Yamaha Warranty.....Need Transfer?

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
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I just bought a 2004 FJR and the warranty is still in effect until October I believe. Do I need to do anything to transfer the warranty or should the bike be covered regardless??

From our friends at Google: warranty transfer site:fjrforum.com


I do not know how far back in year models this is available, but a call to a Yamaha dealer will answer that. It is required that you transfer/ register ownership with a Yamaha dealer from the prior owner to you before a warranty can be purchased. This must be done at a Yamaha dealer also, and the dealer is supposed to note the condition of the bike at the time for it to qualify for a YES warranty. May be some fee for that.
From this, I'd suggest you make a call to a local Yamaha dealer to ask what is required to transfer it to your name. It may be a simple as them verifying the VIN and the registration so they can notify Yamaha the name of the new owner. IIRC, the policy is on the bike so it will be in effect on that VIN.

From our friends at Google: warranty transfer site:fjrforum.comExcerpt:

I do not know how far back in year models this is available, but a call to a Yamaha dealer will answer that. It is required that you transfer/ register ownership with a Yamaha dealer from the prior owner to you before a warranty can be purchased. This must be done at a Yamaha dealer also, and the dealer is supposed to note the condition of the bike at the time for it to qualify for a YES warranty. May be some fee for that.
From this, I'd suggest you make a call to a local Yamaha dealer to ask what is required to transfer it to your name. It may be a simple as them verifying the VIN and the registration so they can notify Yamaha the name of the new owner. IIRC, the policy is on the bike so it will be in effect on that VIN.
Thanks Madmike......I appreciate it!!!


When I transferred mine, I called Yamaha Customer service in California and hence they mailed me the Policy with my name on it. It took about 2 weeks.

When I transferred mine, I called Yamaha Customer service in California and hence they mailed me the Policy with my name on it. It took about 2 weeks.
I am in the same situation with the warranty. I read about having to go through the dealer in the contract, but decided to try the phone call. Unfortunately, they would not budge.

They advised to contact dealer. The dealer may ask to see the bike and charge a fee for the inspection/transfer. Then they submit info to Yamaha and they in-turn send out the new paperwork.

I wish that call worked. Much easier and cheaper I suspect. Oh well, mine is good till Aug 2011, so I have little choice but to pay up.

The dealer may ask to see the bike and charge a fee for the inspection/transfer. Then they submit info to Yamaha and they in-turn send out the new paperwork.
If they try a fee.....find another dealer.

The dealer may ask to see the bike and charge a fee for the inspection/transfer. Then they submit info to Yamaha and they in-turn send out the new paperwork.
If they try a fee.....find another dealer.
Lucky for me, I do have some choice of dealers.....and will definately take your advice Ignacio. Thanks!

Oh, forgot to add one thing.... according to the contract, you have only 15 days from the date of sale to complete this transaction.

I shopped around for a dealer here in San Diego that would do it for free. Funny thing was, it was the dealer that I walked out of when they tried to stiff me on my trade in while trying to buy an '07 there. Loved the look on the sales guys faces when I drove up on my AE to transfer the warranty. :dribble:

BTW, the dealership said that the 15 days is not really a big deal, they would have transfered it even if it had been longer. Good luck. B)

I shopped around for a dealer here in San Diego that would do it for free. Funny thing was, it was the dealer that I walked out of when they tried to stiff me on my trade in while trying to buy an '07 there. Loved the look on the sales guys faces when I drove up on my AE to transfer the warranty. :dribble:
BTW, the dealership said that the 15 days is not really a big deal, they would have transfered it even if it had been longer. Good luck. B)
Had a similar deal with a Kubota dealership. Think he finally realized he was getting the better profit from doing my service work, (Tractors and diesel engines are not exactly my specialty) and got over the attitude about losing the initial sale.

The "Inspection" they mention seems pretty strange too if you think about it.....I mean, if something is wrong with it.....aren't they already responsible? I'm not complaining, I can play the game their way to earn 3 more years of peace of mind. I do far crazier stuff at the request of my own employer..... almost daily. :)

I transfered my 07 by visiting the dealer - " typically want to inspect the bike before we just transfer the warranty" but as I was unloading a can of whoop ass arguing the dealer backed down on the inspection and transfered the warranty no fuss but an 03 might be a different issue....IMHO it should not matter the guy before you paid for the warranty for XX years and if he still had the bike it would still be covered REGARDLESS of condition!! BS on the inspection IMHO

I transferred the Y.E.S. for my '05 after purchasing it in May by visiting the dealer like the paperwork said. Service guy said the 15 days was not only flexible, I would have been covered without the transfer. I had it in for the state inspection at the same time but the service writer just took the paperwork and left to change the ownership on the computer while the tech did the state inspection.

When I bought my 06 last month, I called the local dealer and was told they would need to keep it for a full day for inspection and cost $150.

Went to another dealer on of town and they did the paperwork/transfer in less than 5mins for free. I called the local dealer and cancelled the appt.


Yamaha states the bike has to be inspected for the original warranty to be transfered, not sure about the YES.
