Zero-Dollar Helmet Lock

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Not sure I've seen these hints mentioned on the forum so thought they might be helpful to someone.

I Forgot to bring my helmet cable/lock with me to work today so I found two alternatives.

1. First, I used my $3 disc-brake cable. I first fed one of the loops through the helmet and pulled the rest of the cable through the loop. Then I hooked the other end over the "tongue" of the locking assembly of my seat. When I lock the seat in place the helmet is also locked. I could easily have strung the cable through another helmet if necessary. The cable isn't long enough for the helmet to fall off and hit the ground so having the helmet blow off the seat (or get knocked off) shouldn't result in damage.





2. For the second alternative, I tied a knot in the end of my helmet strap and locked it into my saddle bag. I preferred this method best. It was fast and easy, felt secure, and the top of the side bag made a great place to rest the helmet.





Just a couple of tips when you're SOL... ;)

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I hate to be the nay sayer, but doesn't that cable cost money? Not exactly zero dollar if you ask me :p
I just KNEW somebody would call me on that one... Oh well, at least one of the suggestions is free (I didn't think anyone would look at the thread if I said it was a $3 solution (damn cheapskates))! ;) :lol:

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Thanks guys for the comments but the ol' saying applies. Not the one about "necessity being the mother of invention". I'm sure there's got to be some ol' saying about "a guy being too lazy to carry his helmet around that he'll think up something" so that he doesn't have to carry it?...

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My zero dollar helmet lock is the FREE cable gunlock I recieved from my local sheriff. Lock through the D ring and around the grab bars in the rear. Works great!

That helmet has to look cool when you pull it back from the scoot and let it go......whack, whack, whack, whack, whack...till the rubber wears out.

That helmet has to look cool when you pull it back from the scoot and let it go......whack, whack, whack, whack, whack...till the rubber wears out.

Of course, if you don't wear a helmet, this isn't an issue....

*ducks and runs for cover* ;)

This setup works good. I just run the cable through the helmet and jacket sleave if the side cases are too full. You can buy a six foot cable used for bicycles at your local hardware for about six bucks. Longer and larger diameter cable are also available so that you could lock up your bike along with the gear. Just run it through the wheel and then through the gear. PM. <><

Pain....why you gotta be so serious all the time....can't you laugh when you go running with scissors through the living room in the dark?

Pain....why you gotta be so serious all the time....can't you laugh when you go running with scissors through the living room in the dark?
Odot, slowly breathe in, now slowly breathe out. Now repeat after me, I will put the scissors down, I will put the scissors down. Now, slowly reach over and turn on the lights. You ok now?

Boy, send em to school, buy em their coloring books and what do they do? Tear out the pages. I got to tell em everything. Some kids never grow up......PM. <>< :lol:

Dude...I only tear them thar pages out because I am hungry....."mmmm........paper............paper............".....
