Why are people so rude?

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^^^ people on bicycles - it's just part of your Presidents new, brilliant plan to cut gasoline consumption by 20 percent.

And I'll bet your downtown would be a lot nicer, quieter and neater if no one could drive or park a vehicle there.

I'll also wager those bicyclist are already paying road taxes via the gasoline they buy and they are doing far less damage/wear and tear to the roads and the environment than any vehicle you drive!!

FJMGM....sounds like you have an :butcher: to grind....maybe a chill pill is in order....your call though...

I never see any bicyclist here. I guess with speed limits roundly ignored they are too afraid they would get run over. And if they did it would probably just be looked at as an unfortunate accident.

I know one thing, if a bicyclist started ranting and raving about someone getting too close to them, A redneck would probably stop his truck,get out and hit him with the butt of his shotgun.


I'd like to hear the bicyclist's side of this story.
Wow, this thing's still open?

I ride a bicycle for exercise, but not as much as I should. I never put myself in a position where I expect a passing cage to cross any lane marking line to get around me. Four inches, four feet, whatever. Thank you for not hitting me.

Anybody who expects some extraordinary behavior from another vehicle to continue their journey undamaged is living on borrowed time, IMHO.

I agree with you Toe....but apparently some don't....guess that's what makes life interesting..... :unsure:

You can be right...and dead. Better to take the Toe approach.

I'd like to hear the bicyclist's side of this story.
Wow, this thing's still open?

I ride a bicycle for exercise, but not as much as I should. I never put myself in a position where I expect a passing cage to cross any lane marking line to get around me. Four inches, four feet, whatever. Thank you for not hitting me.

Anybody who expects some extraordinary behavior from another vehicle to continue their journey undamaged is living on borrowed time, IMHO.

It wasn't too many years ago that a bicycle was my only transportation. Lived in a studio apartment and was one paycheck away from living on the street. Divorce and four kids will do that to ya.

FWIW this bicyclist way way out of line and I wasn't the only one who noticed him lean into the convertable and wave his hand in this gals face. Two big guys in the car behind me got out and were headed toward the guy and it was only his good luck that the light changed cuz it was apparent he was about to get his ass kicked on the spot. They were still following him after I turned off so I'm thinking his luck didn't hold much longer. I'm sure he was wishing for a cell phone toting tattletale to save his sorry ass but I can pretty much guaranetee that everybody at that intersection would have cheered as he got stomped. Sometimes it's good to live in Rio Linda and not Davis. :lol:

Regardless of the laws... It's rule of the lugnuts that will always happen. "He who has the most lugnuts wins"


When I used to race, close was getting knocked down! Everything else was plenty of room! lol But seriously, 4 feet can feel like 4 inches if you not accustomed to it. Speed also has a lot to do with it. Pass or get passed and not expect it! You'll have a pyramid in the middle of your seat! lol I think the best thing you can do in this situation is apologize and say you didn't realize (remembering when a car didn't give enough comfort zone while on your bike) and try to defuse the encounter. If that fails, drive off.

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When I used to race, close was getting knocked down! Everything else was plenty of room! lol But seriously, 4 feet can feel like 4 inches if you not accustomed to it. Speed also has a lot to do with it. Pass or get passed and not expect it! You'll have a pyramid in the middle of your seat! lol I think the best thing you can do in this situation is apologize and say you didn't realize (remembering when a car didn't give enough comfort zone while on your bike) and try to defuse the encounter. If that fails, drive off.
While I stopped short of apologizing (due to his demeanor), I did try to open up the conversation in a friendly manner and without swearing until he kept digging at me. Had he been nicer to me, I would have apologized, even having done nothing wrong.

The thread was that particular occurence, but generally speaking, I've just noticed how nasty every one is getting. Any time you beep at someone (even if it's an innocent "head's up, light's green"), the first thing you get is the middle finger. I was turning in to my development once, across a busy lane. The car coming the other way stopped to hang a left, so I started to turn, but some moron when around that car (on to the shoulder) to pass and cut me off, giving me the finger the whole way. I had my year and a half old son in the car with me (on the side that would have been hit had I not seen this guy).

