Wheelies - Do you?

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Since you were in controlled airspace, wasn't an IFR clearance involved? Special VFR? Don't worry, can't see the tail # so you're probably safe. :rolleyes:
please note, it was at DFW. they don't concern themselves with little things like loss of separation, etc. ;)

When I first got the FJR I wanted to see what a wheelie was like. I was 360 pounds at the time. Got it into second at @5K RPM and pulled up on the bars as I gave her throttle and the front end came up for a while.

But the best ever was an unexpected wheelie at a dead stop shortly after. I was at a rural 4 way STOP sign and a gray-haired lady was to my right. We were doing "the dance" trying to figure out who went first through he intersection. She had right-of-way so I waited and waited, started and she would edge a few inches. I'd stop... you get the idea. I finally let the bike rip as hard as I ever have so I didn't get T-boned. The bike wheelied 2 feet off the deck through the intersection and 10 feet beyond. Great fun, especially the look on her face as I went by.

The last time was after I had my GP suspension front and rear components installed. I cranked the throttle the first time after, and there was no rear end squat. The front end just lifted for a bit and settled back down from a dead stop. My buddy nearly lost it laughing as he watched. I'm easier on the throttle now.

But I haven't done any since on purpose or by mistake, because I've seen too many videos gone bad and I want the front end to last.

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