Windscreen Adjjustment

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Mar 4, 2011
Reaction score
New York
Is anyone aware of any wind/speed sensor or actuator that measures the speed of the bike or the pressure of the air on the windscreen and automatically adjusts the windscreens height so that there is always greatest visibility and least drag for the speed without buffeting the head?

The cleanest air I've ridden in on my FJR has been with the screen removed altogether. I'm about 5' 10" and sit tall and there is no position that keeps me in dead air - I tried a much larger screen and it was (as far as I was concerned) way too tall - so I use the factory one and, when I must (like in the rain), simply duck down.

A device such as you describe would need t be very intelligent, since the buffeting depends on the rider's ergonomics and the geometry of the specific screen being used.

So, no.

Hasn't been done. Something similar was discussed here. I suspect that it wouldn't work out quite as well in real life as it sounds on paper. Have you ever ridden on a really gusty day? ;)

Edit: Many FJR owners are driven mad by the auto-retract, imagine if they had a constantly varying windshield! After a hour long ride they would have to be captured with a net and secured in a straight jacket with a drool cloth strapped to their chin.

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Hasn't been done. Something similar was discussed here. I suspect that it wouldn't work out quite as well in real life as it sounds on paper. Have you ever ridden on a really gusty day? ;)

Edit: Many FJR owners are driven mad by the auto-retract, imagine if they had a constantly varying windshield! After a hour long ride they would have to be captured with a net and secured in a straight jacket with a drool cloth strapped to their chin.

What is funny is I went from wanting taller and taller and couldn't really get it 'quiet' (although it's warmer). I also find the cleanest air is with the screen removed :rolleyes:


Sometimes these sophisticated gadgets don't work exactly as you want them to. Here's an example. (Yeh, I know you've seen it before.)




I did see it. I almost broke a rib laughing.

But do you think that shit was set up? How did that truck miss seeing him at such close slow condition in an open field like that?


Sometimes these sophisticated gadgets don't work exactly as you want them to. Here's an example. (Yeh, I know you've seen it before.)




I did see it. I almost broke a rib laughing.

But do you think that shit was set up? How did that truck miss seeing him at such close slow condition in an open field like that?
Oh no that was totally real...

Hasn't been done. Something similar was discussed here. I suspect that it wouldn't work out quite as well in real life as it sounds on paper. Have you ever ridden on a really gusty day? ;)

Edit: Many FJR owners are driven mad by the auto-retract, imagine if they had a constantly varying windshield! After a hour long ride they would have to be captured with a net and secured in a straight jacket with a drool cloth strapped to their chin.
You are of course correct. There is no way it would work well based on wind pressure because wind loads are to the square and not linear. I also though about MPH, but again as you pointed out if the operator goes to say 40mph, 41mph, 39mph and the sensor is set for 40mph, then there may not be enough fuses to spare, ever. For some reason I really like it when it is down at a stop light or slowly cruising in the neighborhood so I don't have to look over the edge 100 feet away.

Something may be wrong with my screen because mine doesn't auto retract. I better check that out. :huh: I haven't really had this baby long enough to really figure out everything that is or isn't as it should be.


Sometimes these sophisticated gadgets don't work exactly as you want them to. Here's an example. (Yeh, I know you've seen it before.)




I did see it. I almost broke a rib laughing.

But do you think that shit was set up? How did that truck miss seeing him at such close slow condition in an open field like that?
Oh no that was totally real...
Really?! How stupid is that?

I never move until I have assessed a 360 view around my ass. What are the odds...well, I mean, they're pretty good for the guy that got tapped out.

Something may be wrong with my screen because mine doesn't auto retract. I better check that out. :huh: I haven't really had this baby long enough to really figure out everything that is or isn't as it should be.
Wrong? Probably not. Deliberately done? Very likely.

It's a popular farkle many make as listed in the FJRTech website here.

Is anyone aware of any wind/speed sensor or actuator that measures the speed of the bike or the pressure of the air on the windscreen and automatically adjusts the windscreens height so that there is always greatest visibility and least drag for the speed without buffeting the head?'s called your left thumb and your brain.

You can move the screen up and down as you go and your brain should be able to figure out where is seems to work the best.

After some trial and error you can get pretty good at moving the shield to the right spot quite quickly depending on your speed.


Is anyone aware of any wind/speed sensor or actuator that measures the speed of the bike or the pressure of the air on the windscreen and automatically adjusts the windscreens height so that there is always greatest visibility and least drag for the speed without buffeting the head?'s called your left thumb and your brain.

You can move the screen up and down as you go and your brain should be able to figure out where is seems to work the best.

After some trial and error you can get pretty good at moving the shield to the right spot quite quickly depending on your speed.
And..., your brain... :eek: :rolleyes:


Brain and thumb. Shoulda seen it coming. ;)

Actually, I've become quite good at it already, but it gets monotonous so I was just "thinking". I'm still thinking.

What if a solid state contactor relay can tie the speedometer and the screen motor so that it functions at intervals which can be mapped based on "duration" of driving between a and b speeds instead of when specific speeds are attained? I would think it would work well for highways, but unnecessary since long trips = set it and forget it. The trick may be in building the right map for the different speeds which may be as varied as there are operators and their local areas and driving conditions. Just thinking.

Thanks for the links. I'll check and see why someone would deliberately disable the auto retract.

Edit: Many FJR owners are driven mad by the auto-retract, imagine if they had a constantly varying windshield! After a hour long ride they would have to be captured with a net and secured in a straight jacket with a drool cloth strapped to their chin.
You make that sound like it's a bad thing Alan.. :huh: I find it refreshing ;)


Sometimes these sophisticated gadgets don't work exactly as you want them to. Here's an example. (Yeh, I know you've seen it before.)




I did see it. I almost broke a rib laughing.

But do you think that shit was set up? How did that truck miss seeing him at such close slow condition in an open field like that?
Oh no that was totally real...
Really?! How stupid is that?

I never move until I have assessed a 360 view around my ass. What are the odds...well, I mean, they're pretty good for the guy that got tapped out.


Brain and thumb. Shoulda seen it coming. ;)

Actually, I've become quite good at it already, but it gets monotonous so I was just "thinking". I'm still thinking.

What if a solid state contactor relay can tie the speedometer and the screen motor so that it functions at intervals which can be mapped based on "duration" of driving between a and b speeds instead of when specific speeds are attained? I would think it would work well for highways, but unnecessary since long trips = set it and forget it. The trick may be in building the right map for the different speeds which may be as varied as there are operators and their local areas and driving conditions. Just thinking.

Thanks for the links. I'll check and see why someone would deliberately disable the auto retract.
Are you gonna have it sense water, too, because I want the shield in a different place when it's raining. And how do I tell it which shield I'm running, since I have a short summer shield and a taller wider one for the cooler months?

As for researching why someone would intentionally disable the auto-retract. . .. SRSLY? The auto-retract is the stupidest idea ever tossed to the general public. There's no good goddamn reason on Earth or any other planet for the damn thing to move down just because the bike got turned off. That's why 99% of users intentionally disable it. It's NOT a "feature," it's a pain in the ass!

The only thing stupider doesn't come from Yamaha. It's those damn web pages where the back button doesn't work. SOMEONE tell me why that's a thing that can even be done??!?!?!?! Why would some web designer think I "accidently" hit the back button????

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Brain and thumb. Shoulda seen it coming. ;)

Actually, I've become quite good at it already, but it gets monotonous so I was just "thinking". I'm still thinking.

What if a solid state contactor relay can tie the speedometer and the screen motor so that it functions at intervals which can be mapped based on "duration" of driving between a and b speeds instead of when specific speeds are attained? I would think it would work well for highways, but unnecessary since long trips = set it and forget it. The trick may be in building the right map for the different speeds which may be as varied as there are operators and their local areas and driving conditions. Just thinking.

Thanks for the links. I'll check and see why someone would deliberately disable the auto retract.
Are you gonna have it sense water, too, because I want the shield in a different place when it's raining. And how do I tell it which shield I'm running, since I have a short summer shield and a taller wider one for the cooler months?

As for researching why someone would intentionally disable the auto-retract. . .. SRSLY? The auto-retract is the stupidest idea ever tossed to the general public. There's no good goddamn reason on Earth or any other planet for the damn thing to move down just because the bike got turned off. That's why 99% of users intentionally disable it. It's NOT a "feature," it's a pain in the ass!

The only thing stupider doesn't come from Yamaha. It's those damn web pages where the back button doesn't work. SOMEONE tell me why that's a thing that can even be done??!?!?!?! Why would some web designer think I "accidently" hit the back button????
I think it would be too complex if it had to measure rain, wind, bugs and everything that may effect it, so no, those would just have to fall through the cracks and maybe set manually since you would want the windshield to remain where you put it for rain etc.. I don't think that shield size would be an issue however because the windshield is restricted to the track travel and that could not be increased or decreased.

I can think of three reasons (in my unqualified opinion) why the auto retract may have been incorporated into the design but those are probably not accurate or even important because their purpose is preventive instead of corrective and they could very well be stupid soooo, will keep to self.

Question. Does the auto retract find its last position when the bike is turned back on?


...Question. Does the auto retract find its last position when the bike is turned back on?...
No. The windshield runs down until the lower micro-switch closes then it stays parked there until you thumb the position button again.

I represent 0.0001% of the FJR population because I always fiddle with the windshield position as I ride. It doesn't matter to me if it is left up or down 'cause I'm gonna mess with it anyway. I hope this revelation doesn't make the majority of the FJR riders ill to hear this, though I'm sure it will make them think a lot less of me. :lol: In part this may have to do with my location where it can be 25 degrees in the morning and 70 degrees in the afternoon.

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