Yar! Its off to the piratefest!

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FrostBack #2 - IBA # 44620
Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Sudbury, ON
It's been cool and overcast/raining up here since last Sunday. I had Canada Day off (Wed) and it rained all day. Piss on it! I went riding! The weather finally broke up here late yesterday so some friends and I were making plans. We could either ride down to Parry Sound for the Annual Sport Bike Weekend, which pretty much guarantees squids! Cops! Babes! but mostly cops. The other option was to ride north to New Liskeard for the Annual Bikers Reunion to raise money for the local cancer center.

We agreed to be kickstands up at 8am as I had to be back home for a BBQ at 5. I show up at 8:02 and bump into a platoon of the pirate brigade. They're gonna wait around till it warms up before they leave. I wait until 8:30. Still no sign of my riding partners. Piss on it, I'm leaving. I tell the Pirate Brigade that if my buds show, I'll be waiting in Temagami for a bit.

Now understand, I'm in full gear, its about 50F and overcast with a strong north wind. Pirate boys take great pleasure in razzing me. "Enjoy hanging around Tim's until it warms up suckahs'!! I'm going riding!"

Ever get those days where those two coffees you had in the morning manage to generate 3.6 gallons of whiz? I was having one of those mornings. I ended up stopping 3 times in 175 miles. I wait at Temagami (*VERY* scenic place btw - no pics) for half an hour. A steady stream of pirates both heading to New Liskeard and standing around the parking lot cupping their coffee's with two hands. I depart, a moose with one antler, and his entrails spread all over the road just north of Temagami. Ewwwww.. Imagine how much offal is contained in a VERY large horse. Now double it and spread it over the road. Must have been a transport because their no glass or plastic anywhere to be seen. Cops have radar setup and are pulling people over in groups of 3 and 4. I slip by in full stealth mode.

I get to the event only to be queued up forever as the city has streets closed and cops directing traffic. The event guys direct me down behind this hotel beside the registration desk. Except theirs 4.5 million pirates behind their in an exceptional display of entropy. Another event dude points me out the behind the building BACK INTO THE DAMN QUEUE I just came from.

"Attention WalMart shoppers"

Piss on it, I manage to find a spot directly in front of the registration desk.


Find the FJR in the picture

I bump into an acquaintance (more on him in a bit) and we walk around checking the vendor booths 'n stuff. <yawn>. I do however see a woman get shot out of cannon. They count down from 5 and we don't have a clue whats going on, then, BOOM, this chick in helmet is flying about 75 feet through the air. DAMMIT! No pics.


A sea of pirates

We did see a couple of cool bikes though (of the non-HD variety)

Their was T-Rex with a set of Givi's on it!


And this 'trike' that was easily as big as a Cadillac (no joke). It had a 2.4L Ford engine in it. Damn. Why not just buy yourself a nice car!


Note the steering wheel!

I'd had enough after an hour though and headed back home. About half way home I pass the group of pirates that I had talked to before I left. I figure they left around 11am. So that means they spent 3 hours at the coffee shop. Or, maybe they did leave right after me, but had to stop 15 times to warm up, smoke and drink more coffee?

I pass the moose again. This time somebody has stopped on the opposite side of the road, creating a hazard (their are no shoulders on this road) to take pictures. Dumbasses!

Radar is still setup.. oh ya! I must have passed 300 hundred bikes in the 10 miles before the radar (no exaggeration). NOT ONE signalled me that their were cops ahead. F'n Pirates! Thank god for the transport who flashed his lights. So I rode the next 10 miles after the radar tapping the top of my helmet. I'm guess maybe one or two knows what that means.

Buddy I met thier (I really don't even know his name) is leading on the way back. We come to a passing lane. Theirs a transport in front of us. Theirs at least 5 cars behind me. Buddy pulls out to pass the transport. I guess that Harley of his sure is pretty, because it sure don't go! He rides beside the transport for about a mile. When he see's the passing lane coming to an end, he JUST gets in front of it. Leaving me to back off with all the cars in tow. *FUCKING ASSHOLE*.

'Buddy' is no longer a buddy. I make short work of his ass and leave him for dust.

Got home around 4:30 and had a bbq. Life is good.

Their was T-Rex with a set of Givi's on it!
Oh Man, "if" I could own any toy with no concern for price, it would be one of these! Kawasaki ZX 1400 motor, chain drive, & reverse?

O' Course, I'd have to defer to one of these if'n it was do-able to throw away cash into an incinerator;

Arghhh! :dribble:

No pirate babes that shouldn't be wearing what they were wearing?
Pirate - Babes. is pretty much an oxymoron. Sure, their were a couple, but nothing outstanding.

"I don't mean to be rude, and I'm not making a pass, but you must be taking a trip if your packing that much ass"

This thread had me baffled at first. I'll just let it go, though.

Nice writeup Steve...and I agree, a buddy who won't but barely pass a transport is no riding buddy of mine.

Hey...you survived the pirates! :clapping:
