Who discounts OEM parts?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Two different questions here.

All FJRs are supplied with a third lock, stored under the seat. They come with three lock cylinders, and the dealer installs two in the side cases, hopefully with blue loctite on the screws so they don't back out and allow the bag to fly off. The third lock is stored under the seat for use if you get the Yamaha top case.

Did you buy the bike new? If so, go to the dealer and tell them he owes you a lock. If he laughs at you, call Yamaha.

If you bought the bike used, call the previous owner and tell him he owes you a lock. No real recourse, though, if he laughs at you.

Second question is who discounts OEM parts. Just about anybody who sells them, other than Yamaha. Some dealers have good rep for parts pricing, and there are a lot of online sources, just Google Yamaha OEM parts.

Third question, implied but not asked, is "How do I find such useful information on the forum?" During the registration process you were pointed to the FAQ section and "new owners" section more than once. This stuff is there, had you bothered.

My new FJR is missing the lock from the top case. Can anyone recommend a site who discounts OEM parts?
If you wind up buying a new top case lock, have the dealer reset the tumblers so your original key will work for all three cases. My dealer did it for no charge!

People can name off all their favorite parts places until their blue in the face. But that still doesn't change the fact that Zanotti beats them all.

Prove me wrong.

Third question, implied but not asked, is "How do I find such useful information on the forum?" During the registration process you were pointed to the FAQ section and "new owners" section more than once. This stuff is there, had you bothered.

Ass! Don't ask a question on this site. You'll get asked everytime.Did you do a search? To the rest of you that wanted and did answer this guys question. Your alright with me.

Ass! Don't ask a question on this site. You'll get asked everytime.Did you do a search? To the rest of you that wanted and did answer this guys question. Your alright with me.
Since you're providing such a good service to the forum by being a jackoff with your reply, I'll return the favor.

I see you've been lurking the forum for 3 months. Good for you and welcome aboard.

Now write this down....keep it in a journal, a diary, a calendar, whatever....just keep track of this moment.

Five years from now, when you've added another 60 months to your time on the forum, pull out your reminder of this moment and tell me if it doesn't bug the shit out of you, too, to have to see the same fucking questions asked day in-day out, month in-month out, of stuff that is already covered in-depth in the "New Members FAQ".

I'll be here then, waiting to read your apology to wfooshee for being such a dick on this day, August 20, 2010.

With the greatest respect,


Five years from now, when you've added another 60 months to your time on the forum, pull out your reminder of this moment and tell me if it doesn't bug the shit out of you, too, to have to see the same fucking questions asked day in-day out, month in-month out, of stuff that is already covered in-depth in the "New Members FAQ".
I'll be here then, waiting to read your apology to wfooshee for being such a dick on this day, August 20, 2010.
IMHO, none will be needed.

New members are like new puppies: gonna piddle and have oops's before they get to be old dogs.

But, it is Friday. Is this the Dog Pile thread?



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Ass! Don't ask a question on this site. You'll get asked everytime.Did you do a search? To the rest of you that wanted and did answer this guys question. Your alright with me.
Since you're providing such a good service to the forum by being a jackoff with your reply, I'll return the favor.

I see you've been lurking the forum for 3 months. Good for you and welcome aboard.

Now write this down....keep it in a journal, a diary, a calendar, whatever....just keep track of this moment.

Five years from now, when you've added another 60 months to your time on the forum, pull out your reminder of this moment and tell me if it doesn't bug the shit out of you, too, to have to see the same fucking questions asked day in-day out, month in-month out, of stuff that is already covered in-depth in the "New Members FAQ".

I'll be here then, waiting to read your apology to wfooshee for being such a dick on this day, August 20, 2010.

With the greatest respect,

Well said RH.

What bugs me is people that post asking for a simple answer from a simple question and someone always has to say something about the new guy didn't use the search or didn't read the FAQ section of this forum. Answer the question or don't . Also I'm sorry. Please forgive me for trying to keep the newer members from getting there rearend chewed.

My new FJR is missing the lock from the top case. Can anyone recommend a site who discounts OEM parts?
Just use the search button . I'm not going to give you a answer . Damn you was told many times when you signed up here . Loser!

My new FJR is missing the lock from the top case. Can anyone recommend a site who discounts OEM parts?
Just use the search button . I'm not going to give you a answer . Damn you was told many times when you signed up here . Loser!
