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OK, Big Ogre, that's a hell of a good idea. And here's what I'm going to do. My wife has an embroidery machine that she uses for all kinds of things, usually putting designs or names on towels or pillowcases for gifts (or most every riding t-shirt I own), but she can--and agrees to--make up a bunch of exactly what you're talking about. I even have one of the "Remove Before Flight" key fobs that I showed her and she said "easy." She'll just make some up (they'll just say "I.C.E.") and put a grommet in the end for a key ring. I've even got a box of grommets out there right now from some job I did a while back and only needed one of them. I'll leave it up to anybody who asks to figure out how to attach it to the zipper pull on your own jacket--a split ring or whatever.". . . How about an oversized, bright red zipper pull? Maybe even with Emergency or ICE imprinted on it. Thinking here about those novelty "Remove Before Flight" tags. It would be functional as a zipper pull, can be used with any gear you have and what may be best of all, would allow the rider to choose what pocket he/she would like to use for holding the info."
If anybody's interested I'll start a separate thread to tell the folks about it. They won't cost enough to bother with; I'll just stick 'em in an envelope and send you one. I'll take a picture of the first one and post it asap.
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