to this forum. See how long that lasts.

Without us, there is no forum, and he is therefore a failure.
correction: without us there is no forum. without you there is less whining.

As to your comments about me needing to learn to use the forum. I had no idea that I needed to "learn" that a question about oil had some place to go other than the "technical" section. Why would I even suspect that to begin with?
and you may never learn since it's been explained in such painful detail that most instructors would tell you to get a private tutor on your own time so that the rest of the class can move on with the subject matter.

I will repeat what I have said in other posts. I don't expect this forum to change for me if my views are not the norm. But I do expect to be treated with some degree of respect - especially given that none of my comments (up until now) have been aimed at anyone nor have they meant to be any kind of insult to anyone.
they've ALL been aimed. check the "tone" of each one of them, the choice of words. there's no doubt that everyone except for you has received your message a certain way. if that wasn't your intent, than it might be adviseable to go back and review what it is you've posted and how it was presented to see if it helps clue you in.

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Wow, talk about an arrogant and condacending reply. This takes the cake. Treat me like an idiot on a public forum and I have a nasty habit of striking back. Totally uncalled for reply, and unfortunately somewhat typical of this forum.
I'm not usually very good at predicting the future, unless future is defined as the next 10 seconds, and the prediction has to do with whether or not an SUV is right around the corner, in my lane, coming at me. In those cases, I'm bang on (no pun).

Right now, I'm looking for five bucks, cash, and I'll predict the future.

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I posted a thread this moring about what oil to use. I even tried the "search" function. Oil has three letters. The search function requires four.
My thread got moved with no indication to me of where it got moved. After much searching, I discovered there is a section for threads that the moderators/owners have deemed to deserve some kind of second class status on the forum, apparently because they are topics that get asked by a lot of new members. Gee, shouldn't that be an indication that they are subjects that are important to people, and that they should be treated with the respect of being put in a section that a new member might logically look in?

I'm sorry, but this forum is not big enough that it requires the comlexity of all of the sections (one for technical, one for technical/mechanical problems - what's that about?

I fear that this thread will not be well received by the moderators, for which I apologize. But isn't that the main purpose of a forum - to exchange ideas. Perhaps the moderators could let this thread run a few days and see what the customers think is the proper way to handle such threads as my oil thread.
Fortunately for you I am NOT a moderator.

Quit your crying, it really makes you sound immature. Your thread got moved?? Oh no, a travesty against mankind hath been cast upon thee. Are you ******* kidding me? Threads get moved all the time. You know why? To keep this place of information organized for the many members that rely on it and perform searches. They tend to prefer information neatly organized in categorized threads rather than strewn about. I guess you are one of them shoot first, ask questions later kind of users, eh?

If you apologize in advance for writing a steaming pile of ****, then don't write it - your apology is not genuine.

To your comment that this forum is not big enough: You couldn't be more wrong. Go away, we'll prove it.


What is wrong with this forum?

Too many asshats can find it.


I need a new section, call it "All the threads that interest Rogue and no other threads" and snap to it! Chop Chop! Comprende'?

What really surprises me is that jjcs6 has been a member for 9 months, has posted 342 posts to the forum, & has never read the front page, the FAQ, the forum rules, doesn't know about any of the features the forum has, etc etc...

That's it folks, we have to adapt to him...

Rule #6: 6. Those who are easily offended should proceed with caution. Posts in this forum may or may not contain adult language/themes. No whiney-gash crying about them allowed. Deal with it.

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Well, ladies and gentlemen, is it time.....? Ok,.....CALL THE WAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMBULANCE!! PM. <>< :clapping:

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Wow, talk about an arrogant and condacending reply. This takes the cake. Treat me like an idiot on a public forum and I have a nasty habit of striking back. Totally uncalled for reply, and unfortunately somewhat typical of this forum.

And about the "customer" comment. Perhaps you'd like to explain to me how it is that we are not the customers. The fact that we don't spend money is not a reason. Whoever created this forum created if for a reason. Without us, there is no forum, and he is therefore a failure. Look at companies like GM and Ford who seem to have a real problem listening to what is important to their customers.

As to your comments about me needing to learn to use the forum. I had no idea that I needed to "learn" that a question about oil had some place to go other than the "technical" section. Why would I even suspect that to begin with?

I will repeat what I have said in other posts. I don't expect this forum to change for me if my views are not the norm. But I do expect to be treated with some degree of respect - especially given that none of my comments (up until now) have been aimed at anyone nor have they meant to be any kind of insult to anyone.


You are right on about the arrogancy and condescending issue.

While I have only been a member at this site for about 1 year however I visit this site just about everyday.

More and more lately I see quite a bit of hypocracy within this forum.

I am not posting this response because I have some bone to pick with the admin or the mods, although I openly admit I was called to task on something that I felt was a bit silly....but that is fine, I consider the matter water under the bridge.

I also understand what it is like to be a moderator, even more so them most of you admin.

I think it was mentioned that this site has about 2500 members.....that is good.

Our investment site has over 195,000 members (worldwide) that we have to oversee.

I am not saying that to brag but as a matter of fact.......we didn't get that many members by being arrogant but to the contrary. Some of our members post very few times but when they do post there is a wealth of information one can learn..........we literally have millionaires giving FREE advice to fellow members every day. We also talk about things in a separate section outside of investments....such as bikes, sports, politices, religion...........and you know what...........we are all grown up and can do so with respect.

If a member does get disrespect toward another member then we let them know privately and we subsequently delete that particular post without calling them on the carpet in front of other members.

If they continue to act disrepectful then yes, we to will put them in our virtual jail.

Let me also say as moderators at our site we have rules as well........rules that are posted respectfully without referring to people as "fucktards, asshats, *********, etc". I am not thin skinned by far, I have been around foul language from being in the military, law enforcement as well as dealing with construction workers all day.....with that said, its pretty sad that I have to becareful about what my children see on a website in which I visit out of a love for a ceratin hobby.......they like the FJR too.

Anyway, back to the rules........yes, they do bring order to things.....or at least they should.

But they should also be applied to all equally...........this is something that is not done here hence you

get people that have valid questions but are unfortunately treated with disrespect. I have seen older members (with lots of posts behind their names) often break the rules without a word being said.

This in itself sends leads will and has lead to problems between members themselves as well as admin.

Sometimes a rule(s) can get in the way of progress........at which time they should be revisited and discussed by the admin and if necessary its members. IMO, as a member here, you are treated as second class person......at least it comes off that way when you read the rules here. Clearly the way they are posted gives validity to your arroangancy comment.

Let us look at the WAY they are posted from an objective stand point.....(I am not debating the rules themselves)

3. No politically-correct fucktards. (other then the vulgarity....what is political correctness and who decides it)

4. No ass-clowns in general. (maybe I am older but I take it this means smartalicks.....???...there is a bunch here)

5. No personal attacks. However, when some ****** desperately needs it for violating Rules 1-4, group dog-piles are perfectly acceptable. (Warchild addressed this earlier this year when he tried to talk a member out of leaving the forum.............hello, admins.....there is a clue here....

You can not treat people with disrespect without them either a) telling you where to stick it at which time you will kick them out or thrown them in fjr jail, or B) they will leave or c) they will not participate in the forum but be relagated to staying on the side lines...........this is what is going on right now.)

6. Those who are easily offended should proceed with caution. Posts in this forum may or may not contain adult language/themes. No whiney-gash crying about them allowed. Deal with it.

(Arrogancy at its highest form..........in other words.......piss on you people if you dont like what we have to say. A forum in iteself means a place in which ideas and conversation is FREELY taken place.

2500 members is different then 2500 ACTIVE members.........right now we have about maybe 50 - 100 people that are truly participating on this forum.........the others are truly on the side line.)

7. Always remember that you are a GUEST in our virtual house. The Admins are your hosts. When you are a guest in someone''s house, don''t piss off the hosts. If you do, you''ll find your dumb ass on the sidelines, participating in a "read-only" mode for a period of 7 days. Repeat offenders fall under Rule #4, and will be booted permanently. If you try to re-register under another name after you have sent to the corner for a timeout, you are definitely toast.

These Guidelines may be periodically updated as needed. Refer to them periodically to determine if you can still handle the load.

Last Updated: 19 Dec 05

(This one gets me................I dont know how you treat your guest, but if you come to my house then I treat you with honor. You get the best chair, the best slice of steak, the last piece of pie.....and you get it without reservation. Such respect will foster even greater respect in return and even better....it will kindle a friendship........Lord knows we all need that in this day in time)

Referring to people as ********* when they make a mistake and worse treating them like only shows ones immaturity and level of intelligence.

JJ, my advice to you is not get down about some of the things said or done around here.......I myself have contemplated leaving this site however I do think there are some wonderful people on this site that are here for some the same reasons I came here for..........to find others that enjoy a hobby I love and in particular to freely converse about a bike that we have all made great investments in.

I do hope that the powers that be on this site take a step back and truly re-evaluate what their goal for this site is and if they are getting there in a manner which is beneficial to all. Obviously warchild consciously or subconsciously made reference to this in his addressing other admins.

