Why else would ya have a bike

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, South Oz
Sitting out in the Bikeport on Saturday evening with the mercury sitting on 34.8 and Jacqui on the way down to Subway for my six inch steak and cheese melt. SWMBO had decided she wanted to watch a movie on the new LCD, (the old CRT widescreen gave up the ghost last week) but I thought naaa, a trip to the bay was in order.

So when J arrived back home, the Yamahauler was sitting in the driveway grinning at her, "You goin' for a ride dear?" "No Hon' I thought we would have a bit of a run in the cooing evening air" "Shit yeah! great idea babe"

(actually we don't really talk like that but it sounds better than all the four letter lingo...)

So after tea she says "You have just had a drink are you going to be alright to ride?"

"Well it was only a tripple Irish, and I started it 40 mins before you went for tea, by the time I have had tea that will make it 1 and a half hours, yeah I'll be fine..."

At about 8pm we roll out of the drive for the 45 klm trip to Glenelg, cruising with the setting sun leaving reddish hues in the sky to our right, Yeah its good to be alive, wouldn't be dead for quids. The ride to the bay takes in a cruise through the centre of Adelaide, this is a quiet ride by eastern standards but still an enjoyable cruise. Gotta love cruising through the city in summer (politically incorrect statement, but who gives a monkeys), still this is nothing compared to the eye candy on display at the Bay.

"Watch where ya goin' Cejay!!!" "It's alright love I was just looking at that hot Commie" "yeah right, and I've got two heads!" "Oh have you dear, I never noticed" "well maybe if you took your eyes of the dollie birds you might see a bit more of life"

I really have no idea what she meant by that, life looked fine to me.

After a long and meaningful walk around the main street of the Bay I decided it was time to head back home for a Jack Daniels and a chance to catch up with the great folks on the forum. The ride home was a bit more spirited and with the temp now down to 25c it was good to raise the screen and push the cooler air around the bod. Yep I was not exactly dressed for riding but hey its my life and I live it my way (still thats another topic).

Back home and the missus is hankering after some home cooked chips... "no you can't have chips, we have worked too hard on our diet to throw it away now, have a carrot" "fug off, I'm going to bed!" "Ok dear, sleep tight, I will have a quiet drink and join you soon"

And so another night is over for Cejay...

Nice story. Can't wait for spring/summer here in the Northern Hemisphere so I can regale ya with our tales also. Ride safe!!

Yep! Good for you , Cejay, and thanks for rekindling the memories...

Ahhhh, Spring, Summer and Fall, when an hour on the FJR, riding through the farmlands East of my home or the Sacramento River Delta (to the West) is a great therapy ride! :D

The best reason: Because I can! I know you all understand... :yahoo:

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What a lovely afternoon's ride.

The weather wasn't so kind to us this afternoon here in Sydney.

You have prompted me to write a short ride report on last Saturdays ride (Double demerrit weekend and all)

Great story Cejay.

Glenelg Town Hall:


Had a great time there in '01. Met a friend there & drove across the bush to Syndey in his 1953 Holden FJ. Hmmm.....FJ...maybe there's some kismet there...?

Hiya Mike, things are great with Jenny and I. We are working on the scheduling for this summer. We currently have a 2 week 6,000 mile trip planned that will have us in the Golden area a week before the meet. I'm working on changing that. Last year we were in Park City a week before the meet as well. We both have missed seeing our old friends from the early days. I really need to quit working, it gets in the way of all the stuff I want to do on the bike. :rolleyes:

That was fun to read, although I didn't understand it all. Would love to be riding myself. The temp is the same here, except there is an f behind the numers instead of a c. Oh well.
