Witnesses for 50 CC April 10-12?

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Following the Spot, Is the group trying to do a CCC??? They are making a beeline back on the Interstate??

Was that part of the plan?

Maybe Griff and Hud remembered they are still wanted in California for that "thing" back in the 80s.

<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="https://pic2.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=https://feed1341.photobucket.com/albums/o750/Bret_Gross/FJR%2050CC/feed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="https://s1341.photobucket.com/user/Bret_Gross/library/FJR 50CC" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" alt="Bret_Gross's FJR 50CC album on Photobucket" /></a></div>
Thanks for sharing "Be Gross".

Following the Spot, Is the group trying to do a CCC??? They are making a beeline back on the Interstate??
Was that part of the plan?

Maybe Griff and Hud remembered they are still wanted in California for that "thing" back in the 80s.
Hud and Griff are excitedly heading back to the southeast so they can attend an all important 162 mile ride and eat next Sunday...that's it.


Following the Spot, Is the group trying to do a CCC??? They are making a beeline back on the Interstate??
There was mention of that last night - and the answer from ALL OF THEM was no.

Was that part of the plan?

I don't think it got beyond the "ya know... When we get there we could...".

IIRC, two are heading to Vegas and the other two will begin the ride home.

Maybe Griff and Hud remembered they are still wanted in California for that "thing" back in the 80s.
Aw, c'mon - at least give them time to eat breakfast and cross the state line before mentioning that on a public forum!

Following the Spot, Is the group trying to do a CCC??? They are making a beeline back on the Interstate??
Was that part of the plan?

Maybe Griff and Hud remembered they are still wanted in California for that "thing" back in the 80s.
Hud and Griff are excitedly heading back to the southeast so they can attend an all important 162 mile ride and eat next Sunday...that's it.

Naw! That Thing in the 80's.

Crossed the border into Yuma..............................Safe!

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Oops...looks like someone got a CHP award for good behavior!

The warrant must have expired...they have exited the state already.

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Thanks for sharing "Be Gross".
One of these days I'll remember how to embed photos. Or remember my name. Or how to feed myself.
It's always fun to ride down and greet riders at the end of a crossing. They all seemed awake & alert, able to enjoy "the moment" and finish their paperwork.

They had exceptionally good weather for the run, catching a bit of chill and spots of rain in the mountains in their last hour or so.

I'll let them fill in the details as they find time.

Well done, gents!

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As I looked at the photos posted by Mr. Be Gross I had a few thoughts...

1. They look to be in remarkably good shape and spirits for having ridden so far so quickly. My hat is off to them. I would think that some of their happiness was due to the quality of the FJR for High Speed Transcontinental Transit.

2. That is an ugly group. They need to put their helmets back on.

3. I am jealous of all that expensive gear. There was enough money tied up in those Klim Jackets and that Aerostich to put a substantial down payment on a new FJR.

Well done gentlemen. Very Well Done.

Who says advertising doesn't work? The lengths some guys will go to check out a billboard.

Congratulation boys.

Congratulations, I am impressed! Maybe one of you local Louisiana or Florida guys should borrow a cheerleaders outfit to encourage them as they pass by.

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In .... somewhere AZ ... With a Dr Pepper enjoying the delicious air conditioning.


The Spotwalla is now just showing me, on the way to visit towns named Atlanta in TX, AR, LA, and MS.

Got to be back Friday afternoon. Girlfriend said, "You're running a 5K with me Saturday morning." I said, "OK." Is there any other correct response?

Sincere thanks to 3 most excellent riding partners: griff, rpm, and RFlagg42. Always had a fresh lead dog, and those gentlemen know how to ride.

PS: wheatonFJR, sorry buddy, ride another 250-mile round trip the Sunday after I return? Not going to make it. See you for griff's Tech Day.

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Good job guys, though I actually for once agree with Redfish Hunter, put those helmets back on!


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