Who has gone camping on an FJR?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Can you reach behind you and grab a cold one while riding? Where's the cup holder?

Yes, and you don't need a cup holder.

You just lean back and steer with your feet...the original "Handsfree" system.

With a tent in nature out in the wild!! If it has hot and cold running water,T.V.,Air and heat,Big comfortable bed, and a spa in the room, yah I go camping with my FJR all the time!

My wife and I have gone camping a few times now. It'd be really tough to do riding 2-up without a trailer (or a support truck), but with spreading the gear out across 2 bikes it works fine. The last trip was this past August when Louise and I did a 4000km trip through the PNW. We camped just more than half the time.

Here's my FJR part-way through the trip in August:


That's my wife's VStrom DL100 behind.

