White/Green Mountain ride 2009

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I think I may be in also guys. It sounds like some awesome riding. I love riding in Vermont. I would like to meet up with some other FJR owners. Your sleeping accomodations are a little to rich for my blood so I would opt to tent it at the White River Junction KOA. So if the weather is going to be decent I'm almost 100% sure I will be there. I could even ride up from my home to meet you at West Leb in the morning for 9am but we'll see what I decide.


Not trying to jinx anything, but if I were a guy who liked to look at the weather for this kind of thing, I'd be really happy seeing a forecast that had a hot, dry weekend in New Hampshire and Vermont this coming weekend.

But that's if I were a guy who liked to look at the weather.

Is it the weekend yet? I need a getaway.

Not sure how it works way down south there in Mass, but I've found that up here in VT (near the north pole), any weather forecast more than 2 days out is pretty much useless. The weather seems to change so much here that even forecasts for the same day are hit-and-miss. Like today, when I left for work this morning, the weather was supposed to be in the 70's, mostly cloudy, with a 60% chance of rain. It turned out to be in the mid 80's. mostly sunny and no rain at all. (could just as easily have been pouring rain in the 60's all day)

So, I'm not going to pay any attention to the weather forecast for this weekend until at least Friday.

(Hopefully, the rain will hold off for the weekend. We're due. It's been a crappy summer so far...)


Looks like it's shaping up to be a great ride - last year was a lot of fun.

I'll be touring New Yorks Finger Lakes Region on the FJR with my wife this weekend. It's our 23rd anniversary and a rare chance to get away without the kids. Sure will miss having a few beers with you Fred and Dave - and hearty Porter, or a really hoppy IPA, sounds really good about now.

Anyhow - I'll be riding through the Adirondaks, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine in Mid-October.

Have fun and be safe.

Looks like it's shaping up to be a great ride - last year was a lot of fun.Have fun and be safe.

This is one of the rides I was so looking forward to.....guess it will have to be next year. Have a great time guys and make sure you follow Harlan's advice to be safe.

Hey Chris,

I am not sure if Fred is going to do another fall ride but if he does maybe you can make it then. You just have to dress for it. This should be a great time and it looks like there will be a good size group from what i can gather. Can't wait to get some of those dark amber drinks. :glare: Just a few more days.

Dave & Ann

Sorry you can't make the ride Chris. Just put on the Ray Charles curb feelers and you should be good to ride.


Sorry Chris, but it needed to be said - LOL

I'll try to take Axeman's place in the ride. As we get closer to the weekend it is beginning to look like I may be able to catch up with the group for one or more of the days.

+1 on the long range weather prognostication. LIke a true native New Englander, I'll believe it when I see it. :glare:

But my blood pressure does appreciate the (currently) sunny outlook! :yahoo:

Chris and Harlan, sorry that you guys won't be joining us this time. But keep watching the Northeast subforum. I'll probably try to help get the Covered bridges ride on again in the fall if you would be interested in that one. That is a great ride for the pillions as there are so many photo opportunities. I'll try and get that organized early enough for the better foliage, and maybe a few more degrees of morning temperature. ;)

And Alan, that would be great if you and Helen (assuming 2-up? right?) can join us. You're probably sick to death of riding through the Whites, but Tom's Green mountain route looks like it'll a good one. I'm really looking forward to tagging along on that one!! Coming up Saturday and staying that night at the Fireside, though not a requirement, sure is a nice take. They had a nice breakfast spread on Sunday AM and hey, you wouldn't want to miss dinner at the 7 Barrel Brewhouse!! Hope you can join us.

+1 on the long range weather prognostication...my blood pressure does appreciate the (currently) sunny outlook! :yahoo: ...(assuming 2-up? right?)
Man, those damn weather predictions, I would hate for it to rain, like, it would totally mess up my motorcycle and, like, get me all wet and stuff. How gross. ;)

If I am going it will be two up, I doubt I can sneak again out without Helen finding out :lol: She says that I owe her a ride (after sneaking out without her a couple of weeks ago).

While the long range forecast does look good right now, as long as we don't have torrential downpours we should be OK. I'm really looking forward to this ride. We went on our "Lobster Run" last Saturday and the weather was GREAT! :D I'm putting for the same weather for this weekend as well. Mother Nature owes us for sure.


Well this is my plan. I'm going to ride up Saturday from my house and me you all at the Fireside Inn for 9am. I will ride with you all for the White Mountains ride and head home at the end of the day. I won't join you on Sunday because I ride the roads on the Vermont route alot and I have to spend time with my wife. I look forward to meeting everyone.


Woo-Hoo! Looks like we gots ourselfs a honest-to-goodness motorsickel gang.

By my count, it's looks like were going to have around 10 bikes for the ride. :yahoo:

I am definitely looking forward to this weekend. I'll be solo as the wife can't take a whole weekend on the pillion seat (hurts her knees).

I'm planning to ride down to WRJ from my house on Saturday morning and should be at the Fireside for Breakfast somewhere around 7:45-8:00. I'm staying at the Hotel Saturday night and will probably drop off to head home sometime Sunday afternoon as the route loops back south to WRJ.

See you on Saturday...


Looking forward to this weekend.. Mike (ultracvo88) and I are getting an AM ferry out of Long island and heading up on Friday. Anybody else going up on Friday?

Yes indeedy. I'm glad to see this ride is picking up some momentum. I'll have to try and get a tally of when folks are planning on coming and going by Friday. We don't want to leave anyone behind...

There will definitely be some folks rolling in on Friday afternoon and evening, including me and my wife (Joann).

Also, a question was raised (by PM) about whether this was an FJR ONLY ride? My response is: No, this ride is NOT restricted to being for FJRs only. After some past rides :rolleyes: I should have made that clear up front. Anyone that isn't embarrassed by hanging out with a bunch of old farts on Feejers is welcome to join in.

I finally talked my S.O. (Felicia) into going this year, :yahoo: and I was going to get some more riding gear for her until last week. That is when my dog (Lady) got very sick, and I don't even want to say what it cost to get her well enough to bring home today. So between the unexpected cost, and the needs of my beloved dog in the near future, I must bow out on this ride.
This really blows in every way. I really wanted to do this ride. There will be more rides to go on, but there won't be another Lady. So spending quality time with her now is more important, because I don't know how much longer she will be with me.

Ride Safe;

Hi Gang

I am sad to say Lady lost her fight with Pancreatitis on 7/31. Felicia and I miss her a terribly, and the house is way to quiet now. We both need to get away for a while, so we have decided to do this ride now.

I will be riding there with Pete Friday afternoon. We will both be riding 2 up. We should be there by 6:00.

Ride Safe;


I'm going to try and leave the North Shore area in the early afternoon on Friday, so likely to be at the hotel before 6pm. I'll be solo, and happy to join up for dinner if anyone else is interested. I don't see a bar on the hotel website, but happy for any recommendations nearby.

I finally talked my S.O. (Felicia) into going this year, :yahoo: and I was going to get some more riding gear for her until last week. That is when my dog (Lady) got very sick, and I don't even want to say what it cost to get her well enough to bring home today. So between the unexpected cost, and the needs of my beloved dog in the near future, I must bow out on this ride.
This really blows in every way. I really wanted to do this ride. There will be more rides to go on, but there won't be another Lady. So spending quality time with her now is more important, because I don't know how much longer she will be with me.

Ride Safe;

Hi Gang

I am sad to say Lady lost her fight with Pancreatitis on 7/31. Felicia and I miss her a terribly, and the house is way to quiet now. We both need to get away for a while, so we have decided to do this ride now.

I will be riding there with Pete Friday afternoon. We will both be riding 2 up. We should be there by 6:00.

Ride Safe;

Glad you could make it Art.

We probably won't stroll in till 9:00 P.M. on Friday. 2up.

See ya'll then,

I finally talked my S.O. (Felicia) into going this year, :yahoo: and I was going to get some more riding gear for her until last week. That is when my dog (Lady) got very sick, and I don't even want to say what it cost to get her well enough to bring home today. So between the unexpected cost, and the needs of my beloved dog in the near future, I must bow out on this ride.
This really blows in every way. I really wanted to do this ride. There will be more rides to go on, but there won't be another Lady. So spending quality time with her now is more important, because I don't know how much longer she will be with me.

Ride Safe;

Hi Gang

I am sad to say Lady lost her fight with Pancreatitis on 7/31. Felicia and I miss her a terribly, and the house is way to quiet now. We both need to get away for a while, so we have decided to do this ride now.

I will be riding there with Pete Friday afternoon. We will both be riding 2 up. We should be there by 6:00.

Ride Safe;



Sorry to hear about Lady - being a HUGE dog lover I know it's rough when you loose one of your most loyal friends who always offered you their unconditional love.

Glad you guys are getting the chance to make the ride. Riding always helps me clear my head.

I may try to do the Covered Brudges ride late in year. I'll be riding through the Finger Lakes this weekend with Lori. Then off to Adirondaks, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine in October.

Take care Bro'


Thanks. You're right, it is very rough. Although she had a great life, because I spoiled her for almost 14 years.

To bad you can't make this ride, but glad to here you're getting out with Lori. I'm sure we'll be riding together in the future.

Ride Safe; Art
