Windsong of the West

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What a day today!!! 469 miles of a little bit of everything....


Left Bismarck early, headed down the road, and stopped at a truck stop and met up with an old college friend. She now works at a zoo and is married to a cow farmer in BFE North Dakota.... funny how things change!!


Made our way down the highway some more, and got off at exit 72 - the Enchanted Highway. Some interesting metal sculptures and folkart.


We then blasted our way to South Dakota! Belle Fourche is labeled as the Geographic Center of the Nation. So of course, I stop at the marker for a photo op....


We also stopped in and met Alex at Realtime Industries. And Brandon walked out with a set of reflectors for his fairing vents. Huge shoutout to Alex- what a standout guy he is!! Great business ethics and wonderful customer service!

On down the road we went and made our way to Crazy Horse Memorial. Huge rock carving in the making...

(sculptors rendition in foreground, current status of mountain in background)


And then we went over to Mt Rushmore. Beautiful art on the side of a mountain. Museum was neat to look through, and see how things were done. Amazing job.


Then rode some of the roads in the area, which included the Needles Highway, and other roads that may have cool names... or may not. I just know the roads were good, and the scenery was nice.









Such beauty!!!!!


Tomorrow will take us through 3 states and over 500 miles to get to Great Falls, Montana....

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Wow great pictures!

Can I ask how much admission to crazy horse is this year? Black Hills is an expensive area for everything.

Wow great pictures!
Can I ask how much admission to crazy horse is this year? Black Hills is an expensive area for everything.
Crazy horse admission was $5 a bike(or person). Not sure what exactly they determined it with. But $5 for each of us. And Rushmore was $11 for each bike. Which is actually a pass for the rest of the year.
Wow great pictures!
Can I ask how much admission to crazy horse is this year? Black Hills is an expensive area for everything.
Crazy horse admission was $5 a bike(or person). Not sure what exactly they determined it with. But $5 for each of us. And Rushmore was $11 for each bike. Which is actually a pass for the rest of the year.
that is pretty cheap. for some reason i thought it was a lot more

I see you are in Billings and the temp is much cooler than normal there. You have no rain ahead and nice cool weather in the hills.

Julie,Hope you are going through Neihart on your way Great Falls. Town is nothing but the road in and out of town are awesome.
Yup!! We are about to head through there. Taking a lunch in Billings. I thought of you (at least, your screen name) when I saw that town pop up on my map. :)

What are we on now....end of Day 4? wow. Part of me feels like it has been longer than that... considering we are now a ways into Montana. And part of me feels like I just left yesterday!!

Update on auxiliary lights: still temperamental. Definitely no running tail lights at all (on the aux lights)... but occasionally the brake lights and turn signals will work. Sometimes. We had another "tear the bike apart in the hotel parking lot" session.

Now, about the day we had. 605 miles and 2 more states- both of which are new to my collection.

We woke up early from Custer, got on the road, and started chasing our shadows. We ran over into Wyoming on some two lane roads.


Then we jumped onto the interstate and ran up to Billings Montana. And while riding on the interstate, Brandon took a turn leading. And as we were crossing this bridge/creek.... he decided it would be a good idea to point out the name on the sign.....


I don't know whether to be proud or insulted.... LOL!

Once to Billings, we got off the interstate and headed north. Nice 2 lane road with wide open spaces. Of course, gotta pull over and take some pictures....


And when planning this day's route, I mostly used "fastest route". But when I looked at the map a couple weeks ago to confirm my routes, I saw a road that was similar to the original. It ran perpendicular, but it was more twisty. And it ran through green on the map. Well that's gotta be a good combination....

AND IT WAS!!!! Route 89 through the Lewis & Clark National Forest- very nice!!


Equal amounts of good roads, nice scenery, cool temps, and lots of picture ops.

To be said in an Australian accent "crikey! there it is!!!"


I tend to spot something I want a picture of, slam on the brakes (of course, checking for vehicles behind me), and then whip the bike to wherever I need it to be to get a good picture. When riding alone- that is no problem. When riding with someone else- whoops. lol. Luckily, Brandon has seemed to get the hang of my possibilities of taking pictures somewhere. Actually- he has even mentioned taking a picture somewhere before I could think of it!! Like a bridge over the creek. He had seen a wooden plank one that looked neat. But the task of getting the bike onto the bridge... well, seemed a bit too daunting. So we passed it and luckily found another one just down the way that looked safer.

And I've said it before, and I'll say it again. One thing riding partners are good for: taking pictures of you, the scenery, and the bike. Thanks!!


What a day.

Tomorrow will be Glacier National Park and the "Going to the Sun" Road. Really looking forward to this portion of the trip. It will be a long day- to get up there, get through the park, and then get on down the road to Spokane, WA. Another day with 3 states to travel.

I've been peeking at your weather daily - you are really having some nice temperatures lately!!!

Most of the time when I'm riding with friends and I've got the camera, they let me lead. Otherwise, I'll just stop and get detached!!!

Today has been an interestingly fantastic day!!

Waking up before the sun is up, leaving the hotel at dawn, means riding with the rising sun!

Headed from Great Falls up to the eastern entrance of Glacier, and the Going to the Sun Road. We round a corner and find "wildlife" in the road. Except, not really the wildlife we expected. Lol. Cows. There were literally cows standing in the middle of the road. And on the edges. On more than one occasion did we see this along this road!!


And then as we get closer to the park, the views get better. And I was sure the view behind me was just as nice. So I found a pull off to stop and check it out. Well, somehow the weight of the bike got a little too far to the one side..... and down he went!!!!! And yes, I got it on video....


The canyon cages just paid for themselves right then and there. First time dropping it. Poor Brandon comes over and tries to help, and ends up getting told to just hold the front brake! This chic can lift the bike herself. That's why I lay it down and practice picking it back up every spring! So if the problem does arise, I would know how to properly lift him and get him up.


Into Glacier we went. WOW! Up and over the pass, to the scenery of morning flowers and absolutely beautiful colors!! Couldn't have asked for better weather- perfect 70* temps, clear skies, and since it was about 9am on a Sunday, the traffic wasn't too bad.


When planning this ride, I was told numerous times that if possible- to ride it West to East. Well, that wasn't possible. So East to West we went. The views were still great- just that most of the riding was done on the "inside" of the road, closest to the uphill cliff, instead of viewing down the side of the hills.


Brandon has gotten good with "assisting" with photography. Not once have I had to use my tripod or selfie stick. Lol! I line the shot up, hand him the camera, stand where I know to stand, and he pushes the button. Perfect!


(Though I just realized I need to vary my pose and position....whoops.)

And I am getting somewhat better at my rear view camera shot. Still room for improvement....


My photography weakness(aka:MUST stop for a picture): Rivers in the foregrounds, mountains in the backdrop. Throw in a waterfall- I'm in heaven. And even a sunny pull off for the bike to sit in..... YES!


Once we left the park, we meandered south and west to eventually get to I-90. That took us past a lake. With a marina. And a boat ramp/dock. We pull in for some pictures in the parking lot.

"you know- that would be a cool shot. The FJR right there on that dock near the water." Well, as Wayne would say, I took the bait. Off I go to back the bike onto the dock. Since I have already dropped the bike once, I was super cautious. Lol. All went well, and neat shots were gotten.


We finally hit the interstate, and headed west into Idaho and Washington. Again, adding 2 more states to my collection.

Ended the day with just over 500 miles.

Tomorrow is a drive day down to Eugene, Oregon.

Brandon is running low on rubber on the rear tire. So we'll keep an eye on it, and he'll plan accordingly.

Very nice photos and prose. If you were near the Seattle area I'd change Brandon's tires. You might look up FJRRay in LaPine Oregon for a tire change.

OH!!! And we stopped for ice cream. I know, I know.... I might as well trade the FJR in on a Gold Wing. haha!

But really, they had shade trees. And ice cream. How can you pass that up?!

And for the prior 30 miles we had been seeing signs for Huckleberry stuff. Selling huckleberries, buying hucks, and different fruit stands.

So when we walked in and saw that the ice cream store had hand dipped huckleberry ice cream.... we decided to try it out. It was yummy. Don't ask me what exactly it was- kinda reminded me of a blueberry with better flavor.

And it was ice cream- I was enjoying it for that purpose.


That's why I lay it down and practice picking it back up every spring! So if the problem does arise, I would know how to properly lift him and get him up.
My Daughter says you're doing it all wrong.


Here's her instructions for picking up a motorcycle.

1. Take off your helmet.

2. Shake out hair (head toss)

3. Stand back while the boys run over and pickup your bike.

Totally enjoy reading this RR, keep in up,

Outstanding Julie! I'm simply amazed at how you are able to ride all day, then find time (and the cognizance) to continue updating the ride report. When I get in from all day on the road it's all I can do to drag myself into the hot shower and go find a beer and a burger. Keep up the great work!
