Who put a SPOON in my engine?

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
:angry: 23K. :angry: Sounds like someone was clanking on the top of my engine on the right side. :angry: Tapping the top of a nail with a spoon. :angry: That's not good, is it? :angry:
Right side may be the cam chain tensioner?

Once the ticking sets in, it won't matter which side of the bike your standing.

Damn Rocket, sorry to hear 'bout that. Too bad you didn't follow my lead and sell your '04 at 22K. Mine was still quiet as a mouse. :D

BTW my '06 came in last Thursday ;)


:D Started the bike this AM.. hoping for the best....expecting the worst. :D Quiet as a mouse. :D Must have been the cam chain tensioner slacking off, like Sky said. :D All is good with the world again. :D For now, anyway.... :D
Re: comment from twowheelnut: Right side?! The promblem is usually on the left. Take another listen...

I have a new '06 FJR with 400 miles on it. It has a very light ticking coming from the left crankcase side at very light or no load around 2000-3000 RPM then it's gone. It's not there when the engine is cold and it's just loud enough to hear when passing thru that RPM going thru the gears...but only under a light load. It sure doesn't sound like the valves and it's coming from the lower end. I was thinking maybe the tranny gears or balancer wearing in? Dealer said he didn't think it was serious and to give it a few hundred miles yet.

Anyone else seen this or have an explanation?


Anyone else seen this or have an explanation?
I would say if it is a light tick or clicking, it is just the normal sound of the FJR engine.

The engine in the FJR has a distinct sound.

If it sounds like metal on metal (silverware being tapped) it may be worse.

The actual 03-05 tick noise is heard here.

Regarding the light ticking sound, the fuel injectors seem to be pretty noisy on the FJR. I almost mistook that for 'the tick' when I first noticed it.

The 'spoon in the engine' sound on the right side that mysteriously went away may be the cam chain tensioner as others have suggested. Probably worth taking a look at it if you don't mind opening up that side of your engine. The tensioner could be bad or maybe just loose in it's mounting.

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