Although we live in Ohio, the wife and I motorcycle a lot in Wva. Some say its a backward state for its lack of Interstate highways, but I think it's one of the best kept secrets in motorcycling. US250 from Moundsville to the Va boarder is awesome, gobs of twistys,pavment ususlly top notch. US219 branches off around Elkins, if memory serves, another road like US250. All of Rt50(don't know if state or US) West of Clarksburg is awesome with a 9 or 10 degree climb up the Cheet Mountain as a bonus. Another area that inspires us is around the Marlinton area in all directions. It's ususlly on our to do list for fall leave color riding. One other I discovered on the way back from Charlotte NC. We were very bored with I77, so we got off Beckly(sp) and with a little map glancing figured State rt 16 would take us to St Marys on the Ohio River, and close to home.Wow, 100 miles of nice scenery, twistys and very good road conditions. Small towns to go thru, but absolutely no congestion. I have more, but so much escapes me now. One thing, you can do a search for Pochantas County WVa, and there's info on motorcycle roads there.
Tim Krantz
Tim Krantz