WOW - The Feej Is Fast!

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The funny thing about speed is that most of us need to go home in one piece so when you go for it [speed that is] everything happens very fast-- you get up to it and you back off right away and you don't get much of a chance to actually do a little pondering as we wizz by at light speed.

I have a secret place that I can go 130 and above for about two minutes at a time and if you just relax and check the amazing wind blockage of this bike you will be amazed at how good this bike is at speed!

I don't crouch down or tuck in just normal posture, you are going so stinking fast that the aerodynamics come into play and its simply a rush. No jacket flutter or anything like that. you are in a bubble of " fast air" You can put your leg out just a little and be amazed at the wind pull. You can put an elbow out just a little and it just roars out there in the wind, but after that little bit of playing around its time to slow down and feel the adrenaline buzz come over you and you say to yourself Damn I'm glad I have a good heart! of course YMMV!

My '08 speedo is damn inaccurate. This morning on my commute, I held at 75mph indicated and checked against the Zumo...Zumo showing 70mph. That's a 7% error. So if that holds up, at 150mph GPS, the indicated speed would be around 160.5mph. I dont know why the can't get these bike speedos calibrated from the git go. :angry:
+1 - is there any gear changing or anything that can be done to re-calibrate the speedo? I find it quite annoying. I have about the same % off as you do, I think. In the 50-60 mph range, I'm about 5 mph off, and it gets closer to 10mph off above the century mark...

Oh, and for the main point of the thread, GPS reads top speed of 130. I wasn't looking at the speedo at the time as my local speed straight isn't that long and I needed to get back on the brakes for the stop sign that was approaching.

I think at indicated 135, the GPS is around 125, but its not like I hold steady at that speed long enough to make sure :)

On the way to NAFO last summer comin' outa one of those little bergs somewhere between Vernal UT & Craig CO, I had a big Ram turbo deisel that wanted to be on my butt @ 90+ so I decided to give it some. I held it open 'til I figured he was far enough back to leave it be [quarter mile?], didn't take more'n a few seconds, I was quite surprised when I checked the speedo and realized I was over 140 indicated! Wow, given that I was fully loaded, which including my considerable heft puts the entire bike/luggage/rider package at nye 1000lb, ...I was impressed! Not only by the speed, but also by how quickly it was achieved, ...and the needle was still willingly climbing! Quite a machine this FJR!!!

It's no problem to hit 140 (GPS) with bags and a top case even with my large self on board and a cal-sci XL. I have taken the bags off and made a "quick" run, no biggie to me. I didn't notice any big improvement. I leave the bags and top case on all the time now, I probably block enough air to keep the GIVI 52 from causing any added stability issues.

If it takes a while to hit over 140 your probably not in the correct gear, try keeping things near or in the red. 4th gear and 9,200 RPM comes on promptly, not sport bike fast but, fast enough to get you in trouble. I haven't had the room to wind out 5th gear for long, red line in 4th is plenty fast. I scare myself thinking what a sport bike would tempt me to do on the interstates.... The big FJR has enough gitty up for the US interstate system. 20 more hp would be fun though. :)

I miss those lonely SC coastal roads...

I have a secret place that I can go 130 and above for about two minutes at a time and if you just relax and check the amazing wind blockage of this bike you will be amazed at how good this bike is at speed!
You should keep it a secret from eveyone except your buddies on (it sounds like a blast)

Since everyone is sharing and I'm pretty sure that the our friendly officers in blue have better things to do than chase down guys admitting to jail time type of speed's (at least in Oregon) here's mine....

-Traveling accross central Washington hit 153mph. Indicated speed, I have no idea...If you guys have the balls to even look at your speedo going that fast, they are bigger than mine!!!!

-The other question that needs to be asked is the longest distance holding a high speed...A friend and I pushed 134.6mph (to be exact) for a long ways!! At that speed, it felt like 10 miles, but was probably closer to 20. We hit two slight right hand turns at triple digits. Just blipped the throttle barley touched the handle bar and we were back in the throttle.

For those that don't know, in Oregon we have a triple digit law. Anything over 100mph is automatic cuff and stuff, wreckless driving, impounded bike, and possible orange suit time. A freiend got tagged for 118mph on I-5 (not smart) on his BMW K1200GT. It cost him $2600 in lawyers fee's and fines. He got off of the wreckless driving ticket. He was on 6 months "traffic parole". If he even got a 5 mph over ticket in the six months after the judgement, he would have lost his license for 6 months and got big fines.

We can thank all the stupid kids in "fast and furious" style cars racing on major freeways for that law.

For those that don't know, in Oregon we have a triple digit law. Anything over 100mph is automatic cuff and stuff, wreckless driving, impounded bike, and possible orange suit time.
Actually, I didn't know that. Cr*p, glad I didn't get caught...

"+1 - is there any gear changing or anything that can be done to re-calibrate the speedo? I find it quite annoying. I have about the same % off as you do, I think. In the 50-60 mph range, I'm about 5 mph off, and it gets closer to 10mph off above the century mark..."

The only thing I know of is this speedo healer. However I am not sure if it legal as it changes the odometer result too and as such maybe considered tampering.

"+1 - is there any gear changing or anything that can be done to re-calibrate the speedo? I find it quite annoying. I have about the same % off as you do, I think. In the 50-60 mph range, I'm about 5 mph off, and it gets closer to 10mph off above the century mark..."

The only thing I know of is this speedo healer. However I am not sure if it legal as it changes the odometer result too and as such maybe considered tampering.
install yellow box you can dial in correct speed up or down ----- its mostly used to overcome 300mpk international agreement. i put one on my zx14 works perfectly

The only thing I know of is this speedo healer. However I am not sure if it legal as it changes the odometer result too and as such maybe considered tampering.
Actually, that's another complaint I have. I faithfully reset both my Zumo 550 fuel guage, and my Trip1 odometer at every fill-up, and my bike odometer always reads more miles. Usually like 220 on the bike and 213 - 216 on the Zumo (need to write it down or something. I record the odometer reading but not the trip or Zumo reading, so I can't remember how far off the odometer is vs the Zumo, but I think like 3-5%. My bike is "aging" prematurely. :(

This thread, post #13 though, says that it won't work for my problem, since both speedo and odometer are reading artificially high. Correct me if I'm wrong though...

140 mph w/ the wife on the back,once. She wrote me a ticket when we get home, so that stopped that. I got to work it off with "community service" though, and it didn't go against my record :D

155+ on the speedo but the zumo showed 146 top speed. doesn't take any time to get to 130....kinda scary. steady as can be at high speed....that is until you hit the wind shear coming off of the front of an 18 wheeler at 100+...holy crap :(

Amazing to see the speeds generated by feejers of all years.

I wonder if anyone has had one on the Bonneville Salt Flats for true top end run.

Harleys will go 90??
KPH, not MPH.
down hill with an 80 kph tail wind
I rode with a friend of mine the other day. He led the way on his Road King. We had a fun little blast up to about 105 mph. When I talked to him this morning, he mentioned that he had it up as fast as it would go, throttle WAO.

So yeah, I guess some of them will go 90+ mph. Think I was about 6k rpm, not really sure.

Top speed for me thus far is between 135-140. When I reached that speed the wind picked up and the bike swayed. So I just eased her back down to "normal" highway speed. And yes, when the bike moved from the increased wind I turned a new shade of white.

One of my favorite spots here in Denver is I-70 westbound from Golden to Genesse. It's only a few miles but the incline and 3-lane highway with the curves just begs for me to have fun.

I rarely go 3 digits here in greater Denver because the area is saturated with LEOs and too many frickin' Subaru and Prius owners camping out in the passing lane.

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