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65 ft./lbs of torque, which Yamaha claims is more than many of its primary competitive models.

A modest 11.5:1 compression ratio suggests “tuning for torque,” as does the omission of a horsepower spec for the U.S. models but the European bikes have been rated at 113 hp
Thise numbers are about what my XS 11 did...with 200 less CCs.
200 CCs less, 210 pounds less and ~20 hp more. And, one cylinder less creating a better balanced motor plus the hallowed cross-plane crankshaft for those that will ride at 99.99999% of rear wheel traction.

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Cross plane is non-standard for a four cylinder. So Yamaha is doing something unusual there. But for a three cylinder cross plane is ?. A standard three has 120 degree crankshaft displacements. Haven't seen a photo of the crankshaft for this engine but the piston location in this cutaway appears unusual -- not 120 degree.

Maybe the center piston is not at TDC -- just a bit below TDC. That might explain the location of the other two.

The following comment should really go under a Sport-Touring Bike Heading; I might get a little "excited" IF Yamaha decided to make a light Sport-Touring version of this "World Changer". But for now I will reserve my excitement for when I back my somewhat modified FZ1 outta the Garage for an always welcome thrill ride in the real World.

Looks like my Ducati Monster, which I was glad to see the back of ....fun for a short run, but borrow one from a friend rather than owning one yourself

The following comment should really go under a Sport-Touring Bike Heading; I might get a little "excited" IF Yamaha decided to make a light Sport-Touring version of this "World Changer". But for now I will reserve my excitement for when I back my somewhat modified FZ1 outta the Garage for an always welcome thrill ride in the real World.
+1 Nothing here that makes me want to Craigs List my modded gen1 FZ1 anytime soon.

It's interesting that they've moved the injectors away from the throttle bodies and fastened them directly to the head. Seems like they might get a bit hotter there but maybe less fuel is used in this configuration. Less fuel wasted for a cold start-up, etc.

"The injectors are located such that the fuel is sprayed directly at the intake valves."

The cam chain tensioner is a new design. From the Yamaha Canada site:

Mechanical “half nut” cam chain tensioner reduces mechanical engine noise. This special design is a world’s first for Yamaha and better controls the flexing of the tensioner spring. The benefits include fewer parts and a lighter, more compact design.


Direct injection seems to be popular for high performance engines. It seems to cause more carbon buildup around the valves, so that might be a problem for these engines. We'll know in a couple of years.

It's not direct injection into the combustion chamber. They've just moved the injectors to the engine side of the flex coupling between the throttle bodies and the cylinder head. The fuel is injected straight down onto the intake valve inlets.

Direct injection seems to be popular for high performance engines. It seems to cause more carbon buildup around the valves, so that might be a problem for these engines. We'll know in a couple of years.
In a couple of years? How bout now? BMW has been building direct injection engines in their car and the carbon buildup issue is common. It's ok, you can take it to your nearest dealership and pay $600 to have them blast off the buildup with crushed walnut shells and be good again for a while.

Different from what they've been having lately in looks.

It's not direct injection into the combustion chamber. They've just moved the injectors to the engine side of the flex coupling between the throttle bodies and the cylinder head. The fuel is injected straight down onto the intake valve inlets.
Yes, I misread the way the injectors are configured. Still, they seem to be spraying fuel at the intake valves.

I know I am going to look very hard at it when it shows. I think it will and is a real deal and will be very quick and nimble. 8995 is a good price IMHO.
