Year two FJR overview

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Very, very nice farkle list. BTW I really like my MC Cruise.

As for the FZ-1 mirrors (I've got the Emgo after market ones), several weeks ago I did a 250 mile day ride with a 2008 FJR owner with stock mirrors. While he was running point I had the opportunity to watch his contortions as he attempted to get a view of me in his six. I've not ridden with stock mirrors, but just observing his difficulty in seeing behind him made me glad I have the knock-off FZ-1 mirrors.

So...anyone think of anthing I've missed? :lol:
Since you're obviously NOT putting your bike on a much-needed weight-loss program, howabout for you...


:blum:'re a cruel man. I know of no worse torture device than a stair-climber. B)

I do

Mother in Law

Glad to see your enjoying your ride. Adding the extras is half the fun.

Curious about this one

"Escort Redline with Techmount for unused mirror hole and waterproof box"

Can you show pics? I have a escort 9500i and am still stuggling with waterproof box.

I must have short arms. I have never noticed anything bad with stock mirrors. I have only a few farkles. Throttlemeister (which works great for me). I just lock it down and make slight adjustments until I get it right. Frame sliders because I dropped it in my driveway (nobody saw me do it). Damn 650 lbs is hard to catch when it starts going over. Yama touring screen which works good for me except even in low position it is to hot in the summer. It is less noisy in the up position if I open my helmet. I had a seat mod to lower the height but it did not help. I am finally OK with tiptoes but was wondering about lowering links. Do they do enough to be worthwhile?

I always think about getting a different motorcycle until I actually go for a ride on the FJR. Then I wonder why I even had such evil thoughts.

I occasionally ride with a Victory group. Now they just let me lead when twisty roads are coming. No sense in the holding me up. I get a kick out of watching their brake lights come on when we take the twisties. I do absolutly know the FJR is a superior touring bike to a Victory. (althought they do look good)

I need to spend more money (not really) so I guess more farkles are in the future. Maybe next year I will throw some money at a exhaust and a power commander V. A local performance shop said they have done several FJR's and they say it can make a difference. Of course I would not expect them to say anything different.


2009 Black beauty (very fasy)

Nova P,

I really (REALLY) like how you, and especially your wife unit, think.

Most people who have recently been down-sized (we used to just call it getting "laid off", but it isn't anything like getting laid, Well, on reconsideration, maybe it is) are all about cutting all the "frivolous" expenses. That typically means anything that you like to do. But all the required expenses, like phone and internet, and cars and TV, and cell phones, and, and, and... ( well, you get the picture) can't be touched! These are the necessities of modern life!!

Keep on rockin' and enjoying your lives. I have a feeling that you'll be back on your feet in no time, and your life experience gained will be well worth any trouble encountered.

Glad to see somebody doing something about the shitty economy. :rolleyes:
I had only planned on adding a few things then I was "downsized" about 2 weeks ago. My wife & I are fortunate enough to be in good financial shape even with the loss of my income. She told me to spend my severance check on accessories for the FJR and stop drooling over the keyboard at some of the amazing things that others have done with their bikes. This was the result.

The other reason I was able to do this is that we made the last lease payment on both of our cars the day before I got laid off. We have an older minivan which is paid for and the FJR is also paid for. We also turned the cable off, got rid of the house phone, a bunch of other non-essential services, and I sold the vast majority of my firearm collection. Not to get too far off topic but we discovered that we were both working all the time for more stuff which we simply didn't need. I was happy to hand the keys to my Toureg and Passat back to VW and be free of the absurd amount of money we were spending on them every month.

In turn, the wife bought a bunch of art supplies for her painting hobby and we are much more relaxed and happy people now. She cut back on her hours at work, I'm collecting unemployment for a bit, and we are both much better off as a result.
What a good wife you have!. And, I must commend you on cutting back on the non-motorcycling stuff. When I got laid off about a year ago, we went through the same questioning of what do we really want/need, what can we do without. Turns out, we are both willing to sacrifice the "extras", in order to feed our motorcycling habit.
