Zumo 450

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Sep 19, 2005
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I've seen it posted that people are buying Zumo 550's for under $700.00 ?

It may have been wishfull thinking on my part but I was hoping to buy a Zumo 450 for around $500.00.

Has anyone seen a deal on the 450?

Am I dreaming?


There isn't NEARLY as much markup on the 450 - it's still at $650 and probably won't drop anytime soon. Don't expect the kind of savings as on the 550.

I was initially going to go with a Zumo 450, thinking I didn't need the additional features on the 550. However, at the SoCal CCS-100 installation (thanks, Smitty!), Barabus showed me his 550, and sold me on the benefits of the upgraded features. The 550 was only $49 more than the 450 at my preferred seller (getfeetwet.com), so I changed my 450 pre-order to a 550 for immediate delivery. The more I use the 550, the more I know that it was totally worth the extra $50 - and I haven't even gotten my GXM-30 yet, and don't have a bluetooth capable phone.

The street-price on the 450 will probably drop, but not for 4-6 months. Until then, I think the 550 is a much better all-around deal.

Did the mount that came with the Zumo clip onto your handle bars easy or did you have to order an after market GPS mount? I'm looking at either the Zumo 450/550 or maybe a Quest model. The mounting is my major concern. I don't want to mount over the triple clamp, since I'm not that tall and I may have trouble seeing my gauges ect. Any input would be helpful.


Did the mount that came with the Zumo clip onto your handle bars easy or did you have to order an after market GPS mount? I'm looking at either the Zumo 450/550 or maybe a Quest model. The mounting is my major concern. I don't want to mount over the triple clamp, since I'm not that tall and I may have trouble seeing my gauges ect. Any input would be helpful.

You would have to be very short not to see over this one.

Check post #10
