Why are people so rude?

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Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA area
To continue the subject matter at hand:

Mike,I followed you (had to work at it) on the Fiddletown road and agree that is not a road that lends itself to safe bicycle riding, especially other than single file. I agree, there are dumb cyclists out there just as there are motorcyclists and yes the laws in many states allow 2 cyclists abreast and advocate "taking the lane" when there is not room to pass, but common sense says otherwise. I pedal on average about 75 - 100 miles a week and can tell you from experience that laws don't mean squat when some bozo is reaching across his seat to retrieve his cell phone that has slid over to the passenger's side and drifts to the shoulder. Any smart cyclist hugs the shoulder all the time, rides single file and if the road is too narrow for passing is either ready to bail off if things get too close for comfort or better yet, finds another road!
CAJW, I doubt you had to work very hard to follow me.

I don't begrudge bicyclists their passion or sport. I do get upset when some of them determine that they can exercise their rights even if it impinges on mine (Like, my right of way.). For the record, I always give them as much room as I can. When I approach them while riding my motorcycle I will pass in the other lane if I can. However, it is frustrating to me when I have to slow to 5 or 10 mph because bicyclists want to ride 3 abreast.To me it is not a game to see how close I can come to them and I don't understand (or refuse to accept) their position that because they can ride thusly, and have gotten away with it for so long, that it is somehow conveyed upon them as a special priviledge. When in my work truck I also give as much room as possible because I know how much air is being "pushed", even at low speeds. That has never stopped bicyclists from tiding up into the "shadow" of my trailer (or trailers) while I am at an intersection. To me, that is suicidal! On one occaision I had a bicyclist try to cut across a lane and try to sneak behind my trailer as I was making a turn. Luckily I "suspected" (That old ESP thing) what was about to happen and I stopped. I was pulling a set! Had I not exercised a bit of professionalism there would have been a very ugly fatality, all because he was trying to beat a signal as he had probably done many times before.

I suppose the bottom line is: Its scary for all of us out there and NOBODY has the only perspective on what's right. Unfortunately, as you noted, its the least protected participant who will likely bear the pain.

Uhm, we won't visit "driving while distracted"(Cell phones, map reading, etc.). You should come and ride with me for one day. You'd be shaking your head in disbelief at the amount of distracted driving and really poor decision making is exhibited every day.

I sure hope you had administrative permission to reopen a closed topic. Big slaps come with that, usually. Don't ask me how I know. :unsure:

Uh-oh, my bad, I din't know and was trying to circumvent those posting an "off the wall" political answer.

Admins, I am sorry and will never do it again. I shall expect a warning, post haste.

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Uh-oh, my bad, I din't know and was trying to circumvent those posting an "off the wall" political answer.
If you can find a way to keep people on topic and not go mush-brain and start ranting about politics....more power to you. What I see is a topic that may not fit the narrow definition of politics or religion, but is still generally divisive, subjective, and invites people to rant and flame. It's like Politics Light.

I guess I'll just remind you of the very first sentence of the board guidelines and hope people keep things somehow related to it.

This forum is to discuss the Yamaha FJR1300 and the issues surrounding the FJR1300 community.
To add my opinion to the subject....I don't think people are any more rude these days....any more than I think people are more thin skinned these days. The Internet just provides a method for more people to editorialize every little thing they've had happen to them.

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So by successfully reposting a closed topic you’ve set an interesting president. If I understand the I man correctly, as long as we don’t turn it into a congressional debate and make a federal case out of it we’re ok. So let’s be supremely court-ious with out comments and stay on track. And what ever we do, no politics! (or somebody will surely be rude).

Wait a minute....I read Henchman's post and it cleary says president not precedent....Your not trying to get political there I hope? :rolleyes:

So by successfully reposting a closed topic you've set an interesting president.
I don't know if it's a precedent.....maybe more like an experiment.

Once again the Igg man rises above & ignores that huge (President :blink: ) spelling error....(a better man then I)....sorry can't RESIST, can someone say spell check? :eek: ....

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Once again the Igg man rises above & ignores that huge (President :blink: ) spelling error....(a better man then I)....sorry can't RESIST, can someone say spell check? :eek: ....
President is spelled correctly and no spell checker program would have caught that. And Microsoft Word wouldn't have even caught it for context.

It's very ironic that the reason I know the difference is related to the topic of this thread and an AP U.S. History teacher I had in high school. When he returned the results of a semester final essay test it asked a question, "Our Nation's first Precedent set the first president at an important ceremony. What was this and what's wrong with this question?" The answer had to do with politics, religion, ........and homonyms ;)

Oh for Pete's sake! Do I have to spell it out??? I wrote president on purpose! I also wrote congress and supreme court, did you not notice? I was being a smartass. It was a joke not a spelling error. Sheesh... :glare:

Oh for Pete's sake! Do I have to spell it out??? I wrote president on purpose! I also wrote congress and supreme court, did you not notice? I was being a smartass. It was a joke not a spelling error. Sheesh... :glare:
....I totally missed the latter two....

I hopelessly have a stick up my ass after all.

You should come and ride with me for one day. You'd be shaking your head in disbelief at the amount of distracted driving and really poor decision making is exhibited every day.
MadMike if you're that bad, maybe another line of work... :p

You should come and ride with me for one day. You'd be shaking your head in disbelief at the amount of distracted driving and really poor decision making is exhibited every day.
MadMike if you're that bad, maybe another line of work... :p

You should come and ride with me for one day. You'd be shaking your head in disbelief at the amount of distracted driving and really poor decision making is exhibited every day.
MadMike if you're that bad, maybe another line of work... :p
Cuuuute, Ross! :acute: You know I meant those whom I observe daily. Besides, I rely on LastChance's "Lugnut Rule": He with the most lugnuts wins! :crazy: So, :bleh: !

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