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Thanks Tony, Look guys, now I have to trust the dealer over the other forum members!

Tony, I would have ordered from you myself but I am a firm beliver in not shopping the local dealerships and then buying 500 miles away. I hate it when my (RV) customers do that to our dealership then demand we service the unit under warranty. Nine times out ten you can't please them so they run all over the states badmouthing us. My own customers I rarley have a problem with. I have 3 Yamaha dealers in a 50 mile radius. The one I ordered from had bought an RV from us about 4 years ago. I paid more than alot of you did, $13,800 for the AE but hey, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. We made some money and he got a discout...same as I recived, everybody is happy that way.
I figured my smart ass remark would clue you in.

TWN got me started...

Buying a 100hp fjr would place this bike way down on peoples list and make it really undesirable IMHO.

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Thanks Tony, Look guys, now I have to trust the dealer over the other forum members!

Tony, I would have ordered from you myself but I am a firm beliver in not shopping the local dealerships and then buying 500 miles away. I hate it when my (RV) customers do that to our dealership then demand we service the unit under warranty. Nine times out ten you can't please them so they run all over the states badmouthing us. My own customers I rarley have a problem with. I have 3 Yamaha dealers in a 50 mile radius. The one I ordered from had bought an RV from us about 4 years ago. I paid more than alot of you did, $13,800 for the AE but hey, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. We made some money and he got a discout...same as I recived, everybody is happy that way.
I figured my smart ass remark would clue you in.

TWN got me started...

Buying a 100hp fjr would be place this bike way down on peoples list and make it really undesirable IMHO.
It is funny I bought many of my bikes local and when I go to get them serviced I get terrible results. Going to a dealer I didn't buy it from I got better results. Of course he then got my next purchase of 2 dirt bikes and I will never buy local again...

Note to self: TWN = trouble maker.

(just fng teasing back) Somebody always has to tease the new guy.

Yep, alot will depend on the dealership. We run a family business of 500 towable RVs a year. Owner always preached of taking care of the customer. We have always bent over backwards and ate alot of service just to keep people happy and keep them coming back. Trouble is, it is getting to expensive to eat all that service when the OEMs are shorting you on warranty claims left and right. I don't know about the two wheel business but the RV OEMs are hurting their own industry.

I am just happy I now know I am not getting a detuned! (TWN) :D

Note to self: TWN = trouble maker. (just fng teasing back) Somebody always has to tease the new guy.

Yep, alot will depend on the dealership. We run a family business of 500 towable RVs a year. Owner always preached of taking care of the customer. We have always bent over backwards and ate alot of service just to keep people happy and keep them coming back. Trouble is, it is getting to expensive to eat all that service when the OEMs are shorting you on warranty claims left and right. I don't know about the two wheel business but the RV OEMs are hurting their own industry.

I am just happy I now know I am not getting a detuned! (TWN) :D
Hey, I didn't want anything for free from the dealers I had a problem with, I was willing to pay.

First one offered me a 10% discount on parts himself I didn't ask if I bought my bike from him. This was the owner speaking. After my 3rd part he told me he was losing too much money on these discounts and couldn't do it anymore. Ok, I never returned.

Next dealer. When I would take any bike I owned to him it seemed like I was disturbing his lunch or something. I had put a cam in my 1100 vstar and I thought the tapping sounded much louder than before but wanted a professional opinion. He immediately started with liability crap and wasn't even going to let a mechanic listen to it. Finally I convinced him I wasn't trying to pull anything and just wanted advice.

Next was when I complained of vibrations in the handlebars of my fjr that my hand was actually numb within about 15 minutes of riding and showed him many posts of people that had their dealers contact Yamaha and adjust the CO levels and perhaps synch the carbs under warranty for them. He didn't want anything to do with it. Said it was how inline 4's were. Ok never mind. I went home got the tools online and synch'd it myself, yes way off on 1 & 4 and installed the PCIII to help. If he doesn't even want to make a phone call he is of no use to me...

When I had the problem with my front end wabble, the dealer I have now took plenty of time to talk with me and was willing to balance them and if I still felt the problem after I test rode (as they weren't willing to do 100mph) he would then put the new tires on. I just went for the new tires and was very happy with their attitude and the way they treated me.

Many dealers treat you like you don't know crap. When I get treated like this I move on. I know enough to catch people giving me the run around and I wouldn't want them doing it to me or my wife so you just lost me as a customer,,, see ya!!!

Tony was one of the dealers that knew of the Timing being off from the factory on some 1100 Vstars. I spoke to him personally about it over the phone a few years ago.

Around here my dealer didn't want to know about, learn anything about it or even check mine.

It is the lazy nature of some of these Service Managers that just get me. That same dealership under a different manager had put in High Compression pistons for me. It took a little talking to get him to do it but in the end he did it. That manager had a completely different attitude than the present one.

I have spoken to people on the street from me wearing a t-shirt that say the same thing so it is not just my bad attitude :D

Ok people, I am not really going to get some French detuned motor am I? Your teasing right? Rember, I am just a (F) *&%$#@ (NG) newbie. If it  was real I'll cancel the AE and buy a Roadliner instead! Have a heart with the new guy.
You will get a U.S. spec motor trust me!

All 06 US spec motors are the French (100 HP) ones, Its cheaper for Yamaha to just make one spec world wide.

:eek: :p

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Are you saying the dealer does not get the VIN until they recieve the bike? Doesn't that make it difficult for managing a trade-in? Say a buyer wants to trade a used ride against a new FJR. How can the dealer sell the used bike without the paperwork finalized for the new bike? This deal could be struck 6 months or more ahead of delivery. Even worse what if there is negative equity on the used bike and a lean balance that will move to the new contract? It would be difficult to give guantees to the buyer to release their old bike before the FJR comes in. Just sounds way more complicated to handle than a traditional sale.


We have no VIN until the bike is invoiced. I wouldn't think Yamaha would have this either. They would have a manifest of the numbers in a container, but until they are unloaded at port and the numbers verified it would not be feasible to give these to a dealer.

As far as trades go.....you would have to arrive at a price based upon the condition at the time the bike is appraised with an understanding that if the condition of the bike changes then so will the trade allowance. You could go ahead and trade and release the bike including any negative equity and start a deal with a dealer with the understanding that if the bike sells and then you can't follow through with your end you are owed the trade allowance and if there is negative trade equity then you would owe that difference if the bike has been paid off by the dealer.

Confused yet? It's easy to get that way! :blink:


Tony Orihuela

Yamaha Sportscenter
All's good if the dealer wants to cover the lean until the new bike arrives. I don't want to plant myself on the critic side of the PDP. Hell I'm waiting, so I must be ok with it. Still this is another example that could negatively impact overall FJR sales for Yamaha.

It's a good thing we don't have dealers in my area with the ability to answer tough questions as you have demonstrated in this thread. I already have a terrible weakness for buying motorcycles.



Ok people, I am not really going to get some French detuned motor am I? Your teasing right? Rember, I am just a (F) *&%$#@ (NG) newbie. If it  was real I'll cancel the AE and buy a Roadliner instead! Have a heart with the new guy.
You will get a U.S. spec motor trust me!

All 06 US spec motors are the French (100 HP) ones, Its cheaper for Yamaha to just make one spec world wide.

:eek: :p
Thank goodness! I was beginning to think I'd have to say bye to my $500 deposit and pick up an 1150RT. Really who can possibly use 145hp and 99ftlbs torque. :bigeyes:
