Lots of great responses. It seems there are quite a few people of larger stature who have some experience with both the Venture and the FJR. (Mine is a 2002 Midnight Venture) I am a little concerned about shifting because in addition to my height, I wear a size 14 boot which may be a but difficult to get under the shift lever. (In the thread from my introductory post, someone mentioned that the shift lever can be raised a bit to make it easier to get under it?) I have to say I almost always use the heel-toe shifter on the Venture (heel to up-shift).
I don't think I am going to miss the riding position. While I can manage 600+ mile days on the Venture, I get a little stiff and sore after awhile. I suspect the FJR will be similar but with different muscles getting sore. I realize I can play with seat height a bit (two positions). Some people have suggested that handlebar risers could help with the ergos but I wouldn't do anything along those lines until I had some hours in the saddle. Is there an option for highway pegs to get the legs stretched out from time-to-time?
I don't think I'll miss the cruise control - I don't use it very often anyway. Might be a good thing to have on the FJR in the interest of preventing "performance awards" but I can certainly manage without it.
I never use the CB radio so that's not an issue and I think I can manage without the cassette deck. Although quality isn't the best, I will miss the stereo - I plug my GPS with MP3 player into the bike's aux input so I can enjoy tunes along with spoken directions from the GPS. I have never ridden with earbuds or helmet speakers before so I guess I'll have to see how that works for me. The screen on my GPS isn't bright enough to read in full sunlight so I rely upon audio prompts for the most part. I know I can find a lot of information on a site search, but does anyone have any particular recommendation on earbuds that are good for full-face helmets - perhaps even ones that block some ambient noise as well.
I originally bought the Venture because I thought I might be able to interest my wife in some 2-up touring but she has not had much interest in riding any distance while I ride well over 20,000 miles per year. I would love to have a reliable machine with a little (OK, a lot) more speed, power and vastly improved handling. As a BIG tourer, the Venture performs reasonably but I suspect it will feel like a farm tractor after the FJR.
Thanks for all of the input!