YES Extended Warranty

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I have never been a believer in extended warranties, most I have bought have never been used. I will buy the YES this time because it is so cheap. I did buy one on my $4000 Mits big screen tv about 4 years ago, $500.00 and it paid off. The tv failed last year and the repair place charged the warranty company 2 grand for the repair and this year the tv failed again, the warranty company gave me a new 50" plasma.

First was the tick repair on the '04, although it only sorta counted because Yamaha has been so good about repairing them period. But when the main wiring harness bailed out last summer on my '06 the YES did it's job as intended. When the diag time is factored in, that would have been one very expensive repair. (Thanks again Desert Powersports, I think you lost your ass on the repair but it didn't stop you from doing it right.) On a bike this complex, the YES is pretty cheap peace of mind.

And doesn't the YES also cover some costs if you get stuck on the road? I seem to remember coverage for a hotel room or some such?

Either way, I'm one of those guys that NEVER buys extended warranties but I'll be buying this one before my original one year warranty expires.

It seems alot of us who don't buy extended warranties are doing just that. At 389 you can't go wrong. I just bought one due to my AE being the first year of production and with the AE as a unknown, it really makes sense.

Well you guys get off cheap!

In Canada YES is called Protection Plus and it costs $770.65 (12 months) $881.95 (24 months $991.15 (36 months) $1288.50 for 48 months coverage.

I am still deciding...

...coverage in case there's a small chance of being a ticker.
Don't remember any cases where somebody was refused a valve guide repair because they didn't have YES, ultimately....
My '05 ticker was easily fixed with no hassle and no extended warranty.

Extended warranties rarely are used - I rode 5,800 miles in gas money with the money I saved by not getting the warranty.

BUT - only you can decide if its "worth it" for your peace of mind.

I did get the extended warranty on my '03 FJR and did not have to use it at all with 78,000 miles before the warranty ran out.

But, I figured after the beating Yamaha took on my '99 R1 they deserved to get the money for the extended warranty. I think these were all the items replaced on my '99 R1: a new frame, new gears and shift forks in the transmission three times, new wheel bearings, new cyclinders, new pistons, new rings, new ECU. The new cylinders and pistions and the third set of gears and shift forks were replaced at just over 100,000 miles. I think I got my money's worth out of that extended warranty.

I also bought it for my '02 R1 and when it was stolen after only a year and a couple months I was refunded a pro-rated amount minus the couple months over a year on it. Just remember that if you ever total a bike with the extended warranty or have it stolen, they will refund you the remaining portion.


Yes, will cover yout tow and some other misc expenses only if it was related specifically to something covered by YES. In other words, when/if yourt battery dies in the middle of no where you are SOL but should you be touring around and say the stator went bad and you were stranded I think there are some benefits for trip interuption services. Dont remember the exact details however.

Just take one quick look at the ads listing bikes for sale on this forum. If they didnt already put it in the original ad, the first post in response is almost always, "Does the bike come with a YES warranty"? Very helpful in reselling the bike should you ever become delirious and decide you want another bike besides a newer model.
