That looks like a lot of fun!
Fer sher! However, never having been to Colorado myself, and in light of Beeroux's evaluation of the planned rides, I intend to spend all my spare time and discretionary funds burning fossil fuel.
Besides, the last thing I need is another addiction. This looks like a gateway drug for me. Back in June of '83, as a rookie firefighter, we were dispatched to a skydiving accident. At the time, skydiving was on my short list of recreational pursuits. The guy whose chute didn't open was the same age as me at the time, and left behind a daughter the same age as mine was at the time. Standing there, looking at his exploded corpse kinda drove a point home that I took as a sign. He also happened to do this on the day his mother and grandmother had come out to watch him. His mom had to be taken in by ambulance.
Now, I realize that there are very few "accidents", even in skydiving. When his main chute failed, he panicked and pulled his reserve before cutting away the main. That's how I can justify riding a motorcycle. I believe they can be ridden safely, until personal experience proves me wrong, at which time I'll quit, if I survive.
But yeah, it definitely looks like fun! I just tend to over-think things....
One more related funny: When we went to get life insurance policies, the agent interrogated each of us, me first. When it was Eve's turn to answer the occupation question, she told the guy, stone-faced, that she was a professional skydiver. You had to be there to see the reaction as he stammered and stuttered, until she let him off the hook. :lol: