Windshield: plastic or metal screws?

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Palm Bay, Florida
The XL Cal Sci came with metal screws. After reading some of the info here I put the original plastic screws in thinking it was safer for the shield to break away in an accident. Now when I see that big shield flopping around at speed I'm wondering if the metal screws are a better idea. In the back of my mind I have this picture of that thing breaking off on the highway knocking me off the bike.

Be careful asking that question around here on Friday.

I hosed a couple of my plastic screws so I have two metal ones along with the balance of the OEM plastic ones.

I don't think there is a risk of losing the whole windshield using all plastic ones. Many will make the arguement that Yamaha uses Plastic to provide a breakaway function in the case of a get-off. I think it also helps limit the force you can apply to the windscreen and surrrounding plastic structure by using the plastic fasteners.

I figure it probably doesn't matter much. I'm not going out of my way to find replacement plastic screws- but if I run across them I might buy some.

I know this doesn't help much but I didn't want to leave your post out there all alone.

lol good call. This is a stupid post for a Friday. What can I say, work is slow today. Maybe we could just add all the stupid Friday posts here and kinda consolidate them.

Use the plastic screws as they are designed to break away if you go through the windshield. They break instead of the windshield breaking and cutting you up as you scrap across it.

If you need parts call Gary McCoy at Mondak Motorsports. He has great prices and is a pleasure to deal with.

On 3 separate crashes my windscreen has sheared all the nylon screws with no injury to me, nor any of the other windscreen components on the bike. On all three occassions, I was able to remount the (scratched) windscreen.

I used metal screws to remount, but as soon as I got home replaced them with the OEM nylon screws. I always have 5-10 on hand in 'FJR parts' bin in the garage. You should too.

I'm a believer. Nylon screws for me only.

Use the plastic screws as they are designed to break away if you go through the windshield. They break instead of the windshield breaking and cutting you up as you scrap across it.
If you need parts call Gary McCoy at Mondak Motorsports. He has great prices and is a pleasure to deal with.

Plus ScooterG has tested the breakaway theory for us.
