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I don't understand why somebody spends the money on an expensive bike but cheaps out on the tires. :huh:
Particularly THAT bike....... if there was a machine that really should demand the best rubber, it would be this 170+ HP beast. :blink:

OTOH.... stretched and slammed like it is, it undoubtedly rides like a whale barge now anyway, so maybe the chinese crap wouldn't really be so bad for him. :glare:
I think you've missed the point WC...When old mate Mr.Tool said he wants to go racing he meant in a straight line!! It's a Busa RAIL! :blink: Clearly the Shinko's are only good for one or two burnouts (Maybe)....

Because said bike owner hasn't fully grasped the horsepower to road-surface interface.

Experience is a very determined task master and the laws of friction and gravity are merciless.

What's with all the bashing of Shinkos going on here?Can I get a show of hands from the people that have actually TRIED them and can confirm they are indeed "shit"?

You know, there was a time where we once laughed at the Japs for their "crappy" bikes and now look...

"Don't knock it till you try it" is all I'm saying.
Shinko comments from the resident tire shredder: Shinko comments

There are more: Shinko comment search

Post #49

"It's just a decent tire at a fantastic price, nothing more IMHO."

Two words:


I say let Darwin rule. As long as he only takes out him/herself then all is good. Less global warming, more O2 for everyone else. See it as a win/win situation.

https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?s...27797&st=40Post #49

"It's just a decent tire at a fantastic price, nothing more IMHO."
More illuminating quotes from that thread:

The other wear bars were at least 2.0mm from contact, but one was touching. I believe the tire was molded that badly out of round. The excessive weight required for balancing would reinforce that assumption. The Shinkos are shear entertainment in the cold rain. You are guaranteed to hear Paul Simon singing "Slip slidin' away", as you get to practice your clutch feathering and butt puckering skills.

:blink: Erm..... I believe I'll stay with tried-n-true Avons and Michelin's....

Remind them that I'm still in the market for a pancreas, any condition, low miles preferred.

it's not worth the calories to try to talk reason with some of these kids.
it's the same way on some of the WRX/STi boards. with them it's lowering a car that, in standard trim, can sometimes touch town in normal driving, or doing tens of thousands of dollars in mods[1] on a car that's just off the lot[2]. alternately it's limo tinting a car that is already profiled by every cop in a 50 mile radius[3].

while, in the next breath, they dogpile you for posting how you trounced some joker in a pony car (or pickup or riced out Yugo) on the way home from work because they kept revving their motor or otherwise being a dick at a stop light.

[1] and where do these teens and lower twenty year olds get the cash?

[2] voided warranty anyone?

[3] including the whole front windshield! "You get used to it", is the reply given when asking if it's dangerous at night.

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Anyone figure out what YGTBSM means? Is it NWS? :) At least it's not Yet Another TLA.

- JimY

[1] and where do these teens and lower twenty year olds get the cash?
From that rent-free lifestyle at Mom's! It's just amazing how much of your income becomes "disposable" when you live with mom, eat mom's food, mom buys your clothes, totes you on her insurance policy, pays your medical and dental expenses, etc., etc.

So.... how's that traction going to be when he strikes a deep pothole or speed bump, or whatever, and a hard point touches down, the bike gets leveraged off the wheels?
Hey, that's the reason they call it a DRAG bike! :p

Seriously though, I put Cheng-Shins on my CB450 only once. A couple rides in the rain taught me that even as a starving college student, money spent on tires was money well spent. When a clapped-out 30hp CB450 can spin up a tire, you know something's wrong.

And speaking of morons on sportbikes... what's up with the guys around here on CBRs & GSXRs with a helmet hanging off the back? You're going to buy a helmet, tote it around scratching the paint, but not wear it? LOL-WUT?