One of the things that we mods have done in order to make our investment site better is simply have a section in which its members can freely make suggestions without having to worry about some heavy handed admin coming down on them. While I consider myself very knowledgeable my business, I know there are other ways to do business and often better ways to conduct business........I would be foolish to blow people off without considering what they have to say.

We also have a private section in which we mods talk about various issues, the directions in which the site is going and to get feedback about our individual view on certain members. There have been times that I have viewed certain members of our investment site with distrust or disregard only to find out there was more to the story then I knew. Several of these members I now confide in on business deals........where as before I would not give them the time of day.

In closing, let me say to you admins......I do not know any of you personally,.......I have no personal animosity toward any of you.......I suspect that if I met many of you in person that we could honestly have an enjoyable dinner..............but really, as JJ said, some of you come off arrogant and condescending.

I really do know that being an admin / mod can be very trying, tiresome at times, seems ungratifying or feel that you are unappreciated............you know what.......that's all true, but you also need to recognize that because of such emotions it can be easy to come across harsh and unfair to fellow members.......I have been there, I was glad to finally get my bike and take a break from moderating myself.

I sincerely hope this forum gets better but you admins have to realize that it does not start with the members, it starts with you admins and how you decide to run this forum and if you do want it to grow in a manner in which more of its members can freely feel to participate without getting "dog piled" or talked down to. If not then you mind as well call this the FJR Blog where only a few can voice their opinions without feeling the retribution.



if there are any typos then sorry, this is the second time I tried to post this.


There's some interesting stuff in that long piece. Some stuff I've thought about and going to continue to think about. Truly.

Several jump out at me after an hour of contemplation and response drafting.

If a member does get disrespect toward another member then we let them know privately and we subsequently delete that particular post without calling them on the carpet in front of other members.
We don't censor around here. We do take people aside privately on matters that violate the guidelines (i.e. politics and religion) and don't make a big fuss about it publicly. We leave the post alone, and close threads occasionally when the overall conversation drifts into netherland.

We also don't censor when somebody starts taking personal shots at us--like JJ has we're not about to delete that thread. Our distates for censorship is a reason why this forum exists and a huge reason a bunch of folks bailed on FJR Owners Assocation. You want to have your postings suppressed? Try going over to the other board and post a link to this forum my friend. Heir Newman will eat your lunch.

We don't suppress board operation opinions around here....just like we won't toast this thread.

But, just as we don't suppress other opinions we're going to speak up when we see something we disagree with.

Anyway, back to the rules........yes, they do bring order to things.....or at least they should.But they should also be applied to all equally.
I agree with this principal. I really am sincere when I say I don't know what circumstance you're talking about. Can you be more specific?

IMO, as a member here, you are treated as second class person......at least it comes off that way when you read the rules here. Clearly the way they are posted gives validity to your arroangancy comment.
Please don't confuse style with intent. As unorthodox as they may appear to you they have worked pretty well the past 15 months. They're blunt and direct and I hope you don't dwell on #7 too much. Using the tavern analogy it's intended for the metaphorical beligerent drunks as a last resort. To date, it's only happened to one person. Try searching on Downn2/Downn2(old) if you want to get a sense of how much of an ******* that guy was.

A forum in iteself means a place in which ideas and conversation is FREELY taken place.
It isn't free here? Hmm. I don't get that. I see lots of personal expression and I see lots of debate. I see some learning going on too.

#7. (This one gets me................I dont know how you treat your guest, but if you come to my house then I treat you with honor. You get the best chair, the best slice of steak, the last piece of pie.....and you get it without reservation. Such respect will foster even greater respect in return and even better....it will kindle a friendship........Lord knows we all need that in this day in time)
Yeah this one get's me too. We have a fundamental clash of opinion here.

It isn't like your house.

It's like a tavern.

One of the things that we mods have done in order to make our investment site better is simply have a section in which its members can freely make suggestions without having to worry about some heavy handed admin coming down on them.
....If not then you mind as well call this the FJR Blog where only a few can voice their opinions without feeling the retribution.
Seems a part of that has been covered here and ideas are being freely expressed. How to run the board isn't divisive like politics and religion are. Whether the board is 2500, 50, or more likely on the order of hundred of regularly posting and monitoring members we're going to consider changes that have broad appeal.

In closing, let me say to you admins......I do not know any of you personally,.......I have no personal animosity toward any of you.......I suspect that if I met many of you in person that we could honestly have an enjoyable dinner..............but really, as JJ said, some of you come off arrogant and condescending.
I'm sorry if you feel that way. I'm not intending it. I will always speak my mind and try and share my true intent. I'm here to talk about FJRs.

I do hope that the powers that be on this site take a step back and truly re-evaluate what their goal for this site is and if they are getting there in a manner which is beneficial to all. Obviously warchild consciously or subconsciously made reference to this in his addressing other admins.
This is the one that actually made me chuckle a little. Warchild wrote the core guidelines many months ago distilling what was, at that time, the path forward of a forum that was increasingly innundated with devisive religion and politics at the expense of FJR conversation. Too much noise drowning out the signal.

Finally, the goal of this site remains vividly clear and continue making the community grow as the premiere FJR forum. From the Forum Guidelines often quoted here:

This forum is to discuss the Yamaha FJR1300 and the issues surrounding the FJR1300 community.
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Geeze-Louise! I can't believe I am actually just on the sidelines on this one.
jjsC6 - My advice is to let this one go. You seem to be stuck on something that is obviously drawing the ire of management. Whether you meant to or not is irrelevant. The fact is, you keep pushing the wrong buttons. As was posted above, this is not the first time this kind of stuff has come up with you, specifically. Perhaps you should take a deep breath, let the anger subside, and ponder this for a while.
Skooter, I have no problem letting it go. I'm not stuck on anything, nor is there any anger on my part. Look at the posts I've responded to. That's all I have done is respond to them. I think I'm the calmest person on this thread. I've simply offered my thoughts on the subject.

Frankly, I find it amazing that some other members are chastising me because they think I'm an idiot because I didn't know that the Technical section is not the place for an oil thread. If I'm pushing peoples buttons, then maybe they are being a bit over sensitive. I would think they would simply reply to me by saying hey - we understand how you made the mistake - it's a common mistake and we appologize for your inconvenience.

Go back and look at Ignacios comment that I took "personal shots" at the admins. Really? Please quote me where I took any personal shots. I think you will find that to be wrong.

What really surprises me is that jjcs6 has been a member for 9 months, has posted 342 posts to the forum, & has never read the front page, the FAQ, the forum rules, doesn't know about any of the features the forum has, etc etc...
That's it folks, we have to adapt to him...

Rule #6: 6. Those who are easily offended should proceed with caution. Posts in this forum may or may not contain adult language/themes. No whiney-gash crying about them allowed. Deal with it.
I'm not easily offended at all. Yet you have managed to do so. Congratulations.

In fact, go back and read my first post on this thread (I just did). The entire point of my post is contained in the last sentence where I asked to let this thread run to see what other members think is right. Now, does that really sound like I'm expecting this forum to conform to me? No, I think my point was the forum should listen to ALL members and then make a decision.

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There may be some valid points from JJ and NC_Yank, but in the end, what is JJ asking.

I read all of this and other threads about this whole issue.

JJ wants the forum laid out to his specific needs ??????

He has been a member since the beginning of the year and has not figured out NEPRT, "the great oil debate", and relocating threads ??

Not trying to slam JJ, but the forum is laid out very well to accomodate the majority. What other way would you lay it out ??

Also, if you want to follow your own threads, click on "My Assistant" at the top....and go from there, I'm not explaining the rest.

Don't sweat the small stuff, and remember you are on the internet. I am really a hippopotamus that can type and ride.

Thank you for the respectful response Ignacio,

I must admit that I did not expect my long response to go very well....however I am glad that you

were the one to respond first. The reason being that there are some members (non admin) that will

subconsciously take cue in jumping on a bandwagon or getting in a fight they have no part of.

This is evident by personal comments / attacks made directly to JJ by other in which they would have done well to stay out of it.

I was careful not to address JJ's disagreement with the board, he can speak for himself, however I did feel the need to respond to his observations. I do like the FJR forum otherwise I would not have found myself up at

3am trying to carefully pick my words in order to get the right intent / meaning across.........sorry if I got long winded but I do respect you for taking my words into consideration.

I am not up on what the previous forum split was about.........I liken it to church splitting.....(which is a sensitive topic with me since we just went through that mess).......it often is a result of lack of communication or worse, refusal of one party (usually the prevailing powers) to listen to its members. As I said earlier, people will usually take 3 courses of actions........attack, sit quitely or leave. I really would hate to see that happpen here.

In regards to be more specific about applying rules evenly, I will address that privately to you later this evening (have a soccer game I have to attend in a little bit) using sample post of other members, especially older members non admin.

I understand style........how I write here is different on how I may write articles on the other forum.

Evidently, not to beat a dead horse, my style got me in trouble since I used a christian theme in one of my previous post. Once I realized you all were upset about it, I went back and deleted those references.

