My wife and I use the same Teamset. We keep it in the 'Standby' mode, but we talk quite often during the ride. Even at freeway speed the communication is loud & clear, as long as I have the windscreen all the way up. We have yet to drain the batteries even during a two-day ride. With our set, to activate the intercom out of 'standby' mode, I find it easier and quicker to just blow a puff of air into the mic. If I start talking to let the vox activate the intercom, it doesn't always click in and parts of what I'm saying are missed. My wife has always had a difficult time getting hers to initiate the intercom. She's tried different sounds, air pressure, mic positions, and I even have heard her making a loud screetch sound. Usually when I hear her making a racket back there I will activate mine. Do you guys have the same problems?
Recently I installed a Zumo 550 GPS. I was able to pair up the Bluetooth wireless between the GPS & Teamset easily. The audio route instructions from the GPS come through crystal clear and loud. However, mp3 music sound quality is very poor. Music is tinny, scratchy, and lacks bass compared to using earbuds. So we have given up trying to listen to music through the Teamset. Also, while listening to music the intercom function is on continuously. I'm not sure how long the batteries will last doing this.