Why do people say an ST1300 is better 2-up?

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
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I'm debating whether to keep my 03 FJR and fix it up for a better two-up touring machine (which would mean upgrading the stator, seats, and a few other things).

However I don't go NUTS on roads. And I don't ever plan to race. I enjoy twisty roads, but I don't need to be able to outrace others or outride others. And my girlfriend really wants to ride with me so I want to make her as comfortable as possible.

So what makes people seem to recommend the ST1300 as a better 2-up bike? Is it anything that can't be fixed on the FJR with . . . say . . . less than 1000 dollars? Cause I'd love the prospect of having an extended 7 year unlimited mile warranty. Not to mention all the new things that are on it that I can only try to put on my '03 (lots of extra watts available, Car charger, ABS, etc).

Of course this is all moot if they come out with a Gen III FJR in 2010.


PS - If it matters, I feel very comfortable on my FJR, however I'm short. 30" inseam and 5'4". But I adjusted well to the weight of the FJR and after some parking lot practice it's not a problem.

So what makes people seem to recommend the ST1300 as a better 2-up bike?
I think it's because it's more like a scooter on roids. And everybody knows scoots are good two-up :grin:

Actually I think because it has:

1) More back seat room.

2) Better wind protection.

...but it is ugly. Ever seen one with the bags off?

For the FJR to be as comfy as the ST...IMHO...it needs a bigger windscreen and a better seat. You could probably

come in under a $1000 to get it right for you and your girlfriend.

I wasn't aware people thought the ST1300 was a better two-up machine. And after sitting on one for the first time yesterday, that idea still leaves me perplexed.

I vote for changing the screen and saddle in any event.

The one thing my wife loves about the FJR is the Givi trunk. Standard backrests leave her feeling exposed but the trunk feels like a sofa by comparison.

Ok. So the seat and windscreen. Ok. I thought the seat might be a big factor, but I didn't know that the wind protection is better for the passenger. Thanks. This is pretty easy to fix on the FJR. Ok thanks. As good as a warranty is for peace of mind, I think the fjr has proven itself as reliable. I'll just wait to see if there will be a gen IIIin 2010. If not, I'll keep my 2003 and just do some modifications to it.


At the end of the day, the bike's gotta be fun to ride.... and I think this is where the FJR wins hands down.

I owned an ST1100, and whenever I came back from a ride I thought to myself "Wow, what great wind protection and what wonderful storage." I also thought "Man, this bike has a lot of torque, and it handles OK, but I sure enjoy riding just about everything else in the garage more...be it V-Strom, Norge, Seca II, K-bike, etc."

I rented an ST1300 for a couple of days in 2006. When I turned it back in, it did not impress me enough to make me decide to buy one. I pretty much scratched it off my list and kept the ST1100 for the longer distance rides instead.

The FJR, on the other hand, was the first bike that made me happily give up the ST1100 as the longer distance bike.

At the end of the day, when I get off the FJR, I have never once thought "Wow, what great wind protection and what wonderful storage." My reaction at the end of the day with the FJR is "Wow, what a fun bike."

When I was deciding ST or FJR (2003) I had my wife try both bikes with me. My wife preferred the the FJR over the ST, good wife, good decision :) My wife knows that I always make a lot of modifications to what ever I buy, so she wasn't concerned about the seat comfort. What she was looking at was the ergonomic relationship between the pegs, seat and backrest. She felt that the FJR's peg to seat height difference and her foot peg to my peg spacing suited her better than the ST. We have had some bikes where we have had tangle-foot issues. She also didn't like the ST's passenger location on the seat in relationship to the distance to the backrest.

Sold my ST1100 to get my FJR. The ST was a great bike in a lot of ways, but a top heavy pig to me personally.

When I was looking at bikes last year, it appeared that the seat on the Honda was as wide as a washing machine. It was weird. I much prefer the aesthetics of the FJR.

I have a stock 03 wind screen and my wife never complains. I am 6' 5" and she is only 5' 6" so I guess I am her wind screen. The 2 things that have made the best change for her are the custom seats and the new rear shock. PM me and I can give you more info if you want.

