Which bar riser plate?

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Regarding the OP, I did 1" bar risers as soon as I bought the bike and moved the bars to the furthest back position which was helpful. This is a cheap alternative that is worth trying before committing to more costly set-ups. They helped but didn't cure my upper back pain issue that was hampering my longer rides. I was practicing MYP but still getting pain between my shoulder blades after about 400 miles. I'm 6'2" tall so even with one set of bar risers I was still leaned forward quite a bit. I found it wasn't the weight of my hands on the bars that was causing the discomfort because with the MYP I basically wasn't putting much if any weight on the bars. My pain was coming from having to slightly lift my helmet all day. Short rides I wouldn't notice it but longer rides I would. I know some folks say just get in shape, but I am in shape. I hit the gym 3-4 times per wk and that's not the issue for me. I decided to commit the $ for the Helibar and also the 3/4" riser blocks to see if that would eliminate the issue. First, regarding the install, not that bad. I did take the time to lift the tank and completely remove the stock top clamp. I used a drill press to drill out the ignition security bolts. They are not hardened and drill easier than I thought. Total install time about 2 hrs. The new bar position with the Helibar and one set of 3/4" risers is absolutely amazing. I'm not quite sitting neutral, but am more upright than before. I'd say the bars are a couple inches closer and a couple inches higher than before. The one thing that isn't captured well regarding bar position on the Helibar is how it changes the angle of the bars. It tilts the ends of the bars slightly forward and slight up compared to stock. I think the new bar angle has as much to do with the improved comfort as the increased height and position. I've been on a couple short (like 200 mile) rides with the Helibar set-up but not full day or multi-day rides yet. So far my neck pain is completely gone. I don't feel like I have to hold my head up anymore while riding and I believe that will be the cure for me. I'll report back after a longer ride but I would say the Helibar and riser is the second best mod I've done to my bike. My Russell seat is number 1, but I'd say the Helibar is a strong number 2. Hope that helps. My advise would be continue with the MYP, try some risers in the furthest back position, and if that doesn't do it, go with the Helibar and riser. It's worth the $ if you need it.

Edit: I wanted to add that the Helibar with a 3/4" riser maintains the stock brake line and throttle cables. You do slightly change the throttle cable routing but there is still some slack in the stock lines even at full lock.

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"My pain was coming from having to slightly lift my helmet all day." Thanks for sharing that--this exactly describes me experience. I have strongly suspected this is the source of the problem. The pain really increased after I began using a new, heavier (modular) helmet.

Reading the Helibar specs it looks like your bars are now 1 1/4" up and 1 1/2" back. Is that correct? Also, is the Helibar/riser combination on your GenII? I was under the impression that combination was only available for GenI. Guess I should check their products list more carefully. Thanks again.

Yes, correct on the measurements and it is on a GenII. But don't only consider the measurements, I think a big factor with the Helibar set-up is the change in bar angle and much as the actual change in bar position. I'm planning a 400-500 mile day on Tuesday so I'll have more info after at that but I suspect this set-up is going to fix the issue for me. I use a modular helmet as well but have done so for the last couple years. I noticed my upper back pain started after I got my Russell seat. I had the pocket moved back a couple inches to fit the MYP and it is about an inch taller than the stock seat. These factors lifted my riding position up and back which contributed to the increased forward lean which lead to the upper back pain. At least that's my theory anyway. The reposition with the bar risers put my ergos much closer to the way they were before the seat mod. Actually, I think I'm sitting up slightly straighter now than I was before the seat mod.

I recently put the heli clamp on my 06. Up 1/2 inch, back 1 3/4, and one degree less back-angle on the bars (5 degrees instead of 6). Competition gives 2 degrees less back-angle (4 degrees instead of 6). I went with the Heli because I am 5'9" and don't want the extra inch of rise. The half inch rise from the Heli is perfect for me. I no longer get pain in my lower outside palms from leaning over onto the grips, I don't get pain on the inside of my elbows from riding straight-arm, the decreased bar angle is easier on my wrists, and the height is good for me. If I were a few inches taller, I might want extra rise. I also put some grip puppies over the OEM heated grips (which I installed a couple of months ago), and am really liking the new feel. The OEM grips are hard as a rock.

Beautiful sunny day in Maine - am off for a ride!

Also 5'9" here. Really don't know if I need an extra inch in rise or not. I assume extra rise would allow a bit more upright positioning which I'm thinking I would like. This is probably going to be one of those things like seats--won't know how it will work until I get some experience with whichever riser I decide on. I also thought the OEM grips puppies were hard and way too small in circumference. Grip puppies are perfect and easy on my CC. Thanks for your comments, Scottej. Love Maine, and all those lobster shacks!! We do great BBQ in North Carolina, can't touch Maine's lobsters.

RoadRunner244 said:
Yes, correct on the measurements and it is on a GenII. But don't only consider the measurements, I think a big factor with the Helibar set-up is the change in bar angle and much as the actual change in bar position. I'm planning a 400-500 mile day on Tuesday so I'll have more info after at that but I suspect this set-up is going to fix the issue for me. I use a modular helmet as well but have done so for the last couple years. I noticed my upper back pain started after I got my Russell seat. I had the pocket moved back a couple inches to fit the MYP and it is about an inch taller than the stock seat. These factors lifted my riding position up and back which contributed to the increased forward lean which lead to the upper back pain. At least that's my theory anyway. The reposition with the bar risers put my ergos much closer to the way they were before the seat mod. Actually, I think I'm sitting up slightly straighter now than I was before the seat mod.
That's interesting--the Russell fixed one issue and created another, then the Helibar to fix that. That's a lot of $$$. But, hey, I'm with you. Everything else about the FJR is worth spending the bucks to get the right fit. That's what I'm hoping to do. I hope. I got the FJR for long miles, but this neck issue is a deal breaker if it doesn't get resolved. Am very interested in hearing about how it goes with you on Tuesday. Thanks for your response.

... a warn isn't a time out until there's a chronic problem. ...
Personal experience proves otherwise!

... a warn isn't a time out until there's a chronic problem. ...
Personal experience proves otherwise!
this is an example of a chronic problem. it belongs in PM and is intentional inflammation. some times folks fight every attempt to clear their warn history. 4 rule #10 violations since 4/2009 with the most recent being march 2011 is a chronic problem. take this stuff back channel.

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Well I didn't get the 400-500 mile ride I was hoping for and it looks like I'm going to have to go into the office on Tuesday, but I did get a 278 mile loop in today and I have to say that I am very happy with the Helibar plus 3/4" riser block set-up. I had absolutely no upper back pain at any point in the ride. I feel like I'm just slightly leaned forward from a neutral position. The important thing for me is the sensation of having to slightly lift my head to view the road comfortably is completely gone. I'm very happy with this set-up and I think it will serve me well on longer rides. One thing to note from an earlier post was the suspicion that the new ergos with my Russell seat contributed to the upper back pain. That is true to a degree but I should qualify that statement as well. The Russell seat did move my seat position back and slightly up which did increase my lean angle, but what I would like to add is that the seat made it possible to ride much longer than I could have ever considered riding with my stock seat. I basically doubled my longest ride ever on the stock seat with the new seat and that was a huge factor contributing to the new onset of neck pain. This has been my experience getting the FJR ergos to fit my 50 y/o, 6'2", 200 lb body. First get the seat right. MYP is good and build that into any custom saddle of your choosing. Then adjust the bars to the new seating position until you're comfortable. For me that required more than one riser block with the stock bars in the farthest back position. The preliminary report on the Helibar and one riser block is good and I think will work well for me. That's been the process I've gone through and what I've arrived at as a solution. Hope it helps out someone else of similar stature. A Russell seat and Helibar are expensive farkles for sure but there's a reason they have the reputation they do. I'm a big believer in both now. Now I need a slightly taller windshield... it never ends :)

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