Why does it happen when it does?

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Well, more interest shown than I expected.

Glad I didn't meet your friends, Beemerdons. Don't they have any ladies in their gangs? Or are they Forum members?

Plug it and ride? Don't think so. One of the staple's ends was pointing into the sidewall of the tyre. No way of knowing what damage it might have caused, and I don't fancy ionbeam's experience of a rapid deflation, particularly when the most likely time would be when I was leaned over in a corner (we have those around where I live
). Maybe if I was in the middle of no-where I might have done, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy the ride. I suppose I'm with Burnspot and Big Sky, I'd have plugged it in an emergency. I have plugged simple punctures before and ridden with no issues

Now, dcarver, you're trying to get me into trouble. I'm in enough of that as it is, SWHTPS is already annoyed by the cost (£130, that's $200 US). I know she's annoyed. I could tell when she phoned me, and went very quiet when I told her. And when she's annoyed, life becomes somewhat precarious. (My regular readers will know that I fear her wrath more than death itself.)

Anyway, I persuaded Son to take my wheel into a local shop, they fitted a new tyre, I'll put the wheel back on tomorrow morning (it was raining cats and dogs and the bike's too close to the garage door to work on it without getting me very wet).

Wheel with nice new tyre, ready to put on bike.

Gixxer - Bugnatr is quite right, the front tyre runs over the nail, flicks it up, into the back tyre it goes. That's why the vast majority of punctures are in the rear wheel.

rushes - I'm not changing my pseudonym now, I've owned this one too long, and at my age I'd forget the new one. But, yes, in that sense I was lucky it became apparent when at home. It's just the inconvenience of Her being away with the car, so me having to get Son, in his lunch hour, to pick me and the tyre up, run them to the shop, where he dumped me to get back to work, while I walked the few miles back home. Well, I could have caught a couple of buses, but the exercise was probably good for me. He then picked it up after work and brought it back to me. I was certainly lucky that he was able to do it. I hate having to rely on others like that.

Must remember to check my brakes aren't binding. The last time I got a new tyre, my balance test run ended up with my front brakes destroyed.

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Sorry about the tire! Life has a twisted sense of timing and a twisted sense of humor. Yet another reason to own a Gen III.
I admire your skill in picking up a double puncture with a wiring staple, most people just go for a simple nail
A few years ago I had a battle with a staging nail/duplex nail.


The nail went into my tire with one nail head inside the tire and the other nail head outside the tire. Every time the tire went around the nail poked a hole in the sidewall then pulled back out such that in a few rotations I had a 1" hole in the sidewall and an almost instant deflation. It was exciting slewing sideways in the fast lane of an undivided 4 lane highway during rush hour traffic. I'm sure I heard Life laughing at me.
I had something like that happen on a tubed tire. Wound up with something like 12 punctures in the tube. Essentially shredded.

All you guys are on your period........right?
When you get to my age you'll find that life is one long period.

That's IF you get to my age

But life is better than the alternative.

All you guys are on your period........right?
When you get to my age you'll find that life is one long period.

That's IF you get to my age

But life is better than the alternative.
No but this Chandler, AZ Chola is and you dos Putos aren't going to say jack shit to her ese! JSNS, muy Peligro! She may be one of AJ's Cholla's!


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Well, good luck is you found it on your garage. Bad luck is you got a fence staple in your tire. In my entire life I haven't seen that and I must have launched 20 billion of those things into driving paths when I was a kid. All wooden posted barbed-wire fences use those. My mom still has a huge box of them in the shed next to the saddles.

That staple sucked, but not as bad as when I walked outside last month and realized I had a .40 cal bullet casing lodged in the front tire of my cop car. It made a ring like a cookie cutter. Some soapy water showed me where it punctured all the way through, so I stuck a plug in there. So far, so good....I hope.

Now, as far as Pepe', Carlos, Gonzalo and the boys, they're all show. Nicest guys ever, they just have a reputation to keep up. Don't get me wrong, they'll mess a puto up for wanting to throw chingasos, but they're usually mas chingon and won't mess with the gente.

Then there's Lupita. That flaca is muy loca. Like her knuckles say, it's todo or nada with her, and if she's beefing it down, it's gonna be an ass kicking mas fuerte. She doesn't mess with me though. I'm not flojo, so she knows who the chingon jefe is when I'm around. Just gotta keep her happy, and she's a lover, not a fighter.

Que cabron!!

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Back in the day------- I ran crappy tires on my truck. My Dad told me to "look for a nice place,along the road where I drive--Maybe you'll break-down right there" He was RIGHT,in a big way.!!! I now change tires when it's needed, even if I'm a tight-wad.

A car has 4 chances to get flat, and little chance of " throwing you and a loved one ,on the road in TRAFFIC "

On the other hand; A Motorcycle has 2 chances of a flat ,and a HELL of a chance, NO, Make that "every " chance to throw and mutilate you and that same "loved-one" in to TRAFFIC or down a cliff.!!!! Is it worth the gamble ? with the stakes so high?

Put a tube in it for the life of the tread, or GET A NEW TIRE , and the insurance it gives.

My 2 cents--------

Damn it I'm getting old and that Dreaded "common-sense" thing is creeping in. What happened to my youthful exuberance?????

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Sticky string. Good for the life of the tire...at FJR nominal. Jsns.
I have nothing against plugs and have plugged several of my tires with no problems. But considering the mileage of the tire in the OP plus the proximity to the sidewall, I'd have probably replaced that one myself. But my tires are generally pretty much gone by 4900 miles.

But back to the OP, I've had a flat on the rear (not an FJR) and could not get the bike on the center stand because of it. A scrap piece of 2x4 under the rear wheel helped tremendously ;)

NEVER put a tube in a tubeless tire like the FJR's. The heat generated by the tire will shred the tube and result in what will probably be catastrophic failure.

Sticky string. Good for the life of the tire...at FJR nominal. Jsns.
If I remember right it was 2 strings that got you from the left coast home to Land of Lincoln via Hwy 36 and a whole lot of I 80.
And if I remember right it took him three times to get it right. One after lunch, one in the lot by the lake and then one more on the side of the road. :) :) :)

Had to plug a tire last Monday. 500 miles from home, returning from Voodoo music fest in NOLA. What a quagmire that was. I checked tire pressure at every stop; it held up fine. It's a T30 about half done, so I'll watch it carefully. I've run plugs before to end of tire life.

Think I'll look at some BT pressure monitors.

Ozzy rules!
