Y.e.s Warranty

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Ripon, CA
This weekend is my "Times Up" on my warranty. I have an 05 FJR. I do all my own maint. I currently have 9800 miles and so far everything is perfect. No ticking either. I have never bought an extended warranty for any bike I have ever owned. My dealer said he will sell me the YES for $480. What do you guys think? Saturday its either buy it or forget it.

Hey Maddawq46,

Ya, I am in the same shoes as you. My factory warranty expires in September on my ‘05. I hate spending money on warranties. D & H sells the four year extended YES for $389. To the best of my knowledge, Yamaha is repairing tickers in or out of warranty because it appears it is a known defect. Curious...does anyone know if the YES warranty can be prorated? If I buy it now and sell/trade the bike next year…can I cash in the remainder of my warranty? Thanks.

I've never been big on extended warranties, but I'll have at least 75K on my '05 before YES expires and even though mine doesn't tick, I figure SOMETHING will happen by then that'll recoup the $389 I spent. Hell, I can just about guarantee I'll wear out the saddle bag latches by then, if nothing else.

I think it's a tough call. $100/year is pretty cheap as extended warranties go. OTOH, the FJR seems pretty bulletproof - the only thing that appears to be an issue at all is the ticking and Yamaha is fixing these without YES.

And like you, I'm also doing all my own maintenance. For early problems, I doubt Yamaha is going to make this much of an issue, but if I wear out a camshaft or lunch a main bearing at 60K miles and 3.5 years, I wonder how waving a bunch of dog-earred receipts for oil and oil filters is going to fly insofar as showing the bike has been properly maintained. In many ways, life just gets simpler by not getting it and fixing the odd problem that might occur by oneself.

I've got six months or so to decide.

- Mark

I think itys worth it just for the ticking issue alone. They are repairing some out of warranty. But will they 3-4 years hence with 45,000 miles showing on the odo?

Choose one:

a ) Yes.

b ) YES!

c ) I like to live dangerously and on the charity of Yamaha....so No.

d ) I have a net worth exceeding $1B and I go through FJR's like normal people go through Pez so what do I care.

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Anyone have the phone number of D&H Cycle? :rolleyes:

My dealer threw in a couple of years of additional warranty through some warranty company I never heard of, might as well add the real thing!

From search on THIS board it's already here in 4 or 5 places. The SEARCH button is under the "M" up there at the top of the page where is says FJRForum. Use it. It works well. Especially if you search for words with more than three letters. Don't ask.

I tossed around getting the YES plan for my '03 way back when, then bought from D&H.

It payed for itself this June when my ignition switch failed up in Lake George NY.

The replacement switch and labor cost nothing, AND I'm getting reimbursed $150 for trip interruption, and $50 for towing.

Of course, I'm STILL waiting for it since June, but at least it's coming!

WELL worth it IMHO.

Randy, you still would have been waiting, but it would all have been out of pocket. Not much of a silver lining, more like a, oh, Cerulean lining, but a lining nonetheless :D

yamaha's not gettin anymore of my money. if it starts ticking its traded. i don't have the patients to deal with that. i hear how some dealer jack you around, thats not for me.

just my opinion for what its worth.

I typically don't subscibe to extended warranties. Basically you are betting that it will break and the manufacterer is betting it won't. So why would you buy a bike that you are betting on breaking?

Having said that, I am going to keep this bike at least 5 years. That works out to less than $100.00 per year at D&H prices. Also Yamaha's reputation has been very good about honoring the extended warranty, unlike some auto manufacterers. As said previously, it does raise the value of the bike if I do sell it early. Then there is always the dreaded TICKER issue. Yamaha has been good about fixing some out of warranty, but why risk that for less than $100.00 a year?

Therefore the pros outweigh the cons for this extended warranty and I will buy the Y.E.S. extended warranty. Just my thoughts on the issue. :agent:
