Wilbers Suspension

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Ripon, CA
Hey all, heard Klaus in New Jersey got his Wilbers contract pulled. There is good news. Ted Porters Beemer Shop in Scotts Valley California is the new distributor and does other work too. He was recommended by Phil Douglas of Aftershocks in Palo Alto. Phil also does work on Wilbers suspension. Like mine that was sent (by Klaus on a group buy) with way under sprung shock and fork springs.

When I originally gothe the shock a couple of years ago I called Klaus and complained and got a rude response. I have lived with it. Now its gonna cost me bucks to get a new spring that was too soft to begin with. Phil will get me the correct one and install. Aftershocks did my work on an FZ1 few years ago and it was perfect!

I talked to the Ted Porter about my problem and he seemed very knowlegible about suspension. He took twenty minutes talking with me on the phone knowing that Aftershocks would probably do the work. That should tell you something about Mr. Porter right there!

Here is his number if you need Wilbers shocks or springs (guess he works on Beemers too). (831) 438-1100

Hey all, heard Klaus in New Jersey got his Wilbers contract pulled.
Klaus got his contract pulled? Hmmm....I think Klaus tossed them.

Possibly a mutual thing in the broad perspective....but I wouldn't diss Klaus in that deal. At least he made his perspective public.

Good to hear another group will work on the Wilbers besides Progressive Suspensions.....which rebuilt and resprung mine some months ago. Probably wouldn't buy one now with the crap I think Wilbers Corporate did to North America, but with one already purchased and resprung it's served me well.

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kinda interesting how something (klaus' treatment by wilbers) as widely discussed at the time got this new spin on it after a few months.

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kinda interesting how something (klaus' treatment by wilbers) as widely discussed at the time got this new spin on it after a few months.
Yeppers. One of the reasons a good search can put history of the forum in a bit more longer-term perspective than what just happens that day when somebody clicks on View New Posts. I'll feel like such an old codger. ;)

All I know is Wilbers owes NAFO two complete suspension set ups (641's and progressive fork springs) to make up for bailing this year at WFO :)

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kinda interesting how something (klaus' treatment by wilbers) as widely discussed at the time got this new spin on it after a few months.
(Leaving the personality that is Klaus out of the argument and consider him only as a business entity...)

A valid observation that neglects the fact that there are a lot of us with Wilbers bits that had/have to go elsewhere for service and parts. Regardless of the real reasons for the split - and I'm sure both sides claim solitary truth - the fact remains that I, as an owner, was left hung out to dry with nearly a grand worth of locally unsupported stuff from either party.

I don't give two shits as to who was to blame, but I, as the consumer, got fucked and I'm glad to know I can go back to factory support if I need to. Not that I'd want to, but if I need to...

kinda interesting how something (klaus' treatment by wilbers) as widely discussed at the time got this new spin on it after a few months.
(Leaving the personality that is Klaus out of the argument and consider him only as a business entity...)

A valid observation that neglects the fact that there are a lot of us with Wilbers bits that had/have to go elsewhere for service and parts. Regardless of the real reasons for the split - and I'm sure both sides claim solitary truth - the fact remains that I, as an owner, was left hung out to dry with nearly a grand worth of locally unsupported stuff from either party.

I don't give two shits as to who was to blame, but I, as the consumer, got fucked and I'm glad to know I can go back to factory support if I need to. Not that I'd want to, but if I need to...
Ditto, gunny, +1, fuzzy spheres, etc.

My year old 10k miles high quality adjustable rear shock has developed a slight leak ( this was just after Klaus said adios to Wilburs some months ago ).

Looking for some resolution, I 'contakted' the Wilburs folks in Germany & explained my problem. They suggested I take the shock to their new dealer (in California) to get the problem resolved... No mention was made of costs or warranty or time to repair.

When I replied I tried to inform them of the fact that their new California dealer was almost three thousand miles away from me, a not inconsequential ride (although it would be a fun one if I had the time). I questioned their ability to support suspension parts all across the US with one dealer in California and asked why I am having this leak after only ten thousand miles (mostly high speed slab).

The reply assured me that they built a quality product, had many satisfied customers, did not mention cost or warranty or time to repair, and mentioned that of course I could also return it to their factory in Germany.

Didn't bother to flog it any more because it would've gone drastically downhill from that point. Like alot of other folks I used to think that German engineering & craftsmanship would create a quality product that gives a long service life, guess I know better now. I'll give Klaus a call when the weather gets cold & arrange a ride in to get the shock taken care of.

I "think" any reputable suspension shop can repair your shock. If you are going to pay for it (meaning: No Warranty) why not use someone close to you that has a good reputation in your local area?

Perhaps someone with more "real knowledge" can chime in here, but the bushings and seals should be readily available.

Personally, with hindsight about the issues that arose in regards to the product (I am a Wilbers owner with an undersprung shock. "You Americans always want a spring that is too stiff!", Klaus), I'd now spring (Pun intended...arh, arh, arh) for a shock with better U.S. presence: Penske, Ohlins and others.

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As I recall, at the time Wilbers and Klaus parted company, Klaus stated that he had sufficient spings and parts in stock to honor the warranties and do the recommended 2 year maintenance on all the Wilbers shocks he has sold. I thnk the only problem with sending a shock to Klaus would be the same problem that existed before the split -- getting a timely turnaround.

Has anyone actually returned a Wilbers shock to Klaus -- for anything -- since the split?

When the times comes this winter to have my Wilber rear shock rebuilt I may send mine to GP. I talked with Dave and he seems very knowledgeable. Plus I can get EVERYTHING checked out and make sure the factory did a good job setting mine up (it seems good so far).


For allyou Wilbur fans out there how do you spell releif, when your shock is to soft to support and sprung a leak?

I spell it, GP suspnesion will solve all your problems give them a call they and you will have :) on your face
