Remember the Toyota's, Datsun's, Honda's and Nissan's from the 70's??? Worthless pieces of shit that no one would go near. Pre-rusted made from left over WWII beer cans, with little Kyoto Agreement amenable 5hp motors. Look what those companies have become. I am sure Fiat has stood still since 1970 and made no attempt at improving. I wonder if any other manufacturer has been able to improve their product over the years. What a sad sack of horse excrement the manufacturing industry has become in this country. Time to think about moving overseas...Austrailia maybe???
HUH? :dribble:
Those "worthless pieces of shit" from the 70s is what damn near killed the U.S. auto industry, and certainly DID kill the affordable car segment of the British car industry (along with the help of British Leyland). It's just taken 30 years for the coma to end.
Purely anecdotal on my part, but my 75 Honda Civic went 242,000 miles before I traded it in in '85 on a Chevy Blazer and made me $50 dollars on the trade. The Chevy dealer gave me $2800 for a car I drove the piss out of for 10 years and only paid $2750 to buy new.
The Kyoto agreement didn't occur until 1992 and was based purely on combating "Global Warming".
And the "5hp" in my 1200cc Honda Civic proved more than enough to win me two Regional SCCA Solo II titles in the 70s.
Did you or someone in your family lose an auto job due to import successes from the Land of the Rising Sun? Can't think of anything else to foment your rant.