Windscreen motor fuse

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Aug 27, 2008
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I have 2007 model (not sure which gen that is) and the windscreen stopped working abruptly. Everything else on the bike is still working as I was able to ride to work that day. According to the shop manual, there's a windscreen motor fuse, but it doesn't say where to locate it. I've pulled the front cowl down to where I can see the windscreen slide machanism, but I don't see a fuse anywhere. Can someone describe exactly where to locate this fuse?

Thanks in advance

Steve in Warrenton, VA

I'm still learning my way around the FeeJ but I believe all the fuses are just aft of the battery under panel D on the right side of the front cowl.

VAFJR, you have a Gen II (post-'05). TreeDoc is a Gen I. Fuse location changed then IIRC. But if you know where the rest of your fuses are, it's probably in there. Did you find them yet? (I'm a Gen I guy too, so I can't help you on this one.) Of course, I can't help much with Gen I electrical issues either. :rolleyes:

p.s., it's a 2A fuse, if you ever do find it.

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Rather disappointing that no one has replied with the location of the windscreen motor fuse. It is not in either of the fuse boxes under the right panel. It's shown on the wiring diagram in the shop manual, but that manuel is sorely lacking in details.

Is there no one out there in the FJR realm that has experienced this problem?

Steve, Warrenton, Va

According to my 2008 service manual on page 8-227, the windshield drive system fuse is a 10A fuse in the fuse box and is also the fuse for backup(odometer, clock). I'm not sure what is meant by backup. It is not a spare. The manual does not say if it is in box 1 or box 2 under the fairing panel next to the battery--but it is in one of the boxes next to the battery.

thx for the info. I looked at that fuse and it didn't look cooked, but will recheck.

Oddly enough my windscreen stopped working today as well. After a bit of frustrating bits of info here and there I came across a thread concerning a rubber grommet on the windshield actuator that needed to be removed. Not sure where that was on the bike so I kept searching and found this thread from October last year:

Click Here

Basically, I looked through the slots that the arms raise and lower the windshield, saw bunched up rubber on the left side and began moving it out of the way and lo and behold the windshield now moved. Ended up pulling the whole thing out including the seal on the other arms since it's all one piece figuring they would probably bunch up over time as well.

It's about a foot of rubber by the way and all one piece throughout all 4 arms so some cutting may be required if the decision is made to yank it out. The alternative is to take off the cowling and glue it all back as far as I can tell.

Anyway, as much as I panicked that it was a burn out motor or a blown fuse which I couldn't find, it was just this poorly designed piece of rubber blocking the windshield arms. Works as normal now.


Oddly enough my windscreen stopped working today as well. After a bit of frustrating bits of info here and there I came across a thread concerning a rubber grommet on the windshield actuator that needed to be removed. Not sure where that was on the bike so I kept searching and found this thread from October last year:
Click Here

Basically, I looked through the slots that the arms raise and lower the windshield, saw bunched up rubber on the left side and began moving it out of the way and lo and behold the windshield now moved. Ended up pulling the whole thing out including the seal on the other arms since it's all one piece figuring they would probably bunch up over time as well.

It's about a foot of rubber by the way and all one piece throughout all 4 arms so some cutting may be required if the decision is made to yank it out. The alternative is to take off the cowling and glue it all back as far as I can tell.

Anyway, as much as I panicked that it was a burn out motor or a blown fuse which I couldn't find, it was just this poorly designed piece of rubber blocking the windshield arms. Works as normal now.


I did dismantle the cowling in troubleshooting the problem. I also reglue the grommet thing back on while I had access to it. Come to find out, it was the fuse labled "backup" in one of the fuse boxes. supposidely the same fuse is for the odo and temp gauges, but neither of those functions quit when the windscreen did. anyways, i'm back in business.

Thus an older entry, yet it came VERY stated earlier, my bike was dirty, so elbow grease was in order to fix that matter, since the sky opened up offering sum blue and sunshine for a change, out the bike came and let the water games begin!

Wanted to clean the inner of my windshield, turned her on, to find out NADA... WTF was the friendliest Jerry Springer which came out, shop manual out, trouble shoot still NADA, forum search and pulled that rubber sucker out and TADA! It's working again.....

My saying, this forum is priceless! Thx yer all for da help in finding an answer to the world moving question, why is my FeeJay not behaving as she used to!



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