Why does the shaft drive gear oil smell so bad?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Interestinger and Interestinger! I didn't realize that's what hypoid meant. What would be the reason to have different shaft center lines? So is there a term for non-hypoid?
Hypoid gears were developed to lower the driveshaft in cars. This lowered the hump in the body floor running longitudinally in the rear seat area. There are straight-cut bevel gears and helical-cut bevel gears. We have helical cut.


Been groovin' on my new-to-me 2007! Changed the oil and filter. The PO told me it was fresh and it looked fresh too. Changed coolant. I like Suzuki blue for that. The coolant looked old and kind of dark amber. I couldn't bring myself to do the BJ , I'm just wierd that way. Couldn't y'all have named the technique something else? Oh yeah, the punk in lube. Changed the fin drive fluid. Man, that stuff smelled sulfury and bad! It didn't look good either, kind of both shades of caramel (light and dark). Put some Mobil 1 Synthetic 75-90 gear oil in and will change again in 6 months and compare olfactory repugnance!Does y'all's gear oil smell bad too?
It's a no brainer...rear end stuff always smells bad!!

Yes it does.

