Windshield Advice Needed

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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I'm looking to buy a new windshield for my FJR, mainly because I dislike the amount of turbulent wind I get when riding with my current shield in the more upright position. When I ride my brother in laws goldwing I experience very little wind noise and very little turbulence. I'm sure the majority of that has to do with the fact that his bike blocks a lot more of the wind. I love mine on those calm days especially when it's warm out and I can ride with the stock shield all the way down. The problem is, I do a lot of two up riding. When riding 2 up with the stock shield you almost can't get the thing in a position that allows for a comfortable ride.

I looked at the Cee Bailey's shields, I'm sure one will work, the problem is, which one? I'm 5'10" tall, have a 32" inseem and can ride comfortably with the seat either up or down on the fjr, I prefer the bars forward. Should I buy the bubble shield or go with the traditional design? Other than the thing being huge, is there any drawback to going with a +4 +4?

I love the performance of the FJR both straight line and handling wise, I just don't like the excess wind, in that regard, the goldwing just kills it. Offer advice that gets me as close to the wing protection feel of the wing as possible.



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I'll offer comments relative to an 05. I have a CB +4+3 and it's as big as I'd go. Fits perfectly between the mirrors and does provide some wind protection on the hands. Aeronautical engineers may correct me, but I believe the back and down-pressure when the shield is all the way up is caused by air rushing in to fill the vacuum caused by all the air rushing by and over the shield. My larger shield doesn't solve this, but I can get it higher than stock before it becomes troublesome. With Lorie on the back anything other than all the way down causes her more "head bobble." I've gotten so I ride with it all the way down most days and maybe 1/3 up on the highway and in cold weather. I'm 5' 10" BTW.

My final comment is that there isn't any "magic" shield out there - but if you find one let us know!

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I can't rate all the shields available, I have only tried the stock '04 and the tall Cal Sci. I love the Cal Sci. I did modify the raising arms to tilt the shield back at a greater angle. I can find a comfortable setting no matter the weather or my mood. The stock shield will never go back on my bike!

I'm looking to buy a new windshield for my FJR, mainly because I dislike the amount of turbulent wind I get when riding with my current shield in the more upright position. When I ride my brother in laws goldwing I experience very little wind noise and very little turbulence. I'm sure the majority of that has to do with the fact that his bike blocks a lot more of the wind. I love mine on those calm days especially when it's warm out and I can ride with the stock shield all the way down. The problem is, I do a lot of two up riding. When riding 2 up with the stock shield you almost can't get the thing in a position that allows for a comfortable ride.
I looked at the Cee Bailey's shields, I'm sure one will work, the problem is, which one? I'm 5'10" tall, have a 32" inseem and can ride comfortably with the seat either up or down on the fjr, I prefer the bars forward. Should I buy the bubble shield or go with the traditional design? Other than the thing being huge, is there any drawback to going with a +4 +4?

I love the performance of the FJR both straight line and handling wise, I just don't like the excess wind, in that regard, the goldwing just kills it. Offer advice that gets me as close to the wing protection feel of the wing as possible.


If it's a gen 1 (03- to 05) I highly recommend a CalSci Medium,

I'm the same height as you at it really cuts down the buffeting and noise.


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+4 +4 is not HUGE, any smaller and why bother?

I'm also 5-10 and emailed Cee Baileys asking them which screen would be best for me. I like to keep the screen all the way down and look over it. I don't like the barn door like looks when you raise the screen but like it lowered and angled back. They said the +4 +3 would be good for me. I told them I would like a little more protection than stock lowere and still be able to raise it if needed on hwy. I really don't see the point in getting one thats only 2 inches taller.


I have the ultimate barn door on my '06 - Cee Bailey's +6+4 standard contour. I like it, but wouldn't recommend it to just anyone. It's huge, and you just gotta accept that your shiny new motorcycle is gonna look a little bit stupid. If you can get past that, it might meet your needs.

I'm a bit over 6' tall and use the stock seat in the higher position. With good posture I look over the top of the windshield when it's all the way up. It's not completely silent at that height. There's no wind on my chest or helmet, but I get some noise from wind "ruffle" over the top of my helmet. No turbulence, though. I have to slouch down an inch or two to achieve total silence. Normally I ride with the shield 1"-2" below max height. This gives me a good view over the top, no cold air on my chest, neck, or face, and little enough noise that ear protection is not required around town.

It's not so great all the way down. The angle and length of the windshield conspire to dump all the air directly into your face. My helmet whistles like crazy in all that air, so I don't use it like that very much.

In summary, the barn door is a good winter shield. It'll keep the cold air off your neck, head, and torso. It's quieter, but not perfectly quiet. I'll be switching back to the stock shield when it warms up enough to want that cooling air flow.

At 5'10" I would think the +4+4 would be a good choice, perhaps with the flip contour. The quality and optical clarity of the Cee Bailey's products are far beyond the stock shield.

- JimY

I have the C.B. +2+2 with flip and to me it's perfect - I get protection when I have it up (almost never fully up) and when it's down I still get good, smooth air flow. No more push on the back at speed either.

