WORD! Rally Report - AWESOME!!!!

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Eric, you nailed it in that report. Excellent job !!

And what I'm REALLY impressed by is that you actually found the Halleck post office !!

Turbo and I scoured Halleck looking for a real sign, took a chance on the wood sign, and had it denied. Obviously, our scouring technique needs improvement !!

That, by far, is the best distillation of the event I have seen so far. It even includes items to me that I didn't realize...and I was there.

Good job Eric. Your report is like therapy to help resolve some repressed memories and fatigued induced alternate perceptions. :yahoo:

Excellent write up Eric.

Why the lack of detail on the "I had also managed to score a red garter"? ;)

Great report Eric. Loved every paragraph although you weren't the only one to find the Halleck post office. I think Roger and I actually beat you to it.


Good job Eric. I never was/will be able to write reports, butt i enjoy reading excellant reports.
