Where Do You Get The Taki Grand Touring Grip

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Did you guys glue the new grips on or just put them on clean?

Did you guys glue the new grips on or just put them on clean?
Glued my new grips on with Renthal grip glue. Try riding in one rainstorm without glued-on grips. WOOHOO! Get's interesting REAL fast!

Has anyone tried Grip Puppies


Has anyone tried Grip Puppies
Actually they are what I have now and they really don't seem to have done much for me. Others have reported good things. Since they go over the original grips they make your grip very wide. They are very tight and it seems the vibrations just pass right through. Part of my reason for going with these different grips are that they will replace the original grips and the shape will support the middle of the hand more.


Yes hairspray works excellent, but my wife kicked my ass once for stealing hers.

Had to break down and get the grip glue. <_<

Spray contact cleaner inside right next to the inserted screwdriver using the little tube that comes with the spray can. Turn the screwdriver inside the grip to loosen the glue and immediately slide it (the grip) off.

You're done. ;)
Screwdriver and some spray paint thinner used for Archery worked like a charm. Thanks for the insight. Tried the Taki's out today and they really do make a difference. The extra girth and vibration absorbing properties do the job. All for under $15. Nice.


Regarding the cutting of the ends. I used a dremel and a cutting wheel. Don't do that. I eyeballed the length and once the cutting wheel touched the grip....zzzziippppp, it walked up the grip cutting it further up than I would have liked. The clutch side went way better. I started out using a drill bit attachment in the dremel. Hollowed out the end of the grip, now you can install it and see exactally how much to cut off. Keep in mind that the stock bar ends stick out a little so you may want to compensate for the gap.

Happy cutting.

Oh yeah, wear safety glasses that rubber flack has an affinity for the eyeballs.


being that i'm on a work assignment in chicago, i have no tools. :( i used a sharp knife and some patience to hone out the hole on the ends of the grip. the left was a piece of cake. just screwed the stock bar end on tight. the right grip took some additional honing with the knife to get the hole big enough so the throttle would not make contact with the stock bar end. a little renthal grip glue and i'm a happy camper. BIG difference in hand fatigue! when i get bar weights, i'll take a little off of the ends rather than just making a hole.

I used a "box cutter" knife on the grip ends to cut off enough so that bar ends would attach well and also not interfere with the throttle.

For the grip flange, I had to dremmel off a bit around the right hand one to clear the VistaCruise. I used one of those stone-looking grinding thingies. Concur about the safety glasses, and if possible, do that outside. That black stuff (esp grinding it off) gets absolutely everywhere. Shirtlooked like I came out of a coal mine. :haha:

I put about 500 miles on the Taki's and found that the new angle put my right thumb to sleep. I kept changing my grip as well as using the cruise without relief. I took the sucka's off and the stockers back on and put 300miles on with no problems. I guess it's back to stock for me they works great.

It's a good thing that i didn't cut the stock grips off in the first place.

I guess everyone is different, like I've stated before.

Mine are a huge difference as far as preventing numb fingers/hands.

I might add that I'm also using the Lenkadapters and turned the bars out slightly. This also helped a lot.

Does anyone want or need a throttle side Taki? It just has the end hollowed out to accomodate the bar end. I'll send it to ya for cheap. The other one ended up in the trash.

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