Who's dropped their FJR?

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Starbucks for a dose of espresso........

Be glad ya wasn't crushed to death.. I mean? you admit to **** like this? Real bikers drink coffee.. fekin preppy's anyway.

Odot.. slap this kids pee pee

Starbucks for a dose of espresso........

Be glad ya wasn't crushed to death.. I mean? you admit to **** like this? Real bikers drink coffee.. fekin preppy's anyway.

Odot.. slap this kids pee pee
LMAO there Joker, at 52 my wife's the only one who "slaps my pee pee". for the record, I like my coffee black and stong and my Bourbon straight. No fruity drinks or "preppy's" please.

Speaking of: Anybody got a line who/when the aftermarket guys are going to have sliders avilable for the Gen III bikes? This not having sliders is making me nervous. Why? Because it's a motorcycle. It only has two wheels. Sooner or later, it's going over.

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I've been known to fall over and there wasn't even a bike or alcohol involved. I blame it on my POS OEM knees. I have not had a re-occurrence since the replacement of the left OEM knee with an aftermarket model.

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Starbucks for a dose of espresso........

Be glad ya wasn't crushed to death.. I mean? you admit to **** like this? Real bikers drink coffee.. fekin preppy's anyway.

Odot.. slap this kids pee pee
STFU, ass-muncher.

Ya see, what we're talkin' aboot here is **** that happens to folks who actually RIDE their bikes.

As in, the bikes actually LEAVE the garage.

Foreign concept to twatwaffles such as yersef, I know.


Have 30k miles on mine, and I haven't dropped it yet. BUT, I've come so close!

I'm looking for some wood to knock on just now.

Starbucks for a dose of espresso........

Be glad ya wasn't crushed to death.. I mean? you admit to **** like this? Real bikers drink coffee.. fekin preppy's anyway.

Odot.. slap this kids pee pee
STFU, ass-muncher.

Ya see, what we're talkin' aboot here is **** that happens to folks who actually RIDE their bikes.

As in, the bikes actually LEAVE the garage.

Foreign concept to twatwaffles such as yersef, I know.

Now see here buttmunch.. i'll have you know it was out yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow.

Naturally I won't be riding it.. Doing some painting in the garage :p

you'ze guyz is funneeee ;)

but one thing I'd say to the OP... just buy sliders... don't worry if someone says they work or someone else says they don't.

they are better than nothing we can all agree on that.

side note, did not drop my feej in 15k of ownership. But the first, very first thing I did to it was put on sliders. cheap insurance for sure.

bikes fall, has to do with imperfect humans and gravity...

If, when, or exactly how many times you drop a bike only matters if you are obsessive over what the bike looks like. I imagine many cruiser riders are concerned about this kind of thing OTOH if you care more about the places you get to go on it, and how it makes you feel when you are riding it, the whole dropping the thing is a non-issue.

FWIW - The first time I dropped my FJR it was due to a "kickstand malfunction". The loose nut behind the handlebars thought he had put the side stand donw, but it was up. That is usually called operator error. Oh well, pick it up and continued our weekend ride to Long Island.

2nd time I dropped it was due to a bad road surface. I had stopped on a very steep hill to get a picture, got back on the bike and thought I could just ride up the hill a bit and hang a U turn. Bad idea. As I slowed for the turn the bike started to lean downhill and there was no road on that side to put a foot down. Let's call that operator error again. Worst thing was this was on the right side, opposite of drop #1. Well... at least the bags match now.

3rd time I dropped it we had stopped for the night at a motel that had an overhang over a small sidewalk in front of our room. Rather than break out the bike cover, I decided I'd just ride it up onto the sidewalk under the over hang. Another bad idea. Another case of operator error.

I guess I could get both side bags painted and the alternator cover replaced and then it would look pretty much pristine again (I do have sliders on it). But then I'd probably just drop it again.


Did you have to bring this up? I've been trying to repress my memory for over 4 years now, and you've managed to shove it right back into my consciousness! :angry2: But, I do agree; go get some frame sliders; I was lucky as that was the first thing I did, upon buying the bike.

Did you have to bring this up? I've been trying to repress my memory for over 4 years now, and you've managed to shove it right back into my consciousness! :angry2: But, I do agree; go get some frame sliders; I was lucky as that was the first thing I did, upon buying the bike.

I got knocked over in a parking lot by an old blue hair. Does that count?

I think I've just about dropped about every bike i've owned at one time or another. It gives the bike character. ;)

twice on each side, every time at 1mph abruptly stopping, compressing front fork, ...... dump.

but she still loves me.

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Did you have to bring this up? I've been trying to repress my memory for over 4 years now, and you've managed to shove it right back into my consciousness! :angry2: But, I do agree; go get some frame sliders; I was lucky as that was the first thing I did, upon buying the bike.

This is how you properly drop an FJR. You find a soft spot and lay her down nice and easy. :yahoo:


You sure that's an fjr? Looks more like a crashed spaceship.....I'm calling area 51 to see about any downed broken arrows....

edited for spelling.....still pretty sober here.

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2 drops here. First was on black ice at 2 MPH. Total surprise and I was down so fast my feet were still on the pegs as I was sliding on the ice. Scratches on the fairing, mufflers, broken mirror. Fortunately on a group ride and friends picked up the bike off my leg. Second was another group ride when we stopped on a curve with a slope. By the time my foot hit the ground, the bike was down. Again, friends helped get the bike back up. Another broken mirror and a few more scratches. Oh well. Now I have FZ1 mirrors on and hope for better luck in the future. At least I can see behind me now.

WHAT ??? LOL... These bikes come with built in sliders in the US...., you didnt get a couple? ...mine are big, hollow, come off with a key ( for when you ride in dirt ), and painted to match the bike. Like Fred, mine still match too...twiced on each side..the first couple times was a test...the left one rattles a little, but my right testicle rattles so they balance out and everyfang is good...i wouldnt trust that dealer again though...

