When your child goes to war...

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I think it says a Hell of a lot about a father and son when the son wants to join the Marines in the middle of a war and his father "lets" him. May God bless your family and keep your son safe.

and thanks
Couldn't say it better, HRZ.

What they said. Our prayers are with both you and him.

We have one getting set to go back for a second round and I feel for you. Russ was in an assault group and we got used to it, but especially at first the families were imagining the worst while the guys and women over there were kept too busy to think. Jeff, even in the worst places our guys really are well-trained, well-equipped, and well backed-up.

What we and he found important were daily emails, weekly sending ANYTHING by post ( some don't arrive so nothing irreplaceable), and constantly keeping them in the decision-making of life back home.


It's enlightening to hear from someone on the other side. I'll never forget saying goodbye to my beautiful wife, 7 year old son and 5 year old daughter not knowing if I'd see them again. And I know there are a fair number of folks here who have had the same experience. I'll tell you without reservation that I absolutely believe that the folks staying at home have it many times rougher than those that leave. My wife and kids are my heros!

If you're looking for folks to write or email your Marine, let me know. I'm sure you'd find no end of willing people.

I want to express a special "Thank you" to your son and the others like him. That's why I live the free life I live.

This is still the greatest country on the face of the earth.

How about an address for this young man? In the past my wife and I have sent upwards of 80 packages to our troops overseas, but as time went on they seemed to slow down, and for this I feel ashamed. Their work and sacrifice have never diminished, and if it's all the same to you I'd like my next package to go out to Jordan, and, hell, let's get one out to Brent, and anyone else who has a child or spouse in that craphole sandbox.

Please PM me with an address if you would. I'm on it! Or post it here for all to share.

Thank them for their service! I'm former Navy, and I miss it every day.

Thanks to my dad, retired Army Colonel

Thanks to my brother, former AF pilot, Capt

Thanks everyone for your good wishes, prayers, and generous offers. The USMC isn't wasting to much time. He called me from an airbase in Iraq yesterday afternoon and was waiting for transport to Ramadi. His attitude is great at this point and he is just trying to deal with the anticipation of his mission. Thanks again for everyones input, it really does help me out alot. You guys are great.

My prayers are with Jordan for a safe return from this mission and others that he may partake in. God bless.

Semper Fi, My friend....


ps if you ever just want to talk Chris give me a call.

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I think it says a Hell of a lot about a father and son when the son wants to join the Marines in the middle of a war and his father "lets" him. May God bless your family and keep your son safe.

and thanks
Couldn't say it better, HRZ.


I want to express a special "Thank you" to your son and the others like him. That's why I live the free life I live.
This is still the greatest country on the face of the earth.

I think it says a Hell of a lot about a father and son when the son wants to join the Marines in the middle of a war and his father "lets" him. May God bless your family and keep your son safe.

and thanks
Couldn't say it better, HRZ.


I want to express a special "Thank you" to your son and the others like him. That's why I live the free life I live.
This is still the greatest country on the face of the earth.
Big PLUS to all the above Axeman. We'll keep you all in our thoughts.

Our son Steve is an ex Marine and I know what we went through when his unit was going to be deployed to Saudi Arabia --- stand down orders issued the "morning of" --------- scary.

Our thanks to all our Servicemen

Rog n Debs

Wish you nothing but the best for you and your son and your family.

Mine was a marine also. When the orders were coming down for his next deployment his buddy that he went in with was sent to Kuwait, And my son had to go to school, he made the next rank

One other thing I watched closely ,he is an only son and only child ,I would not let them send him to war or harms way.

Remember the movie Saving Seargent Ryan????

^ That would be Saving Private Ryan.

Can't say enough good things about your son doing what he is doing. One thing I did notice though is you are in the lib hell known as New York. I'm glad to see at least one person that isn't against the military there. Read about a lot of haters in that state. Did Bush force your son to sign up? Sarcasm on there just to be clear.

Hope he comes home safe after we secure victory there, and yes it is and will happen.

Thanks for his service.

No politics as April fools is over.

God bless and watch over our soldiers and their families for their unselfish commitment to our country. We need more like you and yours Axeman.

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I think it says a Hell of a lot about a father and son when the son wants to join the Marines in the middle of a war and his father "lets" him. May God bless your family and keep your son safe.
Gunny - very well said Zilla.

I couldn't add anything to that - you've expressed my thoughts and feelings exactly.

Axeman - you're in our thoughts.

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Don't mean to dig up the past, but I vividly remembered Axeman's concern about his son going off to war. It has been on my mind all day, after reading the "Letter" thread earlier this morning. I searched, and this is that thread.

Knowing how it ended leaves me with chest pain. It is practically prophetic. I just can't imagine how Axeman feels - and frankly, would not want to.

Let us all pray that that the family can someday find peace. I will never forget this.

