would you make fun of me

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Thinking of fhaze response to flapping around: For halloween, forget putting the colored mohawk strips on top of your helmet. Just stick your helmet into some pantyhose for the drive down to the store.

The "glare" would be off the scale.

Of course, this would supplement the existing flapping pantyhose covering your "instrument panel"

Not that there's anything wrong with wearing them under your riding pants.



What you do under your riding pants is one thing..

But c'mon, Modeling for photos?


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The redneck force is strong with this one. But seriously, are we related? :cowboy:

I would only make fun of you if you used duct tape or bailing wire to hold it on. You didn't go that far, did you?

I have a co worker who told me he wears panty hose while hunting on horse back.

I don't talk to him much anymore...

Make sure you have the control top, it helps with holding your line in a decreasing radius corner.


I know this is bad..... But.......... OM could of used a set for his tight turn(Make sure you have the control top)

Forgive me and bless the........ :p :D

It seems as though everybody has failed to ask the obvious;

-were said hosiery occupied by a woman prior to use as an "anti glare device"?

Being inventive is one thing, but the smell is another! :blum:

Maybe this is a silly question, but have you considered using a polarized lens / visor? They do wonders for glare...and the snickering from your friends would be for other reasons. <_<

I have a co worker who told me he wears panty hose while hunting on horse back.
I don't talk to him much anymore...
Hey, all the old cowboys around here wear pantyhose on the trail - adds warmth and significantly cuts down on chafing (so they say). Not sure how it would work for long distance MC riding, though.