Why do people say an ST1300 is better 2-up?
They assume because it is better 1-up that it is better 2-up.
But, the assumption is wrong, FJR is better 2-up and the ST13 better 1-up.

glad I could help.

I can think of one and only one advantage of the ST1300 over the FJR as a bike.

You can get them in white, which makes people think they're cop bikes back home. People tend to drive a lot better when they think you're a cop.

So what makes people seem to recommend the ST1300 as a better 2-up bike? Is it anything that can't be fixed on the FJR with . . . say . . . less than 1000 dollars? Cause I'd love the prospect of having an extended 7 year unlimited mile warranty. Not to mention all the new things that are on it that I can only try to put on my '03 (lots of extra watts available, Car charger, ABS, etc).
Why do folk's recommend the ST 1300 as a better 2-up bike, when it isn't? Don't know maybe it's an internet rumor.

As a former ST1300 owner the FJR is more comfortable for me at 5' 10". And I can stand riding it above 95F. The ST1300 was more than unbearable, it was painful in warm weather. The recent Harley's are supposedly hot on the right leg in the heat. Nothing I've been on was worse than my '06 ST1300. Don't get me wrong it's a great bike, but the FJR is a better bike. The heat management of the Gen II is outstanding. It is more comfortable in my experience than the ST1300.

Other wife/comfort mods that the Mrs. may appreciate: Knifemaker's floorboards or - passenger peg extenders & heatshields.

My wife is 5'2 so I removed the peg extenders but kept the heatshields. She loves the floorboards more than my dog, I think.

My wife also like the AE more than previous bikes as it seems my shifting is more smoother. That could totally be due to my lack of empathetic clutch modulation skills.

One other thing to consider about a GENIII: you might consider a GENII because it is a stable/matured platform. New generations always have unique issues that take a year or two to get ironed out.


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Check out audi.....they have great wind protection and other amenities that will make the sig/other much more comfortable then usual.....like a back seat, a/c, heated seats, stereo, etc. A trunk when things go south.

Probably get more reasons why some think it is better for two up on the ST forum, I have an ST, and both my wife and I preferred the ST for two up because we felt it had more leg room, and better wind protection, never really measured the leg room though, but that's the way it felt for us, we tried both the ST and FJR, I wanted the FJR but had to go with the St because the FJR vibrations in the bars made my hands go numb, and I've ridden several of them, my neighbor has an 06 FJR with Grip puppies and heavier bar weights, my hands still went numb, it was a deal breaker for me, and I have no heat issues with my St, and it's always over 100 degrees where I live in the summer, I've ridden it in temps up to 112F and had no issues at all, but I can say, the stock ST seat is a torture devise, it totally sucks!!

Among other things, I would think that the FJR's stronger motor would make it the better 2-up machine.

That said, just the day before yesterday, I had a ST chasing me through some twisties and he seemed to be motoring along just fine.

They're both pretty solid bikes.

I've had 2 FJR's and 2 ST1300's (along with 30 other bikes and 40 years of riding) so while not a expert I do have time on both bikes. The ST1300 is better for 2 up in my opnion. The ST1300 is a bit bigger than the FJR and the rear seat is a bit bigger. I just think there is more room for a passenger on the ST than the FJR. I have also owned 2 St1100's (the best all round bike ever bulit in my opinion). Don't get me wrong, I really like my FJR but the ST1100 was a killer bike and I've done many 7000 mile trips on them as I have done on the FJR. I love the power and lighter weight of the FJR but the St1100 was very comfortable, 50+ MPG, almost no upkeep, 11-12000 miles on tires and it just fit me great. I have done several long trips on the FJr (solo) and it was great but not as comfortable as the ST's.Ii have always said that the ST is a touring/sport bike and the FJR is a sport touring bike. Both very good but diffrent.


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I have never ridden an ST1300, so I have no first-hand experience with the machine. My understanding, however, is that it has a larger fairing and windshield, the seat is broad and supportive, the riding position is very neutral, and the engine is very smooth.

As I said, I've never ridden an ST1300. I did own a VFR800 Interceptor for two years, though, and am a fan of Honda's V-four engines.