It's not like I haven't gotten pissed at people before. It just seems like it's *all the time*. For someplace full of liberal, tree hugging, tofu eating hippies, people around Portland are not particularly laid back or forgiving.

I'll leave it at that. Just getting some grief off my chest.


We have some of the "I'm better than you because I ride a bike" types who use the narrow Sierra highways as their own race-course/training road. I don't know how they can be saving gasoline when they drive their SUVs 150 miles to ride their bikes, but I'm not part of the "annointed and appointed".

Lugnut Rule:

During a weekend of bicycle riding on Fiddletown Road, East of Hwy 49, one rider decided to pass a piece of lgging equipment on a blind corner. Yep, you guessed it, a car coming the other way...no room for the car, the bicyclist and the "dragger" (A loader equiped with a boom and chain "drag" to pull logs up or down a mountain).

The resident lady driving the car witnessed the horrible event and is understandably shaken, the dragger operator is seeking counselling, the Bay area Dentist's family is in mourning and wants to sue everyone including Amador County, even though the Sheriff investigation found the bicyclist at fault.

While I understand bicyclists wanting to enjoy their sport, they are putting themselves in peril similarly to what we do enjoying our passion. The group I ride motorcycles with doesn't intentionally block traffic by riding slowly 2, 3, or 4 abreast as I've witnessed bicycle groups doing on the roadways we are all supposed to share.

We have some of the "I'm better than you because I ride a bike" types who use the narrow Sierra highways as their own race-course/training road. I don't know how they can be saving gasoline when they drive their SUVs 150 miles to ride their bikes, but I'm not part of the "annointed and appointed".
Lugnut Rule:

During a weekend of bicycle riding on Fiddletown Road, East of Hwy 49, one rider decided to pass a piece of lgging equipment on a blind corner. Yep, you guessed it, a car coming the other way...no room for the car, the bicyclist and the "dragger" (A loader equiped with a boom and chain "drag" to pull logs up or down a mountain).

The resident lady driving the car witnessed the horrible event and is understandably shaken, the dragger operator is seeking counselling, the Bay area Dentist's family is in mourning and wants to sue everyone including Amador County, even though the Sheriff investigation found the bicyclist at fault.

While I understand bicyclists wanting to enjoy their sport, they are putting themselves in peril similarly to what we do enjoying our passion. The group I ride motorcycles with doesn't intentionally block traffic by riding slowly 2, 3, or 4 abreast as I've witnessed bicycle groups doing on the roadways we are all supposed to share.

I followed you (had to work at it) on the Fiddletown road and agree that is not a road that lends itself to safe bicycle riding, especially other than single file. I agree, there are dumb cyclists out there just as there are motorcyclists and yes the laws in many states allow 2 cyclists abreast and advocate "taking the lane" when there is not room to pass, but common sense says otherwise. I pedal on average about 75 - 100 miles a week and can tell you from experience that laws don't mean squat when some bozo is reaching across his seat to retrieve his cell phone that has slid over to the passenger's side and drifts to the shoulder. Any smart cyclist hugs the shoulder all the time, rides single file and if the road is too narrow for passing is either ready to bail off if things get too close for comfort or better yet, finds another road!

Why is it that "some" people from some other country LOOK for any and every opportunity to say something bad about OUR president. Please don't let this be the start of a political barage because I certainly don't mean for it to be, but I'll be danged if I'm gonna sit here and let a statement like that go unchecked. Why don't you just worry about your own political leaders and just shut the heck up about ours. No need to push buttons here.

Why is it that "some" people from some other country LOOK for any and every opportunity to say something bad about OUR president. Please don't let this be the start of a political barage because I certainly don't mean for it to be, but I'll be danged if I'm gonna sit here and let a statement like that go unchecked. Why don't you just worry about your own political leaders and just shut the heck up about ours. No need to push buttons here.
Uh oh. The magic words. Can't even figure out who made what statement, but this thread has clearly outlived it's usefullness....and some folks need to go find a political forum and stick to FJRs here.

Thread closed.

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