Get one too tall and that's what it will be - too tall.

I have a Cal Sci tall and love it. The holes that are cut into the lower part elimate the pressure that you feel pushing on your shoulder/back with the stock windshield. I did a short run on the expressway sunday with the wife on back, she was in a nice quiet bubble no matter where I had the screen. I'm 5'9", she's 5'4".


I've got the vStream and I'll give it an endorsement. There are several threads that discuss it (search on "vstream"), but here's a thread with opinions from folks who have owned it and other aftermarket shields.

Probably the most important advice in that thread, though, is that this is a pretty subjective choice. I think every choice has someone who will praise it and someone else who will damn it. In the end, you're just going to have to buy one and ride with it to find out. :)

Here's my .02

I'm 6'3", 230lbs, and the '05 FJR has a Russell seat that is a little taller than stock, Nolan helmet not real 'quiet'.

Tall Yamaha screen

Down - quiet air, helps balance the riding position, great in warm weather

Up - Lots of turbulence, noise, need earplugs & there is lots of head 'bobble' - good only for some rain protection

Next, purchased a Rifle +6+3 (aka Barn Door)

Down - Some turbulence & confused air, noisy, have to wear earplugs

Up - Good protection, low noise, some turbulence at speed - Not for hot weather - Good cold weather shield (when it's up all the time)

Next, purchased Tall Cal-Sci

Down - Turbulence & confused air , noisy, have to wear earplugs, a little better than the Rifle when down but not by much

Up - Good protection, low noise, some turbulence at speed - low back pressure (better than Rifle) because of Slots

On Deck & waiting for install: Vstream

Hey, maybe the VStream will be the winner ! I'll know when I install & ride it, probably sometime this weekend after the predicted torrential rain washes all the salt off of the roads...

As always YMMV, no connection to Yamaha or any vendor, etc etc

Year of your bike matters a lot.

pre-06, I recommend a +4w x +4h with flip.

06-07, I recommend a CB +4w x +2h with flip.

I'm 5'10" x 30 inseam.

The flip is very effective and on the newer models allows you to run a shorter, better looking shield without turbulence or back pressure.

I posted many threads on cutting holes for pre-06s running the CB shield, in order to relieve back pressure. I also posted a thread reviewing the CB 4,2,flip on my 07. Try searching.

I'm 5'11", 31" inseam, '06A, Nolan X-1002 (noisy) helmet.

I put on a Cee Bailey +3W, +2T w/ Flip. It wasn't the magic bullet I hoped it would be for taking freeway wind noise away completely, but it made a dramatic improvement. I guess I had an unrealistic image of "gold wing" quiet in my head.

For even more quiet, I'd go w/ +4+4 w/ flip and a full face non-modular helmet.

For me, the +3+2 I bought is a godd compromise between 'still looks decent' and freeway quiet.


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I got the tall Calsci and love it. Would never go back to stock.

No complaints from wife when riding 2 up on trips.

Perfect in all weather and no more earplugs.

2006 Bike

5'10, 30"inseam, noisy HJC flip face helmet.

VStream hopefully arrives today for me. It's not that I was looking for more wind protection, lessen buffeting or that kinda stuff as I'm perfectly happy with the stock screen. It's just that since getting the V-Strom, I've noticed how quiet the ride is and realized that the air flow around the FJR's front was negating the aero work done by Shoei and making me go deaf in my left ear (only the left side howls :dntknw: ). Anywho, I rode Effjay's bike with the VStream and recalled the quiet ride and since I can't stand the constant ringing in my left ear, I thought it was time to switch.

Me, I like the Rifle with tuning block combination. Quiet, plenty of air into the jacket when screen is low, zero noise / buffetting when up. Best of all worlds.

I'm looking to buy a new windshield for my FJR, mainly because I dislike the amount of turbulent wind I get when riding with my current shield in the more upright position. When I ride my brother in laws goldwing I experience very little wind noise and very little turbulence. I'm sure the majority of that has to do with the fact that his bike blocks a lot more of the wind. I love mine on those calm days especially when it's warm out and I can ride with the stock shield all the way down. The problem is, I do a lot of two up riding. When riding 2 up with the stock shield you almost can't get the thing in a position that allows for a comfortable ride.
I looked at the Cee Bailey's shields, I'm sure one will work, the problem is, which one? I'm 5'10" tall, have a 32" inseem and can ride comfortably with the seat either up or down on the fjr, I prefer the bars forward. Should I buy the bubble shield or go with the traditional design? Other than the thing being huge, is there any drawback to going with a +4 +4?

I love the performance of the FJR both straight line and handling wise, I just don't like the excess wind, in that regard, the goldwing just kills it. Offer advice that gets me as close to the wing protection feel of the wing as possible.


I'm using a Vstream with a piece of Saeng Micro-Edging across the top and it works great. Tried it with a Rifle tuning block but the windshield didn't go high enough for total coverage. Removed the tuning block and when the in the up position total silence and in the down position good protection with acceptable noise level.

No earplugs, full coverage ZR1 helmet, 6 ft. 30in. inseam.

Cheers... :yahoo:
