Wrist Pain

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Well-known member
May 1, 2009
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Alberta Canada
Any body else out there getting right hand wrist pain? I rode my cruiser for years and never had any wrist pain until I got my FJR, any suggestions that you have I would be some what grateful.

Do the throttle spring unwind. It will make the throttle much easier to turn. Also put on one of those wrist rests like a throttle rocker. That way you can relax your hand which should help your wrist.

I'm probably no help as it looks like ya got a Gen II and mine is an '04 Gen I, but had the same problem.

Might help ya in ya thinkin'

I have Wild Bill Highway Pegs which move my feet more forward when desired

I moved the bars back and opened them up increasing the distance between the bar ends:

Heli Bars Gen I - Product ID: HC1300R FJR1300 (03-05)

(check for better prices on fleabay or elsewhere - Gen I only)

on top of

D&D 10 degree pullback risers

(only place I believe these can be purchased - Gen I only)

others accuse me with 2 sets of risers of riding a sailboat tiller handlebar setup, but it works fine for me


let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

Any body else out there getting right hand wrist pain? I rode my cruiser for years and never had any wrist pain until I got my FJR, any suggestions that you have I would be some what grateful.

I used to have pain in my right wrist.

When I was 15! :graduated:

I have an 08 and I replaced the entire stock triple clamp with one by Helibars. The link is the same as the one listed by Patriot. Model # is HRT076-2 for the USA version of Gen II, there is a different one for the European version. It actually lists the European one as European/Canadian. I didn't realize the ones in Canada were different from the US versions!! The triple clamp brings the bars 1/2" up and up to 1 3/4" back. Heli also sells risers that work with with their triple clamp to bring the bars up another 3/4". I'm 6'4" and find that the bars are high enough, it was just too far forward. Price tag is big but well worth it in my opinion. The Helibars triple clamp comes with 2 holes below the ignition hole for RAM-SMALL balls.

Note that replacing the triple clamp was harder than I thought, turns out the ignition is bolted to the stock triple clamp with tamper proof bolts that you have to drill out. I also had to disconnect the ignition wires from the bike and that connection is under the tank. Nothing that a typical set of tools and drill can't do but more than the 15 minute job I had assumed.

Stop trying to ride the FJR like a cruiser. :rolleyes:

Seriously though I went through the same thing when I went from a cruiser to a Blackbird and then an FJR. While you can do things like move the handlebars, add risers and throttle rests etc. it will make a bigger difference if you stop putting so much weight on your right wrist and settle down focusing your center of gravity on your torso and legs. Some have described it as riding in the Yoda position where you just kind of relax your stomach muscles and shoulders and keep only enough pressure on the grips to steer the bike and work the throttle.

You have to condition your body to the new position or rather un-condition it from the old cruiser style. It takes a while but it will do more long term to help than any physical changes you make to the bike to try and compensate. IMO.

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Well now... That was supposed to be a secret Michael :eek:

Poor ol Boker :( might as well post up the pics. :lol:


+1 On the Master Yoda position. The goal to relive pain is don't put weight on the joint, and try to keep your wrist flat, no severe angles. Take a look at your hands as you ride and see what is causing it. I suspect observation may help you determine what to do to correct it. Sometimes people with big hands squeeze too tight and things like grip puppies can help. My solution was simple. I was grabbing the throttle in such a position that when I applied throttle I was hyperextending my wrist . I just put my throttle hand over the top and rest a couple fingers on the brake lever, it acts as a support.

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Any body else out there getting right hand wrist pain? I rode my cruiser for years and never had any wrist pain until I got my FJR, any suggestions that you have I would be some what grateful.

I think since it is only your right wrist and not both of them, the problem might be traced to the fact that most riders coming from crusiers to the FJR suddenly find out that twisting the right grip actualy causes an enjoyable reaction from the motorcycle. Much like discovering the ability to masterbate, it becomes increasingly hard to stop doing the more you do it. You are likely just over working your wrist to satisfy your new found ability to cause pleasure.

I would never suggest that one should stop...but it might help to pace yourself some while at the same time you begin a regime of hand exercises to strengthen your wrist from the years of boring attrophy they endured riding a cruiser.

All the other suggestions above will of course help too...


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+1 of course for Master Yoda. Have also found that if I operate the throttle using just my thumb and forefinger I end up putting less weight the bars and any buzz is much less troublesome. Works for me anyway...

Thank Gawd for the Urban Dictionary... :rolleyes:

Maybe if they weren't dutching it so much they'd build up more strength in those right arms? :unsure:

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