I am not here to prozeltize (sorry no spell checker) but our style is often based upon things that are dear to us. Let me hit one of your other points since we are close to this topic as well......politics and religion are not devisive of their own......its people that make them devisive. I am a christian, but just because I am a christian does not mean I can not listen to other beliefs.......one can be a fundamentalist in my their walk without cutting people down. Politics is what it is.......there is politics in all walks of live including this forum.

Politics and religion do not divide.......people divide and they will use any topic or pet peeve to achieve that result...........we all know there are people who just naturally cause strife and division around them.....not knew under the sun here........it is those people we should call to task, not the topic they use to bring such division.

Let me be clear about the condescending / arrogancy point.........trust me, I was not pointing at you or any other admin in particular.......like I said, I do not know any of you personally, however it does exist on this forum and it should be looked at. It can exist in a collective nature. MotorSwatCop may understand what I am about to say but let me use law enforcement as an example. As a former officer I support the job they do......it's tough, but I also know from past experience that because of its nature you can look down on people........I did to the point it was effecting my marriage as well as othe relationships.

I found myself in the same mind set awhile back when I helped moderate a large forum.

I got tired of the "same stupid" post and questions...........I came across abrasive and it was effecting other

members. While some of their accusation toward me were baseless....what they were correct about was my attitude. While I still moderate over there, I have taken a reprieve.........that is were the FJR came to may rescue if you will.

I see the funny side too now about Warchild writting them but my statement still holds.......at least on the subconscious level.

I can see tavern style in his writing but I think you can see my point.....their may be a need to re-evaluate that one.......it seems his style was also reflective about the other forum split or issues.

Let me also say in regards to a tavern....I dont drink but I have had to be in them on law enforcement issues and I have also been in european taverns if youwill in which the atmosphere is totally different then ones here in america. I do not feel comfortable in ones in america......yet I feel at home in the ones I have been to in europe...........it was not the alcohol issue but the atmosphere. No different here.

I am not a prude, I can appreciate the NWS section and the jokes.....but their are places for it.....sometimes it bleeds over into the "public" side of the forum. There are things I may discuss with adults that I dont discuss with my kids.....there is a time and place for everything.

Anyway, it will be kickoff time at my sons game and I need to hop on my FJR and get there too watch it.

I do appreciate you and those who do reflect on the views of others.

In the mean time, I hope the weekend holds good wx for my fellow mc riders and becareful out there.



You are right on about the arrogancy and condescending issue.

While I have only been... about 1 year... within this forum... I felt... a bit silly... that is good... but as a matter of fact... millionaires... talk about things... such as... d... i... l... d... o... s... "fucktards, asshats, *********, etc"...

I have been around... I... like... back... things... done... hence... older members... often break...

This in itself... has lead to problems... at least it comes off... when some ****** desperately needs it...

group... s are... acceptable...

eat people... or... they will... will not... piss on... you...
[snip] - I couldn't take the depravity any more.


...the horror...

BTW: I fixed your original quote error for you out of respect. Luv ya, bro! Peace out!

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You need to go ride your bike instead of helping edit one of my post at 12:30 in the afternoon. :p

If it were not for all this paper work on my desk that has to be finished by this evening, I would be outside. :(

Of course this forum doesn't help my workload.......I find myself tooling around here, especially in the

images and ride sections of the forum. I see one of Stef's videos and I get depressed cause I am not out riding.........then I end up day dreaming when I should be working. :dribble:


Bounce, You need to go ride your bike instead of helping edit one of my post at 12:30 in the afternoon. :p
I can't disagree with you there. With 0/32nds on the rear tire, the bike's been parked while I've been trying to find a set of Pilot Roads to put on the bike. I found a rear nearby but I just found the front this afternoon (across town).

I had the current Avon's mounted by a shop who thinks that "Torque" is the name of a trained gorilla they keep in their shop. Even my impact wrench couldn't break it loose[1]. Finally had to go pick up a 3' section of 3/4" black pipe to use as a cheater bar. A little gentle[2] persuasion and the front axle broke loose like a champ[3].

I'm off to get it mounted to the rim that I pulled this AM. (--update-- they got it balanced with ZERO weights!)

Think I'll swap the brake pads out "while I'm there"[4].

[1] Yes I remembered to remove the front axle pinch bolt.

[2] Gentle being the key word.

[3] No it didn't take the threads out of the lower fork legs in the process.

[4] The reason none of my projects is as quickly finished as they should be.

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After reading this entire thread, carefully considering the perspective of each individual as it relates to their lives and keeping in mind the transgressions they may have experienced in their youth, while not discounting man's inhumanity to man, I must say I have arrived at a logical conclusion to describe said thread, based upon the aforementioned:


Whew! Oh, yea! ..that's the ticket...I feel all better now!

Just for you, Warchild... :D

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