Who Kills the Spiders in YOUR House?

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Wikipedia: Arachnophobia

It is interesting that there should be such a widespread fear and loathing of spiders. I don't have a "fear" of the little critters but I do knock them off whenever they are around.

Have a good Friday, everybody.


I used to have a huge fear of spiders until I moved into a place that was "Wolf Spider Central" as far as I can tell. These fuckers got pretty damn big, like their body was about the size of a quarter, and their legs easily twice that big. Well, one day I was opening the garage door and one of the largest ones I've ever seen fell on my arm. It was big enough that I felt it through my riding jacket!!! When I looked down and saw this massive monster on my arm I immediately started flinging my arm around. I managed to loose grip of my helmet which went slamming into the ground. The spider landed close to it, and slowly started to walk away. I immediately thought "Oh hell no you son of a bitch" and grabbed a can of RAID MAX and started spraying the little ******. He stopped dead in his tracks as I doused it to the point where a large puddle was forming around it, and white foam was now forming. When I stopped spraying, the spider turned around gave me this "WTF dude!" look and then tuned around and started walking away again!!! I continued to spray him as he walked away and hid behind a box in the garage. I decided to let him sit there until came back from work.

When I came back, I found it dead as a doornail right where I left it. This thing was huge! I'm talking the body was a good inch big, and easily just as tall.

After this little incident, I haven't been quite as scared of spiders. I still hate them just as much, but no longer scared of them.

I got a spider bite as a preschooler during a nap. The bite bubbled up all freaky an stuff - from the venom maybe. I am not an insect/spider person and personally have no desire to have hand to hand combat with a herd of creepy crawlies...'cuz you know the spiders will just end up offing you while you sleep after crawling in your mouth, nose or ears laying eggs the whole time, so their offspring will have something to munch on.

I love triple-digit sightseeing while leaned all the way over...but none of those little feckers for me. Nor heights. Or womenz with gunz... :)

Whenever I see a spider I follow this flowchart:

1. Is it a black widow?

YES - kill it

NO - move to #2

2. Is it a brown recluse?

YES - kill it

NO - move to #3

3. Leave it along - it does a lot of good by eating other insects that I don't want crawling all over my house or garage.

I understand why people are scared of them, heck, I used to be afraid of them. But now I don't have a problem with them crawling on my arm or head even. They won't harm me - with the exception of the two baddies noted above - and they perform a useful service. :)

All spiders should die!

Without spiders then all dirt dobbers would die.

All dirt dobbers should die!

You see how this works.........................this is a good thing!

All mice should also die!

Sam, our dog woke me up last night w/a quiet woof and growl from under the bed..at first I thought he was dreaming, then I heard something coming from the front of the house, a thump sound :eek:

Grabbed my shorts and a night stick by the bed....Sam was noble enough to allow me the lead........over to the bedroom door and turned on the hall light, then the thumping sound stopped......Sam on my back heels we eased up the hall and into the livingroom (at 3 a.m. this morning), and on with the ceiling light, but nothing was to be found, then on to the kitchen, nothing there either....hmmmm wonder what that noise was, then I heard a faint scratch......from the dining room where I had put the lid to the kitchen garbage can on the floor, after taking the garbage out before I went to bed. The scratching sound was coming from within that lid (the kind that has the hinged top/flap), push the flap open just a tiny bit w/the night stick.......2 little mice, trapped themselves :blink: HA!!!!!

I have them in 2 canning jars awaiting their fate when I return home from work...............guess I'll take them on a long ride after I return home and turn them back out into the woods....where those bastages belong.

All mice should die. dirty little sh!tz :angry:

I came across this in my kitchen:


I conceded the kitchen counter to it and left the house. Fang (sorry James, that is what we named it) ruled the kitchen for quite some time. It is some form of a jumping spider, capable of jumping quite a distance and dispatching its prey with the fangs. What a nightmare Fang is! I showed this picture to some family members -- now they won't come visit. Ahhhhhh!

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Centipedes eat spiders , roaches and other bugs.

Learn to live with centipedes and your problem is solved.


I came across this in my kitchen:

I conceded the kitchen counter to it and left the house. Fang (sorry James, that is what we named it) ruled the kitchen for quite some time. It is some form of a jumping spider, capable of jumping quite a distance and dispatching its prey with the fangs. What a nightmare Fang is! I showed this picture to some family members -- now they won't come visit. Ahhhhhh!

Whoa alan!

Ah thats a beaut! What a handsome feller! I just wish those lil buggers would hang around in here..Yep I do like spiders. let 'em have the run of the office here..To bad Mizz B wants em all dead.

Bees on the otherhand, well, they're all fair game except the honey buggers.


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You had me laughing to tears JB. That's some funny sh!t.

Chief dispatcher of all things that make you go EEK! here.

Most times, here in Nevada, I get the shrill cry for help when a member of the household finds a scorpion. Ahhh... One of my favorites. Still waiting on my UV flashlight so I actively hunt them at night (if you didn't know, their bodies fluoresce when hit with UV light.)

For you bug haters, you may like the way I dispatch the scorpions that sneak into my home... I keep a long set of forceps in my tool kit for just such occasions. I grab them by their stingers... Take 'em outside and snap their stingers off. My hope is they live long enough to warn their buddies to stay away from "that crazy fooker's house, he'll snap your stinger off!" :black eye:

Great story JB.

I love triple-digit sightseeing while leaned all the way over...but none of those little feckers for me. Nor heights. Or womenz with gunz... :)
+1 to all of that.

I am the big white hunter in our house...doesn't mean I don't hate 'em, I am just the most stupid.

2 Spider stories:

I read somewhere that throughout your life you will eat 10 spiders that crawl into your mouth whilst sleeping. I can varify this fact.

One morning about 20 years ago I was setting out for work. I'd woken late and thrown on my clothes and rushed straight out the door without time to brush my teeth or eat breakfast.

I was pulling out of the junction at the end of my street when I sensed a hair in my mouth. Concentrating on the traffic I started manipulating it to the front with my tongue. When I had it in the right place and just as a gap came in the traffic, I put my hand to my mouth to get the hair from my tongue. I started to pull out from the junction and pulled the 'hair' from my mouth at the same time. I glanced at it to see to my absoloute horror that it was a spiders leg. The van must have turned and entered the traffic all on its own I think as I was somewhat pre-occupied with nightmare thoughts of how the leg had got there. TRUE story!

More recently I woke at 6am and got dressed in the dark so as not to wake my missis. I went downstairs and was in the process of making coffee when a small buffalo came over my shoulder and ran down the front of my shirt. When I eventually climbed down from the lightshade, it was still on the floor where I had knocked it, I trapped it under a glass for the family to see and later threw it outside.

Both stories make my skin crawl whenever I think of them. I am thankful that we don't get the monsters that you guys do, our spiders don't bite but still make you shiver when scurrying across the carpet or you find one in a fold of a curtain.

Just remember all you spider lovers for every one you see there are hundreds you can't see! :devil:
