Windscreen Adjjustment

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^^^^^ Exactly!!!

There are too many conditions to account for to make it an "automatic" position. Temperature, speed, wind direction, rain, type of gear being worn, etc. The bike just can't know all that. The rider, however, can.

Thus the magic thumb button.

And shield size would be an issue, because of the coverage difference. For a similar set of conditions you'd very likely want a large shield in a different place than a small shield.

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Question. Does the auto retract find its last position when the bike is turned back on?
No, because then, THAT would be. . .

"the stupidest idea ever tossed to the general public."
If the damn thing went back to its last position, then it just negated any "benefit" of auto-retracting. Leave it in place and it's ALREADY at its last position, with no effort on the part of the rider or the poor little hamster inside the wheel that powers your windshield motor.

Disabling that PITA was MY first farkle. And Wfooshee, my vote for all-time webpage PITAs is when you click "close" on some damn pop-up and ANOTHER window pops up and asks you "Are you really SURE you want to close this window?" :lol:

So, just for fun:

What exactly was the benefit of "auto retracting" the windshield supposed to be? :unsure:

Sometimes engineers design stuff just because they can. ;)

Everytime the screen auto retracts a puppy dies. Stop the madness! Unplug your autoretract jumper today. Do it for the puppies! :p


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...Question. Does the auto retract find its last position when the bike is turned back on?...
No. The windshield runs down until the lower micro-switch closes then it stays parked there until you thumb the position button again.

I represent 0.0001% of the FJR population because I always fiddle with the windshield position as I ride. It doesn't matter to me if it is left up or down 'cause I'm gonna mess with it anyway. I hope this revelation doesn't make the majority of the FJR riders ill to hear it, though though I'm sure it will make them think a lot less of me. :lol: In part this may have to do with my location where it can be 25 degrees in the morning and 70 degrees in the afternoon.

Yup. I'm in that category. Up, down and everywhere in between. It would be nice if it did it by itself instead leaving the brain to think about something else and the thumb free to play with the horn.

^^^^^ Exactly!!!

There are too many conditions to account for to make it an "automatic" position. Temperature, speed, wind direction, rain, type of gear being worn, etc. The bike just can't know all that. The rider, however, can.

Thus the magic thumb button.

And shield size would be an issue, because of the coverage difference. For a similar set of conditions you'd very likely want a large shield in a different place than a small shield.
Agreed. My thumb actually gets tired from playing with the switch even if it already in a perfect position. I slow down or speed up just so I can move it up or down. :)

I didn't mean to imply that every single variable should be designed into the actuator. I was only trying to think about whether rider comfort (lack of buffeting and closer sight distance) could be balanced with reduced drag and section area for better visibility and reduced gas mileage. That would mean possibly excluding many variables except for the comfort zone for the rider behing the pocket of air and wiring in parallel so that the thumb can always override the programming. That may be moot as well because it has already been pointed out that no shield was best for some.

As for everyone else, points are well taken. I suppose the designer took a look at the circuit and figured "close the loop back to neutral and lets hope it kills some puppies.?" :dribble:

Now, what if? What if, after all other conditions were met with the thumb and all that is left is creating the best pocket of air for the speed by automatic adjustment? Remember now, nothing is to be altered whatsoever and everything would be a new install. How and what would you envision?

So, just for fun:

What exactly was the benefit of "auto retracting" the windshield supposed to be? :unsure:

Sometimes engineers design stuff just because they can. ;)
Well, I've got an extra-tall shield, and I think it looks ugly as hell extended at a stop. It looks a lot better retracted.

I do wish it had a memory like some BMWs, where it re-extends to the last position, or even if I could set it up to automatically fully extend, as I never have it partially extended.

So, just for fun:

What exactly was the benefit of "auto retracting" the windshield supposed to be? :unsure:

Sometimes engineers design stuff just because they can. ;)
Well, I've got an extra-tall shield, and I think it looks ugly as hell extended at a stop. It looks a lot better retracted.
So, you think it looks better somehow when you are under way? :unsure:

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