World's most powerful Goldwing

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Well-known member
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
Meridian, Idaho
Is this even possible, or Photo Shopped?


Lotsa torque. I'd say "Possible" but not probable

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Wings can do that. Don't know why anyone would want to, but easily doable (especially with a rear passenger).

Goldwings will certainly do that.

IMO, it's a good Photoshop job, I see several things that I believe are errors. The front wheel is turning but frozen by the shutter speed.

The shadow's right, and for comparison, my front brakes drag just enough that an elevated wheel would not keep spinning very long. However, the edges seem to be rather carefully cropped for some reason.

Nevertheless, click this link to answer the "can it be done" question.

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IMO, it's a good Photoshop job, I see several things that I believe are errors. The front wheel is turning but frozen by the shutter speed.
The rear spokes you can't even see they are a blur. Why is the front steady and stopped at the shutter speed, but the rear did not?
I believe a wing could wheelie, how high etc that....

I do believe this is an excellent photo shop too. Some more things to ponder:

1) The passenger is looking somewhere else, not at the camera, why (Although his head is positioned well for someone in that position, same with driver, they posed it that way for realism)?

2) The front wheel in between the spokes has to areas of black in the grass, I can see no other black string like things anywhere else in the background, it doesn't look natural.

3) The biggest thing to me is the rear tire. When one does a wheelie on ANY bike the rear tire is stressed with the full weight of the bike & rider. And the rear tire should look as such, meaning it should look low and side walls bulging from the load. Here you have a what, 1Klb bike, two up, and the rear tire looks like normal. BS.

Just sayin'

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Is this even possible, or Photo Shopped?
Looks like a hack job but I know first hand that a GW (or a very similar bike can do that) ... even when you don't mean too.

Nearly looped my Valkyrie Tourer once when foolishly trying to prove a point a long time ago. Power/torque to spare with those flat sixes no matter what the weight.

Youtube's got a bunch of wheelie'n goldwings. Certainly seems like it's got enough oomph to get that tire up off the ground. ESPECIALLY with some extra weight in the back.


the picture was taken for an english magazine called Peformance bike several years ago.I believe the lads name was Ronnie Smith a great fellow who was a part time writer and sadly is no longer with us. But the picture is the real deal.

Saw a guy [blind drunk] do that on a Harley Road King at Daytona bike week . Came out of Boot Hill Saloon and held it up for half a block!! And Doug Demokis [sic?], the wheelie king could do that for a mile.. Showing my age, eh..