Kinda off-topic but not too far out. More to madmike’s point.

the laws of friction and gravity are merciless.
And often tragically, terminal.Just days ago a young man lost his life. He had been riding a 08 “Busa” on Hwy 129. I read that he left over 200 feet of skid marks. Tragic! Sincere sympathy to the family and friends.

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So since shinko is sponsering and has a new club if you win on a shinko you get prizes I wonder who is going to sponser the Beer rally the person who crossed the finish line with the most Blood alcohol content wins...

Shinko is also OEM and,

Shinko Motorcycle Tires and Western Power Sports is proud to be a major contingency sponsor for the AMA Dragbike championship series for the 2008 season. Shinko Motorcycle Tires/WPS are excited to announce that for 2008 it is extending its racing sponsorship to include the AMA Dragbike championship series.


Doug Ray owner of SpencerCycle and Shinko Racer Support Representative for the AMA Dragbike Championship Series announced today the introduction of the "Shinko 7 Second Club".

The "Shinko 7 Second Club" membership crew shirt that will be awarded to the riders that break the 7 second barrier will be on display very soon. They have been ordered and let me tell you...they are top shelf !" For more information on Shinko contingency please visit www.amadragbike.com

To be eligible for membership and induction the requirements are simple.

1. Run 7.99et or quicker during qualifying or eliminations during a AMA Dragbike Championship Series event.

2. You must run a front and a rear Shinko tire.

3. Purchase direct from the from the Shinko Racer Support Trailer at AMA Dragbike events or spencercycle.com

4. Register for the program. You can register by visiting the Shinko Racer Support Trailer on the manufactures midway

This thread reminds me of when I was managing a tire and repair shop.

A guy about my age came in with his 17 year old son. He had just purchased a 1970 Chevelle for the young man's first car. They came to be recommened by one of my good customers. He wanted me to go over the car and make sure it was safe and then give them advice as to what mods to do. It was to be a prodject for them. The car was a nice clean example but no SS . Bench seat automatic with a small block 2 barrel.

After a good going over I sat them down and suggested that the first thing to do was get rid of the 4 wheel non-power drum brakes. Convert over to power front disc. I explained that since the kid learned how to drive on a modern car with power disc and ABS, he is not going to be able to stop this car with any control or confidence if things got scary. Not to mention if he ever had to drive in the rain.

His father agreed with me and I put together a quote for parts and labor. They were on a tight budget and were only able to afford to do things a little at a time.

I told them a price and they went home to talk it over.

The next day they returned and told me they wanted to do a wheel and tire package first. His son was embarrased to drive around with those skinny tires and hubcaps. Neither myself or his father could talk any sence into this kid. So on went a set of 15" Creagers and BFG radial T/A s .

If you noticed I have been reffering to this car in the past tence. It only took this kid 2 days to mate in with a telephone pole and parked car. And it was raining that day.

A good thing he made it out OK with only a bumped head. Next time I saw him he was driving a Ford escort. Not as cool as a '70 Chevelle, even if it only had hubcaps. ( and power disc brakes ) :dribble:


[1] and where do these teens and lower twenty year olds get the cash?
From that rent-free lifestyle at Mom's! It's just amazing how much of your income becomes "disposable" when you live with mom, eat mom's food, mom buys your clothes, totes you on her insurance policy, pays your medical and dental expenses, etc., etc.
You missed the ending to the last sentence:

While pleading poverty to Mom and Dad.

From that rent-free lifestyle at Mom's! It's just amazing how much of your income becomes "disposable" when you live with mom, eat mom's food, mom buys your clothes, totes you on her insurance policy, pays your medical and dental expenses, etc., etc.
That's what we refer to as "Hito in the quartito," which translated means "kid in the little room." People around here sometimes find it necessary to build their poverty striken jobless kids a nice little private room in the back yard. They are allowed to live there well into their 40's and beyond. But they have a 'bitchen car!!

Then you add in the current cost of fuel and parts and all of a sudden, it looks like hell.......uh new sport.......................ping-pong anyone? PM. <>< :angry:
