Yet Another Tire Question....

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Oct 26, 2005
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I am new to the site, having followed both the FJR sites for awhile. You guys went a long way towards helping me make up my mind to go to the FJR last year, and I haven't regretted buying my '05 for a second. Many thanks...


Also following general opinion of the site, I purchased a set of Avons and to replace the OEM tires (which lasted just over 13,000 miles....and about 1,000 too far!) last week. However, I have noticed a definite "wobble" in both tires between 5-10 mph, but only at that speed....otherwise they're fine. I'm assuming that the tires are out of balance (or more accurately were never IN balance!), but before I argue with the shop I was wondering if the Avons have any odd characteristics that may cause this.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.....thanks!

Yes many Avon users have noted a wobble in the 40-50mph range especially on deceleration. Its much more noticeable with their hands off the bars. The cause is likely the tread pattern but I may be wrong.

I listened to everyone bitch about how much they loved their new Avon Azaro's so I got a pair when my stock rear stone got a nail stuck in it at 6K. I was told by the tire Nazi(AZ tire Company) the Avons will feel more unstable because they have less rubber hitting the road( narrower contact patch verses Stones). They did have a better grip(more rubber) on the side walls then the stones though. If I had to do it again I think I would have stayed with the Stones. Enough said, just hit 17.4K and the Avon's look great and as they wear down will continue to put more rubber on the road. So they get better the more you ride them! B)

Generally people refer to the Avon 'wobble' as 'walking'. I haven't tried Avons yet but they will go on this winter so I expect to experience tire walking first hand in the spring. If you search the site you will find lots of discussion about it.

I guess I simply lucked out. Have had my Avons now for about 4K miles and I have never experienced the "wobble" even at slow speed. I looked for it when I first got the tires because of all that I have read but simply never felt it.

Now have about 21K miles on my 05 and have gone thru two sets of BT020's prior to the Avons. These are much better tires than the BT020's. And very confidence inspiring. So much so that I have occasionally touched down the pegs, right and left. Never did that with the BT020's.


22000 miles on my 05 and I am on the second set of Avons after replacing the OEM Stones at 8000 miles. I have not experienced the walk or the wobble on either of the front Avon's, and won't hesitate to keep buying them.

I think there are two things going on here: a slight front end wobble at very slow speed around a few mph, and the typical decel hands-off head shake around 40 mph.

I don't think the two are related. My experience on perhaps 50 bikes I've owned over the years is that the 2nd problem comes and goes with the phases of the moon. A worn front tire and loose steering head bearings seem to encourage it, but most bikes do it sooner or later. Unless I notice it with my hands on the bars, I don't worry about it much.

The 1st is something I've noticed only with my FJR on Avons. My FJR didn't have the problem on the OEM Bridgestones, but both times I've changed over to new Avons, it has suddenly appeared and then diminished as the tire wore in. Near the end of the tire's life it disappeared. It is never anything but a minor annoyance, although it is disconcerting the first time you notice it. I don't kow whether it is an Avon thing or a FJR-Avon thing.

I like the Avons, but I'm going with Pilot Roads next time. I've had good service from many different tire brands and I think it is very hard to buy a bad tire these days, but the only motorcycle tires I've never had any issues with whatsoever are Michelins.

- Mark

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Concur with your last post about Avons on the FJR. This has been my experience almost exactly.

I have switched to the Pilot Roads, and have about 2,200 miles on them so far.

So far, so good.

Good luck,

