Working on the Bucket List

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Venice, FL
Left home in Venice, FL on May 23rd and rode for six straight days to arrive in S. Lake Tahoe where my wife was flying in, so we could get in a couple of days of great riding from Tahoe to Salt Lake City. Problem was, when I arrived at our friends house where I was hoping to spend an extra night...........nobody was home and I was left sitting on the front porch...after 8 1/2 hours in the saddle coming out of Las Vegas. I had to call them to see when they might get home, seems they were just sitting down to dinner about 20 minutes from the house (so far I'm really enjoying Lake Tahoe). So they finally arrive and the first thing they want to do is take the boat out on the lake. I was hoping more for a hot shower and overstuffed recliner than a fast blast across a cold lake at dusk..........I promised I'd go out on the boat the next morning (hopefully late morning). So my first day off took me out to breakfast, back home for a boat ride from which we got chased back to the dock by some nasty weather that followed us out, washed the FJR, had dinner and then went out to Harrah's for a comedy show at the Improv. I am definitely getting to old for this! Next morning, mom and I head toward Salt Lake City with a stop over in Ely, NV figured in so as not to overdue it with momma. She loves to ride, just not as far as some of us.......I left SLC on my own headed toward Woodland Park, CO and another day off where I could service my bike and take an extra day to hang out with an old buddy of mine. I rolled on toward Oklahoma City then to Greenwood, MS. I was supposed to take two more days to get back home, but, when I got up the next morning in MS and started rolling toward the house, I just couldn't stop until I was back in my own garage. 13 1/2 hours and 830 miles later I made it into my garage. Just like that, it was over. I did run into a fella from North Carolina, when I was passing through New Mexico, and he inquired if this was my annual ride? Ya know, that requires some serious consideration... By the way, I saw more FJR's out touring in just a few days than I've seen in the first 4 years of owning this fine ride. Obviously, people buy them to take out on the road......and a fine ride they are!



Way to go! I did my 6500 mile 2 week bucket trip last year. And I'm hooked on longer trips! I even stayed in Ely overnight too. Way cool. Gives you a totally new perspective doesn't it? Makes you feel you can do so much more on the bike than you thought -- just stay away from mud.

And how about some pics? I'd like to see them!
