whisling noise from motor gen1

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Jul 19, 2012
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I have never in the (50 bikes ive owned) had such a noisey motor but this high pitched whisling (whirling) noise is driving me crazy. its at all rpm but worse at startup until it idles down and at several rpm ranges its irritating and never goes away just louder at some spots. Bike has 40k and the new cct at 32k. dont know how long noise has existed. bought it with 38k. using a stephoscope?? seems to come from around the lower case by right foot.. water pump? havent stripped the bike of body work yet.. still waiting for some parts before i do a teardown and serious service. I searched the site several times but never found a clue just that these motors are noisey and wear ear plugs. Any one been down this road? frustrated....

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The stator whines on the gen 1 is more pronounced than many bikes. But that is located on the left lower side.

Can you post a video of the sound?

Without actually listening to YOUR motor, everyone on this forum can only guess what you're describing as a "whistling" sound and then guess what your noise might be.

Personally, I think it's the front balancer assembly...the single straight-cut gear is a prime candidate for annoying whistling. Of course the rear balancer is JUST as noisy:


Of course it could be this old broad's son:


I was just wonder about the noise too. I've put on 1400 miles on a 2004 which now has a total 10800 miles. The bike runs great, the engine does not sound like it has a problem to me but I agree it is one loud whine at times. It just could be those balancers. Good to know I'm not alone in wondering though.

I"ve been listening to FJR's for over 10 years now and none of them are quiet IMHO and I think the high pitched whine/whiring noise is normal. I don't worry about it.

when I bought my 04 I took it to my mechcanic,wahta the heck is this whirling noise, he said it's the straight cut gears that make this noise, no worries!

Now that you mention it, my '04 does have a lot of strange 'whirring and whistling' sounds that seem to get louder on certain road surfaces - :unsure:

The coolest sound is like a jet winding down when I come to a stop. At first I freaked out, thinking that the starter was sticking in or something catastrophic was happening. Now I just pretend it's the turbo. :D


Funny thing is, no Gen II owner has replied to this thread.

They don't hear the noise....the sound of their own sobbing like little girls drowns it out. :rofl:
No, it's because we know this is not a problem. The whining sound coming from the Gen I is different. It has a jealous note to it.

Sounds just like a '84[was it] Seca 900 that I once had-meebee the FJR balancer is leftover NOS from then..I like the whine..sounds like a friends blown small block Chevy.

If its the sound I am thinking of, its been refered to as the TURBINE sound on this and other forums. I am not sure what causes that sound but it is normal for this bike. It would be interesting to know what that sound is. Its much harder to here it know after I installed my Two Brother exhaust. Honda ST1300 whine like crazy,I heard its the water pump but I do not really know. You owned 50 or so bikes wow! I tried to remember all the bikes I owned, but it seems to get fuzzier the older I get.

I've never experienced a bike that has this kind of whining sound. The whining occurs most when the gears are loaded, i.e. accelerating. Backing off the throttle seems to make the whining less.

Does anyone have a cure for this whining?


Tim in Oxford, Ohio

TimmyJoe posted: I've never experienced a bike that has this kind of whining sound. The whining occurs most when the gears are loaded, i.e. accelerating. Backing off the throttle seems to make the whining less.
Does anyone have a cure for this whining?


Tim in Oxford, Ohio
Learn to like it. It's the jet engines winding up to support your throttle demand, and the last sound punk-ass street bikers will hear before you breeze by them.

Thought I read somewhere that it was the helical cut gears in the transmission? I noticed it my '05 but don't hear it on my '13.

Edit: Guess I was wrong ,just Googled it :

Helical gears operate more smoothly and quietly compared to spur gears due to the way the teeth interact. The teeth on a helical gear cut at an angle to the face of the gear. When two of the teeth start to engage, the contact is gradual--starting at one end of the tooth and maintaining contact as the gear rotates into full engagement.

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"Funny thing is, no Gen II owner has replied to this thread.

They don't hear the noise....the sound of their own sobbing like little girls drowns it out.

RadioHowie, Good to know ,You must be feeling better